Animal Science Test (Facility) Flashcards
5 Different Types of Animal Behaviors
What is the difference between a learned behavior and an instinctual
Instinct - Behavior that occurs automatically to a stimulus (Eating, Drinking, and breeding.) (Genetic)
Learned - Behaviors that are taught (Imprinting, conditioning, Habitation.)
What are blind spots and how do we utilize them
Blind spot is directly behind them. We utilize blind spots to keep animals calm, apply medicine, slaughter animals, make animals move, etc
What are the different types of learned behaviors
• Imprinting
– Animals attaching themselves (socializing) to an individual early on
• Conditioning
– Training an animal to respond to a stimulus
• Habituation
– Getting used to or ignoring a stimulus
What 3 ways do animals communicate with each other
What is Biosecurity
The practices that protect herd health by preventing the spread of pathogens. (Disease)
– Reducing the potential for diseases to reach the farm
– Controlling the spread of diseases on the farm
What are the risk factors of a farm in terms of biosecurity
• New Animals on the farm
• Returning animals from fairs
• Visitors to the Farm
• Equipment and Trucks
• Wildlife
How can you limit exposure of livestock
• Isolation
– Keep new and returning animals separate – Limit contact with outside people
• Resistance
– Vaccination and parasite control programs
• Sanitation
– Clean and disinfect facilities regularly – Provide clean clothing and boots
What things does shelter provide
• Provides protection from environmental extremes.
– Sun
– Wind
– Rain
– Snow
What are the 6 different considerations when building a facility
– Basic animal needs
– Space requirements
– Life stages
– Handling
– Providing health care
– Transporting
What is a thermal neutral zone
the range of ambient temperatures where the body can maintain its core temperature solely through regulating dry heat loss. (A range of temperatures in which an animal is the most comfortable.)
Identify 3 impacts of heat stress
– Reduced feed intake ~ decreases heat from digestion
– Panting
– Sweating
– Blood vessels dilate
– Decreased growth rate
Identify 3 impacts of cold stress
– Higher energy requirement to maintain body temp
– Bunching
– Hair provides air insulation
– Blood vessels constrict
– Reduces feed efficiency
Why is ventilation important and what does it provide
Without ventilation, facilities wouldn’t be able to provide a comfortable and controlled environment for an animal
• Provides:
– Temperature control
– Fresh air
– Odor removal
3 step process to calculate scales
- Measure and make it an improper fraction
- Divide by 16
- Multiply by scale