Anglo Saxons, Norman and the later middle ages. 1000-1500. Flashcards
Where did 90% of people live in 1000?
The countryside.
What were the 4 main types of law enforcement in England from 1000-1066?
Tithings, taking oaths, hue and cry, trial by ordeal.
What is meant by a tithing?
All men over 12 in a tithing. Had a responsibility to keep the other men in this tithing in check. MADE UP OF 10 MEN.
What is meant by hue and cry?
The whole community responsible for tracking down suspects. Any one witnessing must chase down the accused.
What is meant by taking an oath?
Swearing under oath innocence. Most were let free.
What is meant by trial by ordeal?
If there was not evidence, people would be able to be tried by the church. Innocence or guilt decided by god.
What are some examples of trial by ordeal?
Hot iron, cold water and hot water.
Give the three methods of Norman law enforcement.
The hue and cry, Trial by combat, the sheriff and the posse.
What is meant by the sheriff and the posse?
It was the sheriffs job to track down and imprison criminals. ONLY IF HUE AND CRY NOT SUCESS. The locals had to swear on oath they were tracking the right person.
What is the difference with hue and cry in the Norman period?
The town is given a large fine if they do not catch them.
Why were those law enforcement methods effective in the Norman period?
- People still lived in religious society
- People still lived in small communities
- collective responsibility
- hierarchical structure.
What happened to law enforcement in the later middle ages?
- Henry II tried to decrease influence of the church
- juries more common
- still failed.
What types of law enforcement was introduced in the middle ages?
The constable, coroners, JP’s, becoming a centralised system.
What was a coroner?
Used in situations where there was a suspicious death.
Investigated possible cause of death and to judge whether death had occurred unlawfully.
What was the constable?
Hue and cry led by constable. NOT PAID. Helped by the watch.
What were JP’s?
People that tried to keep the ‘king’s peace’.
What did it mean when in the middle ages it became a centralised system?
- under authority of the king.
- men appointed to roles based on status & wealth.
- Particularly harsh on poachers.
In what year was trial by ordeal banned?
What is meant by the benefit of the clergy?
- Members of the clergy only tried in church courts.
- lenient
- Reading psalm 51- neck verse.
What is meant by sanctuary?
One a criminal had got to a church even the county sheriff would not be able to take him out by force. 40 DAYS TO TRIAL OR LEAVE COUNTRY. WHITE CROSS.