anatomy skeleton description Flashcards
the __forms the central supporting axis of the body and includes the skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage (ribs and sternum)
axial skeleton
the __ is the most complex part of the skeleton. Bones of the ___ have conspicuous foramina (sing. foramen), holes that allow passage for nerves and blood vessels
the _____ includes bones of the upper limb and pectoral girdle and bones of the lower limb and pelvic girdle.
appendicular skeleton
the ___ of the skull extends from the forehead back to a prominent coronal suture, which crosses the crown of the head and joins the frontal bone to the parietal bones
frontal bone
the ___ bones form most of the cranial roof and part of its walls.
right and left parietal
each ___bone is bordered by four sutures. The ____ lies between the two parietal bones. the __ is at the anterior margin. the ___ is at the posterior margin. The ____ is at the lateral margin
sagittal suture
coronal suture
lambdoid suture
squamousal suture
the ____ form much of the lower wall and part of the floor of the cranial cavity; you can feel this bone just above and anterior to each ear.
right and left temporal bones
the ___part of the temporal houses the middle- and inner-ear cavities.
the ___ forms the rear of the skull (or occiput), and much of its base.
occipital bone
The most conspicuous feature of the occipital bone is the___through which the ____passes and to which the _____attaches
foramen magnum
spinal cord
dura mater
On either side of the foramen magnum is a smooth knob called the____the skull rests on the vertebral column on these condyles.
occipital condyle
The __ has a complex shape, with a thick medial body and outstretched greater and lesser wings.
sphenoid bone
the ___ is a saddlelike prominence in the body of the sphenoid
sella turcica
the __ has three major portions and is an anterior bone located between the eyes
ethmoid bone
The ___is a thin median plate of bone that forms the superior two-thirds of the nasal septum, dividing the nasal cavity into right and left nasal fossae.
perpendicular plate
The ___is a horizontal plate that forms the roof of the nasal cavity
cribriform plate
The___is a median blade on this plate that forms an attachment point for the dura mate
crista galli
The ___are those having no direct contact with the brain or meninges; there are 14 facial bones: 2 maxillae, 2 palatine bones, 2 zygomatic bones, 2 lacrimal bones, 2 nasal bones, 2 inferior nasal conchae, 1 vomer, and 1 mandible
facial bone
The___are the largest facial bones; they form the upper jaw and meet at the median intermaxillary suture
The___are located in the posterior nasal cavity; each has an L shape formed by a horizontal and a perpendicular plate
palatine bones
The___ form the angles of the cheeks at the inferolateral margins of the orbits and part of the lateral wall of each orbit; they extend halfway to the ear
zygomatic bones
the __ form part of the medial wall of each orbit and are the smallest bones of the skull—about the size of the little fingernail.
lacrimal bones
Two small rectangular ___form the bridge of the nose and support cartilages that shape the nose’s lower portion
nasal bone
___ is the largest of the three nasal conchae, is a separate bone. The other conchae are parts of the ethmoid
inferior nasal concha,
the __ forms the inferior half of the nasal septum and resembles the blade of a plow.
The ____ of the ethmoid bone support a wall of septal cartilage that forms most of the anterior part of the nasal septum
vomer and perpendicular plate
____is the strongest bone of the skull and the only one that can move
Seven bones are closely associated with the skull but not considered part of it: the_____in each middle-ear cavity and the___ beneath the chin.
three auditory ossicles, hyoid bone
the ____supports the skull and trunk, allows for their movement, protects the spinal cord, absorbs stresses of walking, running, and lifting. It provides attachment for the limbs, thoracic cage, and postural muscles
vertebral column (spine)
The vertebrae are divided into five groups:___cervical vertebrae in the neck, ___thoracic vertebrae in the chest, ____lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, ___sacral vertebrae at the base of the spine, and __tiny coccygeal vertebrae at the very end
The most obvious feature of a vertebra is the___ mass of spongy bone and red bone marrow covered with a thin shell of compact bone; this is the weight-bearing portion of the vertebra
body (centrum)
The __collectively form the vertebral canal through which the
spinal cord passes.
vertebral foramina
___provide attachment points for ligaments, ribs, and spinal muscles
spinous and transverse processes
___extends laterally from the point where the 2 pedicle and lamina meet
transverse process
When two vertebrae are joined, they exhibit an opening between their pedicles called the
intervertebral foramen
_____allows passage of spinal nerves
that connect with the spinal cord at regular intervals
Vertebra C1 is called the ___ because it supports the head
Vertebra C2 is called the ___ and it allows the head to swivel from side to side. It has a prominent knob, the dens, or odontoid process, on its anterosuperior side, which projects into the vertebral foramen of the atlas.
The __ is the first vertebra that exhibits a spinous process
The __are relatively pointed and angle sharply downward. The body is somewhat heart-shaped and more massive than that of the cervical vertebrae but less than the lumbar vertebrae
spinous process
The___ is a bony plate that forms the posterior wall of the pelvic girdle. The coccyx usually consists of four (sometimes five) coccygeal vertebrae (Co1 to Co4 or Co5), which fuse by the age of 20 or 30.
The___ consists of the thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and ribs
thoracic cage
The ___ is a bony plate anterior to the heart; it is subdivided into three regions
sternum (breastbone
The___ is the broad superior portion. It has a median suprasternal (jugular) notch, which can be felt between the clavicles
At the inferior end of the sternum is a small, pointed ___that provides attachment for some abdominal muscles
xyphoid process
There are ___, with no difference in number between the sexes. Each rib is attached at its posterior (proximal) end to the vertebral column
12 pairs of ribs
the ___supports the arm; it consists of two bones, the
clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade)
pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle)
The medial end of the ___ articulates with the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint, and its lateral end articulates with the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint. The ____is slightly S-shaped
The_____ articulates with the humerus at the glenohumeral joint
The ___extends from shoulder to elbow and contains only the humerus.
brachium, or arm proper,
The__extends from elbow to wrist and contains two bones,
the radius and ulna; in anatomical position, the radius is lateral to the ulna
antebrachium ( forearm)
the___of the humerus has two smooth condyles. The lateral condyle, the capitulum, is shaped somewhat like a wide tire and articulates with the radius
distal end
The__called the trochlea, is pulleylike and articulates with the ulna.
medial condyle
The__protects the ulnar nerve, which passes close to the surface; this epicondyle is popularly known as the “funny bone.” Just above these epicondyles are the lateral and medial supracondylar ridges, which are attachments for some forearm muscle
medial epicondyle
The___ has a distinctive discoidal head at its proximal end
The__has a deep, C-shaped trochlear notch at its proximal end; this notch wraps around the trochlea of the humerus.
the ___bones in the proximal row, starting at the lateral (thumb) side, are the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform
carpal bone
The___is a sesamoid bone that is not present at birth but develops around age 9 to 12 in the tendon of the flexor carpiulnaris muscle.
The bones of the distal row, also starting on the lateral side, are the___
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate.
The___can be recognized by a prominent hook called the hamulus on the palmar side
___are the bones of the palm
____is proximal to the base of the thumb, and metacarpal V is proximal to the base of the little finger
Metacarpal I
The proximal end of a metacarpal bone is called the ___, the shaft is called the ___, and the distal end is called the ___; the heads form knuckles when you clench your fist
base, body, head
___ are the bones of the fingers; the singular is phalanx
___phalanges are found in the pollex (thumb) and ___in each of the other digits
The iliac crest is the___
superior crest of the hip
The acetabulum is the___
hip socket
The___is a large round-to-triangular hole below the acetabulum, closed by a ligament called the obturator membrane
obturator foramen
The adult hip bone is formed by the fusion of three childhood bones:
the ilium, ischium, and pubis
The__the largest bone, extends from the iliac crest to the center of the acetabulum
The ____extends from an anterior point or angle, the anterior superior spine, to a sharp posterior angle, the posterior superior spine
iliac crest
The ___form visible protrusions in a lean person. The
___are sometimes marked by dimples above the buttocks
anterior superior spines
posterior superior spines
The___is the inferoposterior portion of the hip bone
The___is the most anterior portion of the hip bone and has a superior and inferior ramus and a triangular body
pubis (pubic bone)
The___is sexually dimorphic, and the sex of skeletal remains can be identified largely from the anatomy of the___
The___extend from hip to knee and contains the femur
femoral region
The__ is a sesamoid bone at the junction of the femoral and crural regions
patella (kneecap
The___or ankle, is the union of the crural region with the foot.
tarsal region (tarsus)
The ___region, or leg proper, extends from knee to ankle and contains two bones, the medial tibia and lateral fibula
The ____region (pes), or foot, is composed of the 7 tarsal bones, 5 metatarsals, and 14 phalanges in the toes.
The___is the longest and strongest bone of the body, with a hemispherical head that articulates with the acetabulum in a ball-and-socket joint
the __is a large sesamoid bone; it is cartilaginous at birth and
ossifies at 3 to 6 years of age
patella, or kneecap
The___ is on the medial side of the leg and is the only weight-bearing bone of the crural region
The___is a slender strut that helps stabilize the ankle; it does not bear any weight.The point of the head is called the___. The distal expansion is the____
fibula, apex, lateral malleolus