ANOIA Head/Neck/Face Flashcards
Sternocleidomastoid Origin
Sternal head: top of manubrium
Clavicular head: medial 1/3 of clavicle
Sternocleidomastoid insertion
Mastoid process of temporal bone and lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
Sternocleidomastoid Action
Unilaterally: Laterally flex head to same side, rotate head to opposite side
Bilaterally: flex the neck, assist in elevation of rib cage during inhalation
Sternocleidomastoid Nerve innervation
Spinal accessory nerve
Anterior scalene origin
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 3-6 (anterior tubercles)
Anterior scalene insertion
first rib
Anterior scalene nerve innervation
cervical plexus
Middle Scalene origin
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 2-7 (posterior tubercles)
Middle scalene insertion
first rib
Middle scalene action
Unilaterally: with ribs fixed laterally flex head and neck to same side
Bilaterally: elevate ribs during inhalation
Anterior scalene action
Unilaterally: with ribs fixed laterally flex head and neck to same side
Bilaterally: elevate ribs during inhalation, flex head and neck
Posterior scalene origin
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 6-7 (posterior tubercles)
Posterior scalene insertion
second rib
Posterior scalene action
Unilaterally: with ribs fixed laterally flex head and neck to same side
Bilaterally: elevate ribs during inhalation
Posterior scalene nerve innervation
Masseter origin
zygomatic arch
Masseter insertion
angle and ramus of mandible
Masseter action
Elevate mandible (temporomandibular joint), my assist to protract mandible
Massater nerve innervation
Trigeminal nerve
Temporalis origin
Temporal fossa and fascia
Temporalis insertion
Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus and mandible
Temporalis action
elevate mandible (temporomandibular joint), retract the mandible (TM joint)
Temporalis nerve innervation
Trigeminal nerve
Geniohyoid origin
underside of mandible
Geniohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
Geniohyoid action
Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible (temporomandibular joint)
Mylohyoid origin
underside of mandible
Mylohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
Myohyoid action
Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible (temporomandibular joint)
Stylohyoid origin
Styloid process
Stylohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
Stylohyoid action
Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible (temporomandibular joint)
Geniohyoid nerve innervation
Mylohyoid nerve innervation
Stylohyoid nerve innervation
Middle Scalene nerve innervation