Anesthetics: Organ effects, Toxicity, IV drugs, Adjuncts Flashcards
Moving on to the effects of inhaled anesthetics on organs. What are the CVS effects?
Inhaled anesthetics depress normal cardiac contractility
Halothane and enflurane reduce arterial pressure mainly by myocardial depression, with little effect on vascular resistance
Isoflurance, desflurane and sevoflurane produce greater vasodilation and have min effect on cardiac output
Isoflurance, desflurance, and sevoflurane may be better choices for patients with impaired myocardial function
Halothane sensitizes the myocardium to circulating catecholamines, which may lead to ventricular arrhythmias
What are the respiratory effects of inhaled anesthetics?
Isoflurane and Desflurane are pungent –less suitable for induction anesthesia in patients with bronchospasm
Halothane, sevoflurane, and NO are nonpungent
All volatile anesthetics are resp depressants with iso and des being the most and NO being the least
What are the CNS effects of inhaled anesthetics?
Increase cerebral blood flow and they reduce cerebral vascular resistance which leads to increase in intracranial pressure
NO increases blood flow the least
Enflurane may lead to development of a spike and wave pattern and mild muscle twitching
NO has low anesthetic potency, but exerts marked analgesic and amnesic actions
What are the effects on the kidney, liver and uterine smooth muscle of inhaled anesthetics?
Kidney: --decrease GFR and renal blood flow Liver: --decrease hepatic blood flow Uterine Smooth Muscle --halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics are potent uterine relaxants Other effects: N2O should be avoided in pneumothorax, obstructed middle ear, air embolus, obstructed loop of bowel, intraocular air bubble, pulmonary bulla, and intracranial air.
Moving on to toxicity of inhaled anesthetics. Discuss hepatotoxicity with halothane and nephrotoxicity
Hepatotoxicity (halothane)
–can cause life threatening hepatitis
–nephrotoxic potential of methoxyflurane has limited its clinical use in anesthesia.
Next toxicity is malignant hyperthermia (AD), what is this?
Fatal genetic disorder of skeletal muscle that is triggered by halogenated hydrocarbon inhalation anesthetics and depolarizing skeletal muscle relaxants, succinylcholine
–most incidents arise from the combo of succinylcholine and an halogenated anesthetic
Malignant hyperthermia is one of the main causes of death due to anesthesia. What does it result from?
Altered control of Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
–in most cases, the syndrome is caused by a defect in the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1)
Muscle cells possess Ca2+ channels called ryanodine receptors (RYRs), because of their sensitivity to the plant alkaloid ryanodine. Explain the action of these receptors
In skeletal muscle cells, these receptors are located in the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and associated with the cytoplasmic domain of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR)
–in response to depolarization, the DHPRs undergo a confirmation change, this produces a conformational change in the associated RYRs, opening them, so that Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the cytosol.
Abnormal RYR1 receptors therefore trigger what?
Unregulated release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
–this leads to an acute malignant hyperthermia crisis
What is the treatment for acute malignant hyperthermia?
Dantrolene (Which prevents Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum)
What is the most reliable test to establish susceptibility for malignant hyperthermia?
In vitro caffeine- halothane muscle contracture test
–a response to halothane or response to low concentrations of caffeine are diagnostic for malignant hyperthermia susceptible muscle.
What is one chronic toxicity that is of concern esp dental operating suites?
Prolonged exposure to NO decreases methionine synthase activity and causes megaloblastic anemia
IV agents are commonly used for the rapid induction of anesthesia, which is then maintained with an appropriate inhalation agent. What are the ultra short acting barbiturates?
Thiopental and Methohexital
- -thiopental is more often used
- -high liposolubility (results in rapid entry into the brain)
- -anesthetic effects are terminated by redistribution from the brain to other tissues
- -they decrease intracranial pressure
- -do not produce analgesia
Propofol has become the most popular IV anesthetic. Used for outpatient surgical procedures, in intensive care settings, and in balanced anesthesia. What are some features of propofol?
Postoperative vomiting is uncommon; has antiemetic actions
Used for induction and maintenance
Rapidly metabolized in the liver
Reduces intracranial pressure
Causes hypotension through decreased peripheral vascular resistance
Fospropofol is a prodrug
Etomidate is the next IV anesthetic used for the induction of patients at risk for hypotension. What are some features?
Reduces Intracranial pressure
Associated with nausea and vomiting
May cause adrenocortical suppression via inhibitory effects of steroidogenesis