Anglo-Saxon Final Flashcards
What did Rome introduce to the British Isle
Rome introduced roads, cities, written scholarship, and Christianity
How did Rome help the Brits
They protected their land from invaders
How did Christianity spread on the Isle
The Romans
How did Christianity help the Brits
It gave the people a new line of sight, all the suffering they were going through will eventually be rewarded in heaven if they follow the way of God
What did the scops do
The scops provided entertainment for the people, especially the soldiers
What did Christian monasteries do
They helped with the spread of Christianity on the Isle
Who was Julius Caesar
He may have been the first person to write about England, he conquered it too lmao
Why did Old English replace Latin
Latin was replaced because of Christianity and the use of Old English
What does wyrd mean
Wyrd means fate, destiny, or doom
Notable characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poetry
They were very long, often were about a hero in battle, kennings, caesura, and alliterations
When was the copy of Beowulf written
1,000 C.E
Who wrote the copy of Beowulf
Christian monks
What were the traits of the oral tradition of literature
The poems were written down and then acted out
What is the overall plot of Beowulf
Beowulf is called to defeat a monster and usually succeeds
Why is the wanderer wandering
He lost all of his friends and is looking for new ones
What does TPCASTT stand for
Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shifts, Title, Theme
What is an elegy
A mournful poem
Name the author and the two elegies he wrote
Cynewulf wrote The Seafarer and The Wanderer