Anesthesia for Vaginal Delivery and C Section Flashcards
First stage of labor:
pain fibers are from:
Uterine contractions to complete dilation of the cervix
Pain from T10-12 and then Later T10-L1
Second stage of labor:
Pain fibers
Full cervical dilation to the delivery of the fetus
Impulses carried via pudendal nerves from S2-S4
Third stage of labor:
Delivery of placenta
Pain relief of well conducted obstetrical analgesia can help improve what?
Can help improve uterine blood flow
Meperidine and baby:
Placenta transfers active metabolite normeperidine which has a long elimination half life in neonates
Absolute contraindications for regional anesthetic in labor:
Patient refusal bacteremia/sepsis increased ICP Infection at insertion site shock or severe hypovolemia coagulopathy or therapeutic anticoagulation
Why no lidocaine in spinal?
TNS: pain in buttocks and legs that develop a few hours after receiving local anesthesia
What leaves first in spinal anesthetics?
What is the last organ to recover from spinal anestheisa?
autonomic first
sensory second
motor last
Bladder is last organ to recover, making urinary retention very common
Epidural blocks pain for which stage of labor?
Always be prepared to tx what?
Intravascular injection causes which sxs?
T10-L1 and S2-S4
Always be prepared to tx high spinal!
Intravascular injection: tachycardia, tinnitus, metallic taste in mouth, and perioral numbness
DOSING OF LOcal anesthetics in preggo with stuff:
Dose is 1-1.5 mL per segment blocked
Why does bupivicaine have low placntal passage?
Secondary to being highly protein bound
2-chloroprocaine has significant antagonsim with:
significant antagonism with subsequently injected epidural opioids or bupivicaine
Paracervical block is associated with:
High incidence of fetal asphyxia and poor neonatal outcomes WHICH IS WHY I WILL NEVER DO IT
Why regional?
Well, here at regional, we have:
Less increase in BP
Less need for opioid analgesics
improvement in placental and renal blood flow
What is the benefit of adding fentanyl to spinal? Duramorph?
Benefit: can decrease intra op nausea and decdrease visceral pain associated with exteriorization of uterus and visceral traction
Morphine helps with long term post-op pain control
Do patient’s hegith, weight, or BMI correlate with height of block?
Why would you give bicarb with a regional block:
WHY WOULD You give epi during a regional block?
because it decreases vascular absorption of local anesthetic (not effective for bupivicaine)
KIM when taking care of preggo pts:
The mother’s life is always YOUR FIRST PRIORITY
Maintenance fo anesthesia can be provided with what in preggo pts?
50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen plus 0.5 MAC of volatile anesthetic. This can be increased to 2 MAC temporarily just prior to delivery to aid in uterine relaxation
After delivery, increase the percentage of nitrous oxide to 70 and decrease volatile anesthetic