Ankle and Foot Examination Flashcards
What are more common total ankle arthroplasty or ankle fusions
Ankle fusion
What is the order of the examination process (12)
- History
- Observation
- LQS prn
- Repeated movements
- Muscle performance
- Anthropometrics
- Special tests
- Joint play/passive accessory motion testing
- Functional testing
- Palpation
What can giving way be indicative of (2)
- Ligament
2. Pain
What can an ache be indicative of (2)
- Muscle
2. Arthritis
What can a sharp pain be indicative of (2)
- Nerve
2. Bone
What can stiffness be indicative of (2)
- Ligament
2. Muscle
What can numbness and tingling be indicative of (2)
- Nerve
2. Swelling
What can burning be indicative of (1)
- Nerve
What can sensitivity be indicative of (2)
- Pain
2. Infection
What can tearing be indicative of (2)
- Ligament
2. Muscle
Painful WB with first steps in the morning and after sitting for a while (2)
- Arthritis
2. Plantarfasciitis
Parathesias over lateral and ventral aspects of foot belowe ankle to digits 4-5 (2)
- Nerve
2. Radiculopathy
Symptoms in calf worsen with activity, gripping, and sharp pain (1)
- Compartment syndrome
Unable to perform single limb heel raise (3)
- Weakness,
- Strain
- Rupture
Diffuse burning in foot that is worse in the pm (3)
- Tarsal tunnel
- Neuropathy
- Venous insufficiency
What is pain at rest indicative of
Not usually mechanical
What is pain with activity indicative of
What is pain after activity indicative of
When is plantar fasciitis worse pm or am
When is tarsal tunnel worse
Which arch change is most evident from NWB to WB
Medial longitudinal arch
What can cause a too many toes sign (2)
- Pes cavus
2. Pes planus
Why do pes cavus and pes planus cause a too many toes sign
Calcaneus is not in line with the tibia
What is normal dorsiflexion of the ankle
What is normal dorsiflexion of the ankle with the knee flexed
Look up
What is normal plantarflexion of the ankle
What is normal inversion of the tarsal joints
Look up
What is normal eversion of the tarsal joints
Look up
What is normal inversion of the subtalar joint
What is normal eversion of the subtalar joint
What is normal inversion of the transverse tarsal joint
Look up
What is normal eversion of the transverse tarsal joint
Look up
What is normal flexion of the MTP joints
What is normal extension of the MTP joints
What is normal abduction of the MTP joints
Look up
What is normal adduction of the MTP joints
Look up
What is normal flexion of the IP joints
Look up
What is normal extension of the IP joints
Look up
How many of the motions need to be limited for a capsular pattern to be present
All motions but they don’t all need to be equally limited
What is the capsular pattern of the talocrural joint
PF greater than DF
What is the capsular pattern of the subtalar joint
Limited varus/valgus PROM translation
What is the capsular pattern of the transverse tarsal joint
DF then PF then ADD then IR
What is the capsular pattern of the 1st MTP joint
Extension greater than flexion
What are the functional requirements at the talocrural joint during gait
DF: 10
PF: 20
What are the functional requirements at the talocrural joint to ascend stairs
DF: 20-25
PF: 10-15
What are the functional requirements a the talocrural joint while running
DF: 25
PF: 25
What is the closed pack position of the talocrural joint
Full DF
What are common sites for foot fractures (3)
- 5th metatarsal
- Stress fracture of metatarsals
- Calcaneous
What is an other name for a 5th metatarsal fracture
Marching fracture
What are the special tests for a stress fracture (2)
- Metatarsal compression test
2. Tuning fork
What are the Ottawa Ankle Rules for ankle x-rays (4)
- Pain in anterior aspect of medial or lateral malleoli and anterior talar dome area
- Bone tenderness at posterior medial malleous
- Bone tenderness at lateral malleous
- Inability to bear weight on limb immediately after the injury and in the emergency room (ER)
What are the Ottawa Ankle Rules for foot x-rays (4)
- Pain in dorsal medial and lateral aspect of midfoot
- Bone tenderness at the base of the 5th metatarsal
- Bone tenderness at navicular
- Inability to bear weight on limb immediately after the injury and in the emergency room (ER)
What is the metatarsal compression test (Morton’s test)
Compress the forefoot to aggravate any potential fractures
What is the tuning fork test
Place stethescope on fibular head and hit tuning fork on lateral malleous
What is a positive tuning fork test
Different tuning fork sound heard by stethescope
True or False:
The metatarsal compression test gives a lot of false positives in patient
What causes an achilles tendon rupture
Trauma, jumping or landing, prolonged steroid use
What are the special tests for achilles tendon rupture (2)
- Thompson test
2. Bilateral toe raise
What is the Thompson test
Squeeze calf and see if there is any plantarflexion present if not it is positive
What is the bilateral toe raise
Have the patient go up onto toes and see if they can complete the task and compare legs
What causes a deep vein thrombosis (2)
- After recent surgery
2. Immobilization