parental testing
- testing for diseases or conditions in a fetus before it is born
- the main goal is to perform prenatal diagnostic testing at the earliest possible gestation
types of prenatal tests - chorionic villus sampling
- 11-14 weeks gestation
2. cells from chorionic villi of the placenta
types of prenatal tests- amniocentesis
- 18-23 weeks
2. fetal cells in amniotic fluid
- loss/gain of one chromosome from a homologous pair
2. caused by non-disjunction
aneuploidy- monosomy
- missing one of the chromosomes of a pair
- 45,X
- turner syndrome
aneuploidy- trisomy
- having more than two pairs of chromosomes
- 47,XY or XX+21
- down syndrome
aneuploidy detecting technique= karyotype
- cell culture and harvesting
- chromosome standing and banding
- takes 2-3 weeks
- expensive and time-consuming
- gold standard
aneuploidy detecting technique= QF-PCR
- use fluorescent dye-labeled primers
- target specific short tandem repeats
- amplify the STRs via PCR
- capillary electrophoresis
- takes 2-3 days
short tandem repeats
- also called microsatellites
- repeats are from 2 to about 9
- STR loci account for +/- 3% of the human genome
- most STRs are found in non-coding regions of genes but +/- are located in coding regions
- in humans, chromosome 19 has the highest density of STRs
- the most common STRs in humans are A-rich
typing STRs
- primers are designed to flank the STRs
- primers for different STR loci are labeled with different colored dyes.
- PCR amplification generates products that differ in length depending on the number of repeats
The naming of STRs = D3S1266
3= chromosome 3
1266= unique identifier
aneuploidy kits = process
- collect sample= blood, CVS, amniocentesis
- extract DNA
- amplify DNA- QF-PCR
- perform capillary electrophoresis = using a genetic analyzer
- electropherogram= analyze and interpret data
electropherogram identification= normal diploid sample
two peaks in a 1:1 ratio
trisomic triallelic
three-peak pattern
1:1:1 peak ratio
trisomic diallelic
two unbalanced peaks
2:1 peak ratio
1:1 ratio for males because there is equal no. X and Y
for females, there will be 1 peak
not present for females
chromosome 13
normal diploid number 1:1