Anesthesiology Flashcards
ASA 1?
Healthy patient. No organic, biochemical, or psychiatric disease.
ASA 2?
Mild systemic disease (e.g. mild asthma, well controlled HTN). No significant impact on daily activity.
ASA 3?
Significant/severe systemic disease that limits normal activity (e.g. renal failure on dialysis, class 2 CHF). Significant impact on daily activity.
ASA 4?
Severe disease that is a constant threat to life or requires intensive therapy (e.g. acute MI, respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation). Serious limitation of daily activity.
ASA 5?
Patient who is likely to die in the next 24h with or w/o surgery.
ASA 6?
Brain dead organ donor
Components of airway evaluations? (9)
- condition of teeth
- ability/amount able to open jaw
- ability to protrude lower incisors
- tongue size
- visibility of the uvula (Mallampati score)
- presence of heavy facial hair
- thyromental distance with head in maximum extension
- thickness or circumference of the neck
- range of motion of the head and neck
Mallampati score?
Class 1: soft palate, uvula, arches, pillars
Class 2: soft palate, uvula, arches
Class 3: soft palate, base of uvula
Class 4: only hard palate
EKG stickers?
White on the right
Clouds over grass
Smoke over fire
Brown by the nipple
4-2-1 rule of maintenance fluids?
0-10 kg body weight: 4 ml/kg/hr
11-20 kg body weight: 2 ml/kg/hr
21+ kg body weight: 1 ml/kg/hr
Maintenance fluids per hour for 25kg boy?
65 ml/kg/hr
40 + 20 + 5
Review 4-2-1 rule if not understood
Crystalloid vs colloid?
Crystalloid = water and electrolytes. Only 1/3 of IV administered stays intravascular (e.g. LR, NS)
Colloid = larger-molecular weight substances (e.g. 5% albumin). Stays intravascular better.
Tx for low preload? (2)
Fluids, trendelenburg position
Tx for low contractility? (3)
Inotrope, vasodilator, diuretics
Tx for low SVR? (2)
Vasopressor, A1-agonist