Anemia and Bleeding Flashcards
What History or questions with anemia
- Duration of symptoms?- Chronic vs acute
- Episodic?- Drug or illness driven?
- Associated symptoms?
- Jaundice/dark urine= hyperbili=hemolysis
- Medications
- Iron source in diet?
- Family Hx- early gallstones, food intolerance, etc.
Review of symptoms in anemia
- Feeding?
- Bruising/bleeding
- Rashes
- Joint/Bone pain
- Fevers
- Other symptoms: viral syndromes in past couple weeks
PE in anemia pt
- CV: Tachycardia, murmur, CHF (feeding problems)
- Lungs: Crackles, wheezes
- Liver/spleen enlargement
- Ascites/edema
- Pallor (palmar creases-lighter color)
Lab eval in anemia
- Basic workup: CBC, Peripheral smear, retic count. Bilirubin, DAT (Coombs Test), UA
- Focused workup: Depends on Hx/PE. Includes iron studies, osmotic fragility, Hgb electrophoresis, G-6PD
- Retic: gauge RBC production rate
- RDW: Gauge homogeneity of RBC population.
Cell size normocytic, retic increased. Likely Dx?
1) Blood loss
2) Hemolysis
Cell size normocytic, decreased retic. Likely Dx
-Anemia of chronic disease
Cell size macro, increased retic. Likely DX?
- Blood loss
- Hemolysis
Cell size Macro, retic decreased. Likely Dx?
- Folate/B12 def.
- Drug induced
- Marrow failure
Cell size micro, retic decrease. Likely Dx?
- Iron def.
Cell size micro, retic increased. Likely dx?
- Thalassemia
Iron deficiency anemia would look like what under microscope?
-Microcytic, hypochromic aregenerative anemia.
Leading cause of anemia in Children? And leading cause of MR and LD in children?
Iron deficiency
Pathophys of Iron deficiency? (3)
1) Inadequate dietary intake
2) Excessive consumption (growth spurt)
3) Excessive loss (GI blood loss, menses, pulm bleeding, excessive sports in children/teens)
Treatment of Iron deficiency
- Find site of blood loss.
- Iron replacement- Ferrous sulfate 3-6 mg Elemental Iron/Kg/day TID- Retic increase in 3-5 days, Hgb increases 0.25 grams/dl per week, treat 4-6 months. Replace BM stores and stores elsewhere.
- Patients with Chron’s or other problems that dont respond to Ferrous sulfate can be given IV iron
What is this: Clinical syndrome where there is just about enough iron to make a normal Hgb, but no reserve. Common in teen girls (diet restriction, menstrual loss, exercise). What can this cause in pregnancy?
Non Anemia (latent) iron deficiency -Iron deficient babies- neurologic problems, lasting behavioral and intellectual defects.