Ankle/Foot Flashcards
Ankle/Foot Landmarks
Talus Calcaneus Navicular Cuboid Cuneiforms (1-3) Tarsometatarsal joints Metatarsophalangeal joints Base of the 5th metatarsal Phalanges Medial Malleolus (tibia) Lateral Malleolus (Fibula) Fibular head Tibial tuberosity Anterior tibialis tendon Posterior tibialis tendon Extensor Hallucis Longus Tendon Fibularis Longus and Brevis tendons Plantar fascia Medial Longitudinal Arch Lateral Longitudinal Arch Transverse Tarsal Arch Metatarsal Arch Interosseous membrane and ATL Posterior talofibular ligament Anterior Talofibular ligament Calcaneofibular ligament Deltoid Ligament Achilles Tendon
Foot: Contents of Medial Longitudinal Arch
Calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuneiforms 1-3 Metatarsals 1-3
Foot: Contents of Lateral Longitudinal Arch
Calcaneus Talus Cuboid 4th and 5th metatarsal bones
Contents of Transverse Tarsal Arch
Navicular Cuboid Cuneiforms 1-3 Proximal metatarsals
Contents of Metatarsal Arch
Distal metatarsal heads
High Ankle sprain involves the ____ and the _____, evaluate with what test?
Interosseous membrane Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament Squeeze test
The Ankle Drawer Sign evaluates what?
Anterior Talofibular Ligament
The Talar Tilt test evaluates what?
Inversion: Calcaneofibular Ligament Eversion: Deltoid LIgament
The Thomson Test for the ankle/foot evaluates what?
Achilles Tendon
Dorsiflexion ROM
15-20 deg
Plantarflexion ROM
55-60 deg
Ankle inversion ROM
20 deg
Ankle Eversion ROM
10-20 deg
Subtalar inversion (lock out talus) ROM
5 deg
Subtalar Eversion (lock out talus) ROM
5 deg
Forefoot Adduction ROM
20 deg
Forefoot Abduction ROM
10 deg
1st Metatarsophalangeal Flexion ROM
45 deg
1st Metatarsophalangeal Extension ROM
70-90 deg
Evaluation of Inversion Calcaneus dysfxn
Physician grasps calcaneus in one hand and locks out motion of talus with other hand Eversion restriction
Evaluation of Eversion Calcaneus dysfxn
Physician grasps calcaneus in one hand and locks out motion of talus with other hand Inversion restriction
Anterior and posterior glide of the tibiotalar joint dysfxn
Restricted posterior glide with dorsiflexion Restricted anterior glide with plantarflexion
Anterior tibia on talus dysfxn
Ankle prefers plantarflexion and anterior glide Tibia is restricted in gliding posteriorly on talus
Posterior tibia on talus dysfxn
Ankle prefers dorsiflexion and posterior glide Tibia is restricted in gliding posteriorly on talus
Anterior Lateral Malleolus dysfxn
Lateral malleolus has free anterior glide relative to distal tibia Distal medial border of the talus is more prominent Lateral malleolus restricted in posterior glide
Posterior Lateral Malleolus dysfxn
Lateral malleolus has free posterior glide relative to the distal tibia Anterior portion of the talus is displaced in a lateral direction Lateral malleolus is restricted in anterior glide
Evaluation of tarsal bone dysfxn
Induce plantar glide by pressing inferiorly on tarsal bone Induce dorsal glide by pressing superiorly on tarsal bone
Most common dysfxn of navicular bone
Plantar navicular dysfxn, lateral navicular drops plantar
Evaluation of plantar navicular dysfxn
Physician locks out motion at the talus with one hand while grasping navicular bone bw thumb and 1st finger of other hand. Glide dorsally and ventrally, noting any restriction to motion and compare bilaterally Restricted in dorsal glide
Most common dysfxn of cuboid bone
Plantar cuboid dysfxn, medial cuboid drops plantar
Evaluation of Plantar Cuboid Dysfxn
Physician locks out motion of the calcaneus with one hand while grasping the cuboid bone b/w thumb and 1st finger of other hand. Glide dorsally and ventrally, noting any restriction to motion and compare bilaterally Restricted in dorsal glide
Plantar Cuboid Dysfxn commonly associated with ___
Posterior fibular head dysfxn
Most common dysfxn of Cuneiform bones
Plantar Cuneiform dysfxn
Evaluation of Plantar Cuneiform Dysfxn
Physician locks out motion at the navicular bone with one hand while grasping each cuneiform individually b/w thumb and 1st finger of other hand. Glide each cuneiform dorsally and ventrally, noting restriction to motion and compare bilaterally Restricted in dorsal glide
Evaluation of Metatarsal Dysfxn
Physician grasps metatarsal head with one hand and adjacent head with other hand. Glide plantar and dorsal relative to each other, nothing ease and restriction to motion and compare bilaterally
Evaluation of MTP, PIP, and DIP dysfxn
Evaluate flexion/extension, abduction/Adduction, IR/ER
Distal Fibula Anterior ART
Distal Fibula Posterior ART
Dorsiflexed Talus MET
Plantarflexed Talus MET
ART Talar Inversion/Eversion
MET: Everted Cuboid, Cuneiform, and Inverted Navicular with plantar glide
Cuneiform-Metatarsal Joint: Dorsal or Plantar Glide ART
MTP and PIP: Dorsal or Plantar Glide ART
Most common SD movement associated with Cuboid and navicular bones are with ___
During plantarflexion, the ___ aspect of the navicular bone and the ___ aspect of the cuboid bone drops plantar
Indications for MET/ART
Balance muscle tone
Strengthen weak muscles
Reduce asymmetrical motion
Enhance circulation of bodily fluids
Lengthen shortened muscle
Well tolerated in all age groups
Apply ART when MET not indicated
Contraindications for MET/ART
Fx or acute sprains
Spinal segmental/joint instability
If technique promotes tendon avulsion
Situations worsened by muscle activity (e.g. post-surgery, post-MI, metastasis)
Neurovascular compromise
Unable/Unwilling to follow verbal commands