Anesthesiology Lab Exam Material Flashcards
How many liters of oxygen can fit in an E cylinder?
660 L
5 causes of hypoxemia… go!
- Decreased FiO2
- Hypoventilation
- V/Q mismatch
- Right to left shunt
- DIffusion Impairment
How many liters of oxygen can fit in an H cylinder?
6600 L
What is the tank cylinder pressure in E and H oxygen tanks?
2200 psi
Anesthetized patients encounter respiratory depression from anesthetic drugs, so we supplement their oxygen to avoid hypoxemia. What is considered the minimum FIO2?
Minimum FIO2 = 35%
According to the ACVA, how often should you record findings while an animal is under anesthesia?
Every 5-10 minutes
The pressure reduction valve reduces cylinder pressure to a fixed _____ psi

50 psi
Provides a constant pressure of 50 psi to the flowmeter
What is the main function of the ‘pop-off’ valve?

limits pressure buildup within the circuit
ALWAYS keep open unless delivering manual, controlled, or assisted ventilation
Gas passing through the oxygen flowmeter is reduced from 50 psi to about ____ psi

15 psi
What is the SVP for Isoflurane at 20oC?
240 mmHg
The check valve prevents transfilling of one tank to another. If this valve breaks, what would happen to the temperature as a result of rapid transfilling?
Temperature would increase
**risk of FIRE**

Would these hoses be used for re-breathing or non-rebreathing systems?

Ocular reflexes are a good indicator of anesthetic depth. The bovine eye rotates __________ during light planes of anesthesia
What are the three most common causes of hypotension under anesthesia?
vasodilation, decreased contractility, and bradycardia
When vasopressors are administered to a patient, what happens to the patient’s heart rate?
reflex bradycardia
What is the effect of Atropine on heart rate and blood pressure?
↑ HR & ↑ BP
Following IV injection of atropine, an initial increase in vagal tone may occur and a transient decreased heart rate or heart block can occur. This is followed by the expected increase in heart rate
T/F: With Xylazine, you may observe an initial vasoconstriction and rise in arterial blood pressure followed by a reflex bradycardia
What duration of analgesia do you expect when using butorphanol?
30 mins - 2 hours
Butorphanol is a mixed opioid agonist-antagonist (agonist at kappa receptor and antagonist at mu receptor). It is used for mild to moderate visceral pain, not effective for severe or orthopedic pain.
In what stage of anesthesia are vomiting and swallowing reflexes lost?
Stage III
T/F: Doppler is used for reliable detection of diastolic pressure
Doppler is used for reliable detection of systolic pressure
What is the approximate duration of action of propofol?
<20 minutes
Rapid-acting, ultra-short duration (<20 mins)
What respiratory effects might you expect after administering propofol?
dose-dependent depression & apnea
Always be prepared to assist ventilation
What is the equation you use to calculate proper size of rebreathing bag?
Body weight x Tidal volume x 5
- Normal tidal volume = 10-20 mls/kg
What flow rate is typically used with a non-rebreathing system?
200-300 ml/kg/min
Throughout the entire procedure
T/F: Calcium gluconate 23% and 0.9% NaCl both lower potassium concentration and are used for treatment of hyperkalemia
- Both are used for treatment of hyperkalemia, but Calcium gluconate 23% does NOT lower [K+]. It protects the myocardium against the cardiotoxic effects of hyperkalemia and prevents arrhythmias*
- 0.9% NaCl dilutes the high serum [K+]*
What is the normal PaO2 range for arterial blood on 100% O2?
~500 mmHg
What is the most common pathologic arrhythmia in horses?
Atrial Fibrillation
What is the approximate blood volume (in mL) for a 10 kg dog?
~900 mL
90 mL/kg x 10 kg
What is the approximate blood volume (in mL/kg) for ovines?
60 mL/kg
What is the normal pH range for arterial blood?
7.35 - 7.45
What is the normal PaO2 range for arterial blood in room air?
80 - 110 mmHg
Which of the following local anesthetics would you expect to have the longest duration of action?
- Procaine
- Lidocaine
- Mepivacaine
- Bupivacaine
Bupivacaine has ~95% protein binding and a duration of action anywhere from 180-600 minutes
Identify this ‘irregularly irregular’ arrhythmia in the horse:

Atrial Fibrillation
T/F: Dobutamine causes vasoconstriction
Dobutamine acts on β receptors and causes increased contractility and heart rate. Vasoconstriction occurs as a result of α receptor activity.
T/F: Atropine is best utilized in vagal-induced asystole
What is the most common site to pull a sample for arterial blood-gas analysis in a dog?
Dorsal Pedal Artery
Other sites include the auricular artery, femoral artery, caudal artery, and lingual artery
Flow rate delivered to a patient with the O2 flush valve:
35-75 L/min
Bypasses the vaporizer and delivers O2 directly to the patient breathing circuit
Induction agent that causes tissue necrosis if it gets outside of the vein:
Opioids trigger the release of __________, resulting in vasodilation, etc.
What adjuvant is added to Propofol 28 that makes it toxic to cats?
Benzyl alcohol
Name three methods of measuring blood pressure in a patient:
direct, oscillometric, doppler
Which nerve(s) need(s) to be blocked when dehorning a goat?
Cornual br. of infratrochlear nerve and cornual br. of zygomaticotemporal nerve
Note that this is different than in the cow! In the cow, only ONE nerve needs to be blocked.
Perioperative acute loss over ____% blood volume should be replaced via transfusion
Perioperative acute loss over 20% blood volume should be replaced via transfusion
What is the drug of choice for treatment of malignant hyperthermia?
Can be placed on anesthesia machine and used to open small airway, prevent atalectasis after lung trauma or edema (2.5-20 cmH2O)
PEEP valve
Positive end-expiratory pressure valve