Angiosperm reproduction (3) Flashcards
What is an angiosperm?
Most of the plants you see growing around you are angiosperms. They are plants with flowers which produce their ovules enclosed in an ovary, not naked on a cone scale, as in the gymnosperms, eg pines.
Where do angiosperms grow?
Angiosperms grow in almost every habitat, except the open ocean, where the algae are found. This is unlike the mosses and ferns which need to grow in damp habitats.
What is a flower?
The flower is the organ of sexual reproduction. It contains the reproductive organs and often will attract pollinators.
Why are many flowers said to be hermaphrodite?
Many flowers make both male and female gametes. These are said to be hermaphrodite (bisexual)
The male gametes are found inside the pollen grains which are produced by the ___.
The female gametes are inside the ovules which are found enclosed by the ____.
The parts of the flower probably evolved from specialised leaves, like the cone scales of ______. While flowers are very different to each other they all have certain basic features.
A typical flower consists of a series of modified leaves arranged in four whorls or circles – the ___ (often green), ____ (often coloured), ____ (male whorl) and ____ (female whorl).
What is an anther?
Male organ where pollen grains are formed
What is the filament?
Flexible stalk
What is the stigma?
Sticky surface to which pollen adheres
What is the style?
Slender section joining stigma to ovary
What is the ovary?
Female organ where ovules are formed. After fertilisation matures into fruit
What is the ovule?
Contains female gamete. After fertilisation forms a seed.
What are the petals?
Whorl of modified leaves.
What is the corolla?
Attracts pollinators.
What is the calyx?
Protects unopened bud.
What is the perianth ?
Calyx and corolla combined.
What are the sepals?
Whorl of modified leaves.
What is the receptacle?
Supports floral parts