Anesthesia for hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery Flashcards
What is a mesocaval shunt?
portosystemic shunt btw superior mesenteric vein and IVC to reduce portal hypertension
How does portal HTN affect systemic circulation?
Hyperdynamic= low SVR and high CO
What are the clinical manifestations of portal hypertension?
Increased resistance of flow in liver and icrease in splancnic arterial flow
Colateral chanels-varices-attempt to circumvent the hepatic obstruction.
Back pressure in portal system causes splenomegaly and is partly responsible for ascites
GI Bleeding- bleeding of varices-particularly from esophagus is ominous-portal HTN is severe
What is a TIPS
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
decompress the portal circulation as a bridge to liver transplant. Performed under GA in IR
Which hemodynamic change related to hepatic failure is most likely present in a pt presenting for mesocaval shunt? bradycardia, CHF, High CO, High SVR, tricuspid regurge?
would have low SVR
What is hepatic encephalopathy?
Mental confusion or obtundation
Asterixis - flapping motion of hands at wrist caused by loss of extensor tone
Fetor hepaticus–fruity odor to breath
preoperative encephalopaty -up to 80% risk of mortality
What are the causes of encephalopaty?
Cerebral intoxication caused by intestinal contents that have not been metabolized by the liver
protein breadown products from GI bacteria
***Ammonia!–NH3 normally converted to urea by liver is one of the toxic substances believed to interfere with brain metabolism
What is the treatment of encephalopathy?
protein restriction abx-gut bacteria reduce diuretic therapy tx hypokalemia restrict sedatives tranquilizers
Which volatile anesthetic is best for sx in pts with hepatocellular disease
level of metabolism
halothane (20%)>Sevoflurane (5%)>Isoflurane (0.2%)>Desflurane (0.1)> nitrous
Severe liver failure is associated with what serious periopertive problem?
How does cogulation appear with chronic liver disease?
platelet count ok, but poor platelet count.
Check bleeding time test–normal is 3-10
What is normal PT?
10-15 sec
What is normal PTT?
How do you treat coagulopathy in pts with cronic liver disease?
FFP is the mainstay
Cryo may also be requite to bring PT to within 3 seconds of normal preoperatively
Which lab test is a good indication of liver disease?
PT (also useful for vit k deficiencies)
What are liver disease complications, S and S?
ascites coagulopathy encephalopathy Gi bleeding Jaundice
Hepatic blood flow and oxygen supply to liver is…
10-15% of blood volume (70% venous)
total hepatic blood flow 1200-1400 ml/min-25% of CO
what is most serious problem associated with massive blood transfusion?
citrate binds calcium
may lead to cardiac arrest.
what is normal fibrinogen?
hypofibrinogenemia is earliest coag disturbance seen in massively transfused pts
less than 100 is asssociated with coagulopathy