Andrade (doodling) Flashcards
Cognitive approach
To find out whether doodling assisted information processing by increasing attentiveness or by enhancing memory.
doodling may help to maintain arousal as we are doing something physical while thinking.
Research method
Laboratory experiment
Research design
Independent measures
40 participants who were members of the Medical Research Council of the Applied Psychology Unit
pp ask to remember the names of the people that were mention in the 2.5 min recording that is going to the party. pp is divided into 2 groups, the doodling group and the control group. then after let the pp hear the recording, they ask them what were the names of party participants and where were they coming from.
- Doodling participants recalled a mean of 7.5 names and places, 29% more than the mean of the control group (5.8).
- Recall for both tasks was better for doodlers, even when participants suspected of demand characteristics were excluded.
- Doodling helps concentration on a primary task as doodling participants performed better than participants who only listened to the primary task.
- Doodle group performed better on both tasks. There are 2 possible explanations:
i) either doodling affected attention or,
ii) doodling improved memory by encouraging deeper information processing.
doodling group/control group
mean correct recall, false alarm and memory score
Sampling technique