Animals Flashcards
translate into English:
das Tier
the animal
translate into English:
der Affe
the monkey
translate into English:
der Bär
the bear
translate into English:
die Biene
the bee
translate into English:
der Elefant
the elephant
translate into English:
die Ente
the duck
translate into English:
der Fisch
the fish
translate into English:
die Fliege
the fly
translate into English:
die Giraffe
the giraffe
translate into English:
der Hase
the hare
translate into English:
der Hund
the dog
translate into English:
das Insekt
the insect
translate into English:
die Katze
the cat
translate into English:
die Kuh
the cow
translate into English:
der Löwe
the lion
translate into English:
die Maus
the mouse
translate into English:
die Mücke
the mosquito
translate into English:
das Pferd
the horse
translate into English:
der Pinguin
the penguin