Adrenocorticosteriods: Flashcards
Secretion of adrenocorticosteroids and mineralocorticorticoid is controlled by what?
Adrenocorticosteroids: controlled by the pituitary release of corticotrophin (ACTH)
Mineralocorticorticoids (aka aldosterone): under the control of angiotensin
Cortisol (Also called hydrocortisone) exerts a wide range of physiological effects. Its synthesis and secretion are tightly regulated by the CNS, how?
Negative feedback by the circulating cortisol and exogenous glucocorticoids.
–secretion follows a circadian rhythm governed by pulses of ACTH that peak in the early morning hours and after meals, esp after lunch.
Glucocorticoids interact with specific receptor proteins in target tissues. After ligand binding, the glucocorticoid receptor dissociates from its associated proteins and translocates to the nucleus. What happens then?
Interacts with specific DNA sequences within the regulatory regions of affected genes.
- -short DNA sequences that are recognized by the activated glucocorticoid receptor (GR) are called glucocorticoid responsive elements (GREs).
- -most effects of corticosteroids are not immediate but become apparent after several hours.
Like the GR, the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) also is a ligand activated transcription factor and binds to a very similar hormone responsive element. How is the MR different from the GR?
The MR has a restricted expression: it is expressed principally in the kidney, colon, salivary glands, sweat glands and hippocampus
Glucocorticoids have a widespread effect because they influence the function of most cells in the body. What are the metabolic effects of glucocorticoids?
Affect carb and protein metabolism
Stimulate and are required for gluconeogenesis and glycogen synthesis in the fasting state.
In periphery, glucocorticoids diminish glucose utilization, increase protein breakdown and the synthesis of glutamine and activate lipolysis, thereby providing amino acids and glycerol for gluconeogenesis.
Increasing serum glucose glucocorticoids stimulate insulin release and inhibit uptake of glucose by muscle cells, while they stimulate hormone sensitive lipase and thus lipolysis, leading to an increase in fat deposition.
The net results of the actions of Glucocorticoids in terms of metabolic are what?
Fasting state:
- -supply of glucose from gluconeogenesis
- -the release of amino acids from muscle catabolism
- -inhibition of peripheral glucose uptake
- -stimulation of lipolysis all contribute to maintenance of an adequate glucose supply to the brain
Glucocorticoids also have a catabolic effects in lymphoid and connective tissue, muscle, peripheral fat and skin. What are some of these effects?
Supraphysiological amounts:
–decreased muscle mass and weakness and thinning of the skin
–cause of osteoporosis in Cushing’s syndrome and impose a major limitation in the long term use.
–growth retardation
Antagonize the effect of vitamin D on calcium absorption
Glucocorticoids also have two effects on the lipid metabolism, what are these?
- Dramatic redistribution of body fat that occurs in settings of endogenous or pharmacologically induced hypercorticism, such as Cushings syndrome
- Permissive facilitation of the lipolytic effect of other agents, such as GH and beta agonists, resulting in an increase in FFA after glucocorticoid administration
The immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids are due to a decrease number of circulating lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils. This is due to redistribution of cells away from the periphery rather than from increased destruction. How do glucocorticoids affect neutrophils?
Increase circulating neutrophils as a result of increased release of marrow, diminished rate of removal from the circulation and increased demargination from vascular walls.
Glucocorticoids are know for what in regards to blood vessels?
- Vasoconstriction when applied directly to t he skin by suppressing mast cell degranulation
- Decrease capillary permeability by reducing the amount of histamine released by basophils and mast cells
What are the three mechanisms involved in the suppression of inflammation by glucocorticoids?
- Inhibit the functions of tissue macrophages and other antigen presenting cells. In addition they influence the inflammatory response by reducing prostaglandin, leukotriene, and platelet activating factor synthesis that results from activation of phospholipase A2
- Reduce expression of COX2 in inflammatory cells, thus reducing the amount of enzyme available to produce prostaglandins
- The result in the induction of MAPK phosphatase which leads to the inhibition of MAPK activated proinflammatory signaling pathways
What indirect effects do Glucocorticoids have on the CNS?
Through maintenance of blood pressure, plasma glucose concentrations, and electrolyte concentrations. Also effects on mood, behavior and brain excitability
What effect do Glucocorticoids have that are given chronically?
Suppress the pituitary release of ACTH, growth hormone, Thyroid stimulating hormone, and LH
Large Doses of Glucocorticoids have been associated with the development of what?
Peptic ulcers, possibly by suppressing the local immune response against H. pylori
What effect does Glucocorticoids have on the fetal lungs?
Production of pulmonary surfactant are stimulated by glucocorticoids