Anemia Flashcards
Micro cystic anemia
Iron deficiency
Macrocyctic anemia
Biermer anemia
Normochromic normocytic
Normal MCV. MCHC
– anemias of chronic disease
– hemolytic anemias (those characterized by accelerated destruction of rbc)
– anemia of acute hemorrhage
– aplastic anemias (characterized by disappearance of rbc precursors from the marrow)
Hypochromic microcytic
– iron deficiency anemia
- sec. to gatsrointestinal bleeding, other hemorrhage
– thalassemias
– anemia of chronic disease (rarely)
Normal MCHC high MCV
Normochromic macrocytic anemia – vitamin b12 deficiency – folate deficiency
Clinical classification of anemia
- Mild: 8-11 g/dl, Ht: 30-39%
- Moderate:6-8, 22-30
- Severe:<6, <22
Normochromic anemia
Post hemorrhage
Simple chronic
Manifestations in anemic sdr.
- weakness, tiredness, dyspnea, postural dizziness
- Paresthesia- vitamin B12 deficiency
- Exacerbations of pre-existing cardiac manifestations (due to a hyperdynamic state as a compensatory mechanism)
- Depending upon the form:
- Acute anemia after bleeding- severe manif.
-Chronic: less severe - Pallor, jaundice
-Pallor of the palmar creases suggests that the haemoglobin level is less than 7mg/L
Jaundice: in hemolytic anemia - koilonychia- dry, brittle, ridged, spoon-shaped nails, due to severe iron deficiency anemia
- Adenopathy- in infections, cancer Tachycardia
- Systolic murmur:
- Splenomegaly-hemolytic anemia
Lab test
complete blood count
Peripheral blood smear
Reticulocyte count
Bone marrow biopsy
vitamine B12
Diet- vegetarians
Hemorrhage: gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract; ! “HIDDEN”- HEMOCCULT TEST Malabsorption: atrophic gastritis
irn defficiency anemia
- fatigue,
- tachycardia,
- dispnea,
- pallor
- Plummer-Vinson syndrome: dysfagia, stomatitis, glossitis
- Splenomegaly:
- koilonykia
- perverted appetite
biermer anemia cause
Pernicious anemia is a chronic illness caused by impaired absorption of vitamin B-12 because of a lack of intrinsic factor in gastric secretions.
biermer clinical
- General manif.
- G-i.: anorexia, weight loss, nausea; smooth tongue with atrophic papillae- HUNTER glossitis
- Neurological: paresthesias, weakness, unsteady gait; loss of proprioception- myelin degeneration !! may be present in the absence of anemia
- splenomegaly: 20% Yellowish pallor- increased turnover of bilirubin
Etiology hemolytic anemia
Hereditary disorders include erythrocyte membrane and enzymatic defects and hemoglobin abnormalities: Hereditary spherocytosis, Sickle cell anemia
Acquired hemolytic conditions: immune disorders, toxic chemicals and drugs, antiviral agents (ribavirin), Infections
in patients with severe anemia
- Tachycardia,
- dyspnea,
- angina,
- weakness