Anatomy: Vasculature of the mediastinum Flashcards
Azygous vein?
It drains blood from intercostal veins into the Inferior Vena Cava..
It connect the IVC and the SVC, providing an alternative route in case of blockage.
What are the mediastinal branches of the aorta?
- coronary arteries
- (right) brachiocephalic trunk (-> R common carotid & R subclavian)
- left common carotid
- left subclavian
- posterior intercostal arteries
- anterior: bronchial, oesophageal, mediastianal, pericaridal, phernic arteries
Thoracic duct?
Drains lymph from most of the body (R and bottom) into the left venous angle.
What is the venous angle?
Junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins.
Right lymphatic duct?
Drains lymph from the R upper limb, R thorax and head into the right venous angle.
How does the right phrenic nerve reach the diaphragm?
The right phrenic verve (C3,4,5) pierces the diaphragm with the IVC, innervating it.
What about the left Phrenic nerve?
It pierces the left dome of the diaphragm, having passed along the anterior surface of the pericardium.
The central veins are…
internal jugular veins subclavian veins brachiocephalic veins superior vena cava iliac veins femoral veins
Where is the Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) observed?
On the internal jugular vein.
Patient raised to 45o
< 3cm above the sternal angle is normal
Relationship of vagus to phrenic nerve?
Vagus nerve is lateral to the phrenic nerve.
Branches of the superior vena cava?
-left brachiocephalic vein THEN -right brachiocephalic vein -right internal jugular vein -right subcalvian vein
Order of nerves, lateral to medial?
- phrenic nerve
- vagus nerve
- recurrent laryngeal
Vessels and nerves, from right to left?
-R phrenic
-R internal jugular vein
-right vagus nerve
-R common carotid artery
-R recurrent laryngeal nerve
-L recurrent laryngeal nerve
L common carotid artery
-L vagus
-L internal jugular vein
-L phrenic
What spinal nerve reami make up the phrenic nerve?
Cervical spinal nerves 3, 4 and 5.
3,4 and 5 keep the diaphragm alive
What innervation do the phrenic nerves supply?
- somatic motor to the diaphragm
- somatic sensory to the pericardium, diaphragm and teh parietal pleura.