burger for Lorenz goose (ANIMAL STUDIES OF
B: Lorenz studied imprinting in goslings by incubating eggs to observe first attachments.
U: Goslings followed the first moving object they saw, whether it was Lorenz or their mother.
R: Findings indicated a critical period for imprinting, as it did not occur later in life.
G: Strength: Guiton et al. supported Lorenz’s findings, confirming imprinting behavior.
E: Important for understanding attachment mechanisms in birds and their evolutionary significance.
R: Weakness: Some argue imprinting may be reversible and could be just a learned behavior.
burger for Harlow’s monkeys (ANIMAL STUDIES OF
B: Harlow’s experiment involved wire and cloth-covered ‘mothers’ to assess attachment in monkeys.
U: Monkeys preferred the cloth mother for comfort, regardless of feeding.
R: Results showed that attachment must be formed before six months for normal development.
G: Strength: Confirmed that early attachments are crucial for social and sexual development.
E: Highlights the importance of comfort and security in attachment beyond mere feeding.
R: Weakness: Wire mothers had different faces, introducing confounding variables in the study.