Anemia Flashcards
Hb Reference interval
male = 130-175 g/L
female = 120-155 g/L
Normal RBC - appearance, development
biconcave disc - 7um diameter
centrla pallor
contain Hb
made in bone marrow (EPO is needed)
young cells called erythroblasts which grow surrounded by macrophages that provide iron to build heme groups.
normal Hb structure
4a globin chains
2b globin chains
central heme
Result of aneamia
decreased RBC or RBC Hb = decreased O2 carrying capacity = tissue hypoxia
anemia - Clinical fts
signs = pallor
symptoms = fatigue, SOB, palpitations
if vascular disease too = angina, claudication
Anemia - how it occurs (3)
- reduced RBC or Hb production
- folate deficiency, thalassaemia, lack of EPO, bone marrow disease - increased RBC destruction (heamolysis)-
inherited or acquired - blood loss
- acute trauma or surgery
3 cell size classification
- microcytic
- normocytic
- macrocytic
Microcytic anaemia causes (3)
- iron deficiency - need iron to make heme to make Hb
- Thalassimia - decrease globin production needed for Hb production
- inflammation - iron sequestered in macrophages by hepcidin.
microcytic anaemia - Iron deficiency causes (3)
- excessive loss: GI, excessive menstruation, trauma/surgery
- reduced absorption: coeliac, bowel disease, poor diet + veggo
- increased demand - pregnancy or child growth
microcytic anaemia - thalassaemia
gene mutation leading to lack of globin proteins. mutation is a decrease in globin production but ones produced are normal.
alpha or beta thalassaemia.
large severity range.
ALSO excessive globin chains accumulate and damage RBC/precursors.
microcytic - inflammation anaemia
of chronic disesae where the is a functional iron deficiency.
liver produces HEPCIDIN to starve bacteria of iron. Hepcidin closes iron gates of macrophages - traps iron in and of gut cells = decreased iron absorption.
RBC look iron deficient but iron stores are normal.
associated w: chronic infection, malignancy, inflammation
Macrocytic anaemia - main cause and others
folate deficiency is main cause folate is needed for DNA synthesis in RBC
deficiency = delayed and abnormal RBC nucleus maturation, defective cells die in marrow, surviving ones become megaloblasts (big)
others: liver disease, alcohol, bone marrow diseases, cytotoxic drugs
normocytic anemia - causes
chronic renal failure = low EPO, Hb down to 50-80g/L, toxic products decrease RBC life span.
acute blood loss
bone marrow disease
haemolytic anaemia
decreased RBC so body increases reticulocyte count as response. (younger bigger RBC)
from either:
- acquired destruction of RBC from macrophages engulfing them or part of their memnbrane.
- inherited abnormal RBC (cell membrane abnormalities, hemoglobinopathies, enzymopathies)
malignant anemia
ion deficiency from havign a gastric, uterine, urinary tract cancerous growth, bleeding bowels,.
marrow infiltration from metastasis.