Anne Boykin & Savina Schoenhofer- Afaf Ibrahim Meleis Flashcards
the between, call for nursing, nursing response and
personhood served as substantive and structural bases for
their conceptualization of nursing as caring. Nursing as caring
qualitatively transforms practice
“Theory of Nursing as Caring”
essential for understanding living as caring and appreciating their unique expression in the reciprocal relationship of the nurse and the nursed.
Mayeroff’s Major Ingredients Of Caring
What are the major ingredients of caring
knowing, alternating rhythm, patience, honesty, trust, humility, hope, courage
communities of scholars who develop a particular perspective
on the world and what it means to be in the world
Disciplines Of Knowledge
hold a value system in common that is expressed in its unique focus on knowledge and practice.
Disciplinary Communities
nurturing persons living and growing in caring
Focus Of Nursing
to know persons as caring and it to support and sustain them as they live caring.
Intention Of Nursing
the intentional and authentic presence of the nurse with another who is recognized as living in caring and growing in caring
Caring in nursing
constantly unfolding in caring
unique and unpredictable in the moment and therefore cannot and should not be manipulated or objectified as testable, researchable variables.
the locus of all that is known and done in nursing.
Nursing situation
the shared lived experience in which caring between nurse and nursed enhances personhood.
Nursing situation
a process of living that is grounded in caring.
implies being oneself as an authentic caring person and being open to unfold possibilities for caring.
opens the relationship to true caring between the nurse and the nursed
Direct Invitation
offers the opportunity to the nursed to share what truly matters in the moment. “How might I nurse you in ways that are meaningful to you?”
Direct Invitation
intentionality and authentic presence open the nurse to hearing calls for nursing.
Calls for Nursing
situated personal expressions that cannot be predicted, but originate within persons who are living caring in their lives and who hold hopes and aspirations for growing in caring.
Calls for Nursing
calls for nurturance perceived in the mind of the nurse
Calls for Nursing
when the nurse enters the world of the other person with the intention of knowing the other as a caring person.
Caring between
through presence and intentionality, the nurse comes to know the one nursed
Caring between
constant and mutual unfolding enhances this loving relation.
Caring between
unidirectional activity or reciprocal exchange
No Caring In Between
It is cocreated in the immediacy of what truly matters and is a specific expression of caring nurturance to sustain and enhance the other’s living and growing in caring.
Nursing Response
is a method for knowing nursing and a medium for all forms of nursing inquiry.
embodies the lived experience of nursing situation involving the nurse and the nursed.
content of nursing knowledge is generated, developed, conserved, and known through the lived experience of nursing situations.
this method recreates and represents the essence of the experience, making the knowledge of nursing available for further study.
the fundamental assumption or basic premise of nursing as caring that all persons are caring
Perception of Persons as Caring
fundamentally, potentially and actually, each person is caring
Persons are Caring by Virtue of their Humanness
Centers on valuing and celebrating human wholeness, the human person as living and growing in caring, and active personal engagement with others.
Persons are Caring by Virtue of their Humanness
no insufficiency, no brokenness, and no absence of something. The person is at all times whole.
Persons are Whole and Complete in the Moment
caring is a lifetime process that is lived moment to moment and is constantly unfolding
Persons Live Caring, Moment to Moment
Personhood is being authentic, demonstrating congruence between beliefs and behaviors, and living out the meaning of one’s life. From the perspective of nursing as caring, personhood is the universal human cell.
Personhood is Living Life Grounded in Caring
Caring is living in context of relational responsibilities and possibilities, and it acknowledges the importance of knowing the person as person
Personhood is Enhanced through Participating in Nurturing Relationships with Caring Others
As a discipline, nursing is a way of knowing, being, valuing, and living in the world and is envisaged as a unity of knowledge within a larger unity.
Nursing is both a Discipline and a Profession
attends to the discovery, creation, development, and refinement of knowledge needed for the practice of nursing
attends to the application of that knowledge in response to human needs