Ancient Greek Theatre Flashcards
What is Dionysus?
Dionysus is the god of wine and fertility.
What is the origin of Greek Theatre?
It is generally accepted that Greek theatre arose from the choral singing of hymns known as the dithyrambs in honour of Dionysus. IT WAS STRONGLY LINKED WITH RITUALS AND RELIGION.
What is dramatic irony?
When the audience knows what’s going on but the characters don’t.
What is foreshadowing?
Hinting at something that will happen in the future.
Greek theatre is the origin of
All western theatre.
How did the Greeks honor their gods?
Through rituals which eventually led to three main festivals; Rural and City Dionysia and the Lenea.
When was the first record of formal drama in Greece?
Which became the biggest festival?
The City Dionysia became the major festival for the presentation of drama.
It was a six or seven day event and was attended by the whole city of Athens. Even slaves were allowed to attend.
What where the prizes given for?
A prize was awarded for best comedy, best tragedy and best production and later a prize for best tragic actor was introduced.
ACTORS: where the actors in Greek plays professional?
Initially the actors were ordinary citizens, not professionals, but in later centuries acting became a profession and companies were formed.
What was the orchestras purpose in the layout of the Greek theatre?
It was the acting space.
What was the skenes purpose?
It became the background for the plays.
What was the extension of the skene called?
The epskenion.
Why were all the Greek theaters outside and isolated from the gods? What was the purpose of this?
To be closer to the gods through nature.
What was the acting style during Greek theater?
For one, the posture of the actor had to be upright to facilitate effective communication. The actor would also have to project voice, gesture and emotion powerfully through space.
Why were the movements of Greek actors so over the topz.
The auditoriums were to large for. The movements to be small, otherwise they would go unseen.
Why would the deaths in Greek plays always happen offstage?
Because the auditorium was a religios area.
How where these deaths shown?
Often an important messenger and the deceased was shown on a platform. This platform was called the ecyclema or exaustra, depending on its shape.
What did the masks the Greek actors wear look like?
They were heavily stylized.
What did the mask aid the actors in becoming?
It aided them on becoming big characters, such as gods. And characters in general.
What was the headdress that the actors wore called?
It was called an onkos. It was worn to balance out the very high boots the actors wore and helped in conveying the actors gender, status and age.
What were the high soled shoes the actors wore called?
They were called korthurni and aided in making the actors larger so that people could see them as well as conveying importance.
What were the long and short cloaks worn by the actors called.
The short cape is called the chlamys and the long cloak is called the himation.
What is the full body outfit called?
It was called a chiton.
What was the purpose of the costumes within comedic plays?
They were to be grotesque and short and plump and funny.
How did tragic plays begin?
We a prologus.
What followed the prologus?
The parados, continuing the entrance of the chorus.