anesthesia for pregnancy Flashcards
perinatal considerations
postpone elective and/or non-emergency procedures (wait until 2nd trimester)
avoid teratogenic drugs
balanced anesthesia
reversible agents
local anesthetics
minimize stress and pain
maximize oxygenation
rapid recovery
if C-section, work quickly and have help
maternal physiology-CV
increased oxygen consumptions
increased cardiac output
increased blood volume (>40%)-dilutional anemia
decrease blood pressure-vasodilation
increased platelet count, and coag factors
maternal physiology-pulmonary
Decreased FRC-uterus impinging diaphragm, aggravating factors
increased RR and TV-liminted compensation, hyperoxygenation
mild respiratory alkalosis-normal response, decreased CO2
maternal physiology-CNS
increased endogenous enodorphins & progesterone-increased pain threshold, reduced MAC values by 40%, reduced opioid requirements
vascular engorgement of epidural space-reduced local anesthetic doses, increased spread of epidural drugs
maternal physiology-GI
increased risk of reflux and aspiration-prolonged gastric emptying, decreased esophageal sphincter tone, decreased gastric motility, increased acidity
pretreat-metoclopramide, H2 blockers
hepatic function tests increased
materanl physiology-renal
increased blood flow 80%
increased GFR-50%
increased bicarbonate excretion-compensatory metabolic acidosis
post partum diuresis-plasma volume normal
fetal physiologic considerations
adequate placental blood flow-maternal hypotension
avoid fetal hypoxia-maternal ventilation-hypotension, anemia, acid-base
avoid teratogensis-first trimester, injectables and inhalants
protects against abortion-xylazine-uterine pressure changes, N2O, halothane
prenaesthetic peroid
tranquilization-nacrotics preferables-reversible
IV catheter and fluids-dehydration
Clip before induction
avoid placing in dorsal recumbency
rapid technique-minimize hypoxia
support ventilation-compression on diaphragm
balanced anesthesia-minimize side effects
work quickly
remember reduced MAC
monitor blood loss
avoid hypotension
neonatal resuscitation-ABCD’s
airway-suction, intubate/mask
breathing-stimulate-rub briskly, doxapram
cardiac/circulation-check heart rate, atropine epinephrine
drugs-reversal agents-naloxone
ligate umbilical cord
recovery of Mum
reverse nacrotics-use locals for analgesia
alert-avoid harm to the babies
clean mammary area