Animal enrichment & Keepers Flashcards
What is animal enrichment?
a. Playing with each animal on a daily basis.
b. Providing specific materials to exhibits to enhance the animal’s daily experience.
c. Seeing an animal look enriched.
d. Non is correct.
b. Providing specific materials to exhibits to enhance the animal’s daily experience.
What does SSP stand for?
a. Species Survival Plan
b. Species Surval Promotion
c. Survival Species Program
d. I have no idea
a. Species Survival Plan
The sportsman’s group that legally acquires ASDM’s bighorn sheep is directly responsible for ‘saving’ the bighorn population by contributing funds that transfer sheep to different mountain ranges, insuring genetic diversity.
True or False
Decline in bighorn sheep pupulation is due to human disease introduced by man.
True or False
ASDM hummingbirds are bred on-site, or collected from the wild with appropriate permits.
True or False
Animals that are bred are either kept at ASDM or transferred to another facility by request.
True or False
Animals are only bred at ASDM if there is a need to increase their population or provide genetic diversity.
True or False
To prevent breeding, zoos will uitlize contraceptive implants, neuter animals or separate female and male animals on exhibit.
True or False
Public safety is extremely important to zoos. All of ASDM’s exhibits are designed specifically to keep animals in their enclossure and provide safe viewing for visitors.
True or False
Each exhibit is specifically designed to address ASDM’s space requirements regardless of animal needs.
True or False
When a visitor askes if an animal is male or fenale and you know, answer the question. If you do not know, the best approach is to guess or make something up.
True or False
When a visitor asks “How old is the animal?” immediately give out the age.
True or False
Many animals are solitary in the wild but occasionally animals that are raised in captivity are compatible with the same species. Typically these animals have been raised together since they were young.
True or False
ASDM exhibits several injured animals acquired from rehab facilities.
True or False
When animals have been injured in the wild and cared for in captivity, they can be released back into the wild once they are healthy.
True or False
Animals injured in the wild typically become imprinted by humans during their care and recovery and lose their natural wild instincts.
True or False
A visitor states they they feel sorry for the animal because it is pacing. When the wolves are pacing it typically means that the keeper is not around.
True or False
Keepers have a close relationship with the animals since they provide daily care including cleaning of the exhibit and feeding.
True or False
If an animal ever escaped from and ASDM exhibit, it would be immediately reported and the appropriate staff would contain the animal.
True or False
Most of the animals in ASDM are fed live prey.
True or False
At ASDM all the medical care for the animals is provided by the keepers.
True or False
It is very important to maintain wildlife corridors so animals can safely travel.
True or False
Mountain lion males will disperse to find mates and can be seen crossing wildlife corridors between the mountains ranges around Tucson.
True or False
Animal dispersal helps to ensure genitic diversity.
True or False
The decisions to breed and transfer SSP animals are determined by a SSP group.
True or False
Zoos keephusbandry manuals and records on all AZA animals to maintain diversity in the gene pool.
True or False
Regarding breeding at ASDM, each animal is cclosely monitored and breeding is only conducted if there is a need by the museum, or if there is a request from another zoo or individual donor.
True or False
Check the activities ASDM keepers are involved in.
___ Animal enrichment
___ Feeding animals
___ Cleaning exhibits
___ Attending AZA conferences, workshops or maintaining studbooks
___ Monitoring animal behavior and overall health
_X__ Animal enrichment
_X__ Feeding animals
_X__ Cleaning exhibits
_X__ Attending AZA conferences, workshops or maintaining studbooks
_X__ Monitoring animal behavior and overall health
Check the examples of animal enrichment items used at ASDM.
___ Phone books and pumpkiins
___ Paper mache objects
___ Animal urine and perfume
___ Ice blocks with food items inside
___ Hair, boxes, toys, etc.
_X__ Phone books and pumpkiins
_X__ Paper mache objects
_X__ Animal urine and perfume
_X__ Ice blocks with food items inside
_X__ Hair, boxes, toys, etc.
Check the correct statemen)s_ about where ASDM acquires the bighorn sheep.
___ Bighorn sheep are on load from the Arizona Game & Fish Department
___ Animals are acquired legally from the wild by the sportsman’s group, who do hunt bighorn sheep
___ The bighorn sheep were collected in the Kofa mountain raince near Quartzite, Arizona
_X__ Bighorn sheep are on load from the Arizona Game & Fish Department
_X__ Animals are acquired legally from the wild by the sportsman’s group, who do hunt bighorn sheep
_X__ The bighorn sheep were collected in the Kofa mountain raince near Quartzite, Arizona
Check the correct response(s) when a visitor asks, “Does the animal have a name?”
___ The keepers do use names to distinguish the animals for care and our records.
___ We do not share the names with the public.
___The animals on exhibit are our ambassadors who help tell the story of the species in the wild.
___ “Let me tell you about where this animal can be found in our region.”
_X__ The keepers do use names to distinguish the animals for care and our records.
___ We do not share the names with the public.
_X__The animals on exhibit are our ambassadors who help tell the story of the species in the wild.
_X__ “Let me tell you about where this animal can be found in our region.”
Check the correct response(s) when a visitor asks, “Where does the animal stay at night?”
___ Almost all of our animals have an enclosed area where they go during the night.
___ Animals are never allowed access to seek privacy from the public view during the day.
___ Our birds roost in the evening and remain on exhibit.
___ In the wild this animal would seek refuge in …
___ This is a nocturnal animal and would sleep during the day …
_X__ Almost all of our animals have an enclosed area where they go during the night.
___ Animals are never allowed access to seek privacy from the public view during the day.
_X__ Our birds roost in the evening and remain on exhibit.
_X__ In the wild this animal would seek refuge in …
_X__ This is a nocturnal animal and would sleep during the day …
Check the correct reson(s) when a visitor asks, “What do the animals eat?”
___ All of our animals receive a nutritious diet.
___ The diet repliccates the vitamins and minerals the animals would obtain from the wild.
___ The diet does not need to be closely monitored by the keepers who care for the animals.
___ “Let me tell you about this animal and what it would eat in the wild.” …
_X__ All of our animals receive a nutritious diet.
_X__ The diet repliccates the vitamins and minerals the animals would obtain from the wild.
___ The diet does not need to be closely monitored by the keepers who care for the animals.
_X__ “Let me tell you about this animal and what it would eat in the wild.” …
The visitor says they feel sorry for the animal because it is in a small cage. Check the correct response(s).
___ Many animals, such as snakes do not need a large territory as long as their needs are met for food and shelter. This is also true for many other species.
___ Providing gfor the health of the collection at ASDM is a top priority, and animal enrichment is one key component.
___ We can change the animals’ environment by creating visual barriers, climbing structures, resting areas, water features, digging opportunities, and by adding “furniture” and plants.
___ The introduction of favorite smells, authentic sounds, varied temperatures and alternate food presentation enhances the quality of the environment.
___ Enouraging animals to use their natural abilities every day stimulates their psychological and physical well being.
___ ASDM attempts to duplicate the complex problems animals face in the wild for their benefit and allows visitors to see the collection as they might encounter them in their natural habitats.
___ The behavior of this animal in the wild might be …
_X__ Many animals, such as snakes do not need a large territory as long as their needs are met for food and shelter. This is also true for many other species.
_X__ Providing gfor the health of the collection at ASDM is a top priority, and animal enrichment is one key component.
_X__ We can change the animals’ environment by creating visual barriers, climbing structures, resting areas, water features, digging opportunities, and by adding “furniture” and plants.
_X__ The introduction of favorite smells, authentic sounds, varied temperatures and alternate food presentation enhances the quality of the environment.
_X__ Enouraging animals to use their natural abilities every day stimulates their psychological and physical well being.
_X__ ASDM attempts to duplicate the complex problems animals face in the wild for their benefit and allows visitors to see the collection as they might encounter them in their natural habitats.
_X__ The behavior of this animal in the wild might be …
Check the place(s) the ASDM gets animals.
___ Bred in captivity
___ Exchanged within AZA accredited zoos throughout the country
___ Obtained through rehab facilities
___ Brought in by visitors who found them in the wild
___ Arizona Game & Fish Department
___ From the wild
_X__ Bred in captivity
_X__ Exchanged within AZA accredited zoos throughout the country
_X__ Obtained through rehab facilities
___ Brought in by visitors who found them in the wild
_X__ Arizona Game & Fish Department
_X__ From the wild
Check the reason(s) animals in captivity typically live longer than in the wild.
___ Have fewer predators
___ Are given a highly nutritious diet
___ Receive health care
___ Adapt better
_X__ Have fewer predators
_X__ Are given a highly nutritious diet
_X__ Receive health care
___ Adapt better
A visitor asks, “Can I get an animal for a pet? How much does it cost?” Check the appropriate response(s).
___ Our animals are not pets.
___ The animals are our ambassadors to help educate the public.
___ These animals play an important role in our ecosystem.
___ It is always important to remember that our animals are wild.
___ If you were lucky enough to encounter this animal in the wild you could capture it.
___ In the wild, admire it; but keep a safe distance.
___ Share informationabout the tortoise adoption program.
_X__ Our animals are not pets.
_X__ The animals are our ambassadors to help educate the public.
_X__ These animals play an important role in our ecosystem.
_X__ It is always important to remember that our animals are wild.
___ If you were lucky enough to encounter this animal in the wild you could capture it.
_X__ In the wild, admire it; but keep a safe distance.
_X__ Share informationabout the tortoise adoption program.
Check what to do if you find an animal in the wild.
___ Leave the animal alone.
___ If you see a mountain lion, report your sighting to Arizona Game & Fish.
___ Consider yourself unlucky.
___ Report any sighting to Arizona Game & Fish.
_X__ Leave the animal alone.
_X__ If you see a mountain lion, report your sighting to Arizona Game & Fish.
___ Consider yourself unlucky.
___ Report any sighting to Arizona Game & Fish.