animal studies Flashcards
Lorenz’s Geese : AIM
to investigate how attachments form in geese
Lorenz’s Geese : PROCEDURE
- took a large clutch of goose eggs
- placed half of the eggs with a goose mother
- other half were put in an incubator, the first moving object they would see would be Lorenz
Lorenz’s Geese : FINDINGS
- when the geese hatched Lorenz imitated a mother goose’s quacking sounds
- the young birds regarded him as their mother and hollowed him
- the mother group followed their mother goose
- when mixed together the two groups separated to go to their ‘mother’ = IMPRINTING
- imprinting = where species that are mobile from birth attach to the first moving object they see
Lorenz’s Geese : CONCLUSION
- imprinting has a critical period
- strongest responses occurred between 12 and 17 hours
- after 32 hours the response was unlikely to occur at all
- once imprinting has occurred it cannot be reversed
Harlow’s Monkeys : AIM
to investigate whether food or comfort was more important in forming a bond in moneys
Harlow’s Monkeys : PROCEDURE
- reared 16 baby monkeys with two wire model ‘mothers’, one was covered in cloth
- 1st condition = the wire mother dispensed milk
- 2nd condition = the cloth mother dispensed milk
Harlow’s Monkeys : FINDINGS
- the monkeys preferred the cloth monkey to the wire one
- when they frightened the monkeys they ran to the cloth mother even though it didn’t dispense milk
- the monkeys showed dysfunctional behaviours when introduced to other monkeys
- they were : aggressive and less sociable
- they struggled with mating and some killed their own offspring
Harlow’s Monkeys : CONCLUSION
- attachment is more concerned with warmth and emotional security than food
- early deprivation of a real comforting mother leads to irreversible damage
evaluation of animal studies
real world application
critical or sensitive?
real world application : EVALUATION OF ANIMAL STUDIES
- Harlow’s research has good practical application to society
- e.g. social work, we can now understand how important it is for a baby to be placed with adopting families as early as possible so they can attach securely
- it is difficult to generalise findings from animals to humans
- attachment in humans may be different to attachments animals form as human babies are more defenceless when born and need a higher degree of care than monkeys
critical or sensitive? : EVALUATION OF ANIMAL STUDIES
- conducted research with ducklings and successfully imprinted them onto himself
- he kept one duckling in isolation for 5 days
- that duckling was unable to imprint
- rather than a critical period there was a sensitive period when imprinting was best to occur but attachments could still be formed later