Abreviations Flashcards
translate into English:
die Abkürzung (en)
the abbreviation
translate into English:
das Abo
the subscription (short for das Abonnement)
translate into English:
der Akku
the battery (short for der Akkumulator)
translate into English:
that is, rather (short for beziehungsweise)
translate into English:
approximately (short for circa / zirka)
translate into English:
that means (short for das heißt)
translate into English:
die DVD
the DVD
translate into English:
das EG
the ground floor (short for das Erdgeschoss)
translate into English:
das OG
the upper floor (short for das Obergeschoss)
translate into English:
das UG
the basement (short for das Untergeschoss)
translate into English:
der ICE
the Intercity express train
translate into English:
das Kfz
the motor vehicle (short for das Kraftfahrzeug)
translate into English:
der Lkw
the truck (short for der Lastkraftwagen)
translate into English:
der PC
the personal computer
translate into English:
der TV
the television
translate into English:
etc. (short for und so weiter)
translate into English:
refers to, e.g., page number (short for vergleiche)
translate into English:
das WC
the toilet (short for das Wasserklosett)
translate into English:
die WG
the flat sharers (short for die Wohngemeinschaft)
translate into English:
for example (short for zum Beispiel)
translate into German:
the abbreviation
die Abkürzung (en)
translate into German:
the subscription (short for das Abonnement)
das Abo
translate into German:
the battery (short for der Akkumulator)
der Akku
translate into German:
that is, rather (short for beziehungsweise)
translate into German:
approximately (short for circa / zirka)
translate into German:
that means (short for das heißt)
translate into German:
the DVD
die DVD
translate into German:
the ground floor (short for das Erdgeschoss)
das EG
translate into German:
the upper floor (short for das Obergeschoss)
das OG
translate into German:
the basement (short for das Untergeschoss)
das UG
translate into German:
the Intercity express train
der ICE
translate into German:
the motor vehicle (short for das Kraftfahrzeug)
das Kfz
translate into German:
the truck (short for der Lastkraftwagen)
der Lkw
translate into German:
the personal computer
der PC
translate into German:
the television
das TV
translate into German:
etc. (short for und so weiter)
translate into German:
refers to, e.g., page number (short for vergleiche)
translate into German:
the toilet (short for Wasserklossett)
das WC
translate into German:
the flat sharers (short for die Wohngemeinschaft)
die WG
translate into German:
for example (short for zum Beispiel)