Animals Flashcards
Kingdom Animalia Characteristics
- multicellular
- eukaryotic
- heterotrophic
- produce sexually (some simpler members produce asexually too)
- further characterized by having specialized cells & tissues
- Lack backbone
- estimated 97% are invertebrates
- ex) sponges
- also called pore bears because of its pores on the sides
- have no tissues or organs
- nearly all are marine and sessile (live on bottom of ocean attached onto something)
- asymmetrical
- Known as filter feeders
- have spicules = supporting structures
- can produce asexually (budding) or sexually by producing egg and sperm
water flow & how they eat:
- outer surfaced is covered with flat pore cells which allow water to come in,
- water is then pumped into larger canal lined with collar cells (choanocytes)
- The cells have flagellum that creates currents and thin collar traps food that is later ingested and passed to cells (amoebocytes) for distribution
- Water then leaves through the osculum (large opening at top)
ex) jelly fish, sea anemone, coral
- mainly marine
- have tissues to perform specific functions
- Radial symmetry
- either shaped as a polup (= sessile, cylyndrical sac-like body) or medusa
- Have centrally located mouth surrounded by tentacles
- Almost all carnivors & use nematocyst (stinging structures) to paralyze prey.
- Food is pulled into blind gut where its digested
- Due to their acoelmate (single opening) wastes leaves through mouth too
- can do sexual and asexual reproduction
- Many begin life as polyp and become free swimming as adults
ex) tapeworm, planaria
- known as flatworms
- are the simplest invertebrates that have organs and organ systems
- have single brain and nervous system that coordinates the movements of the muscular system
- Concentration of nerves in the anterior end is called cephalization
DIET: are free living carnivores
FEEDING: have a pharynx they extend to take in food and digest it - have eyespots to detect light
HOW DO THEY EAT: attach themselves inside intestines and absorb nutrients hosts take in
- They dont have digestive systems cause theyre parasitic and organism they live off of has already digested it
- this allows room for well-developed reproductive systems in form of PROGLOTIDS
- have female and male reproductive parts
First time we see some type of NERVOUS SYSTEM
Concentration of nerves in anterior end
ex) ascaris, hookworm
- known as roundworms
- have tubular digestive systems running through body with separate mouth and anus
- get shape from a fluid filled body cavity (pseudocoel) between digestive track and the body wall which acts as a hydrostatic skeleton
- most members are parasitic
- covered with tough cuticle
- reproduce sexually with separate sexes
*first time we see FULL REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (mouth + anus)
ex) earthworm, leach