ANS Flashcards
Autonomic tone
Normal background rate that reps the balance of the two systems according to body needs
Secreted by all pregangilonic receptors
–Parasympathetic tone
- Maintains smooth muscle tone in intestines
* Holds resting heart rate down to about 70 to 80 beats per minute
–Sympathetic tone
•Keeps most blood vessels partially constricted and maintains blood pressure
(Innervates blood vessels almost exclusively)
Sympathetic division: origins, fiber lengths, ganglia location
Fibers come from t1 & t2 (ventral rami)
Pregangilonic communicanta are short myelinated fibers
Postganglionic are unmyelinated
•Exist in 3 cervical, 11 thoracic, 4 lumbar, 4 sacral, and 1 coccygeal ganglion
Dual innervation
Viscera that receives both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers
Having antagonistic or cooperative effects on an organ
–Antagonistic effect
Oppose each other
Ex: sympathetic division will speed up HR and parasympathetic will slow it down
–Cooperative effects
Two divisions act on different effectors to produce a unified overall effect #WorkTogether
Parasympathetic division: origins, fiber lengths, ganglia location
–Fibers in cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X
–Fibers arising from sacral spinal cord
•Terminal ganglia in or near target organs
–Long preganglionic, short postganglionic fibers
Parasympathetic fibers
All are cholinergic because they secrete ACh
Adrenal glands
–Adrenal cortex (outer layer)
•Secretes steroid hormones
–Adrenal medulla (inner core)
*sympathetic ganglion
•modified postganglionic neurons without dendrites or axons
•Stimulated by preganglionic sympathetic neurons
•Secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine #neurotransmitter
Cholinergic Receptors
Muscarinic receptors and nicotinic receptors
Muscarinic receptors
- All cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and gland cells have muscarinic receptors
- Excitatory or inhibitory due to subclasses of muscarinic receptors
Nicotinic receptors
•On all ANS postganglionic neurons, in the adrenal medulla, and at neuromuscular junctions of skeletal muscle
•Excitatory when ACh binding occurs
Opens Na+ channels
Adrenergic fibers
Secrete norepinephrine which synapses to adrenergic receptors along with epinephrine