anatomy review Flashcards
pia matter
highly vascular
thickest intervertebral disc?
median nerve - partial claw - ulner?
full claw
foot drop?
deep fib
scalene muscles?
attached to first rib
throacic 5,6,7
to serratus anterio
to diaphragm 345
scalene m
supplied by roots
only upper trunk have ?
cords - lateral, posterio and ?
5 terminal branches
my aunt recog my uncle
axial and radial
T1 - which direction?
rises UP, all others go down
serrous anterior?
many heads - how many?
boxer’s muscle, rotates arm above head -
and trapezium
scapulo humeral rhythm?
The scapulohumeral rhythm is therefore defined as the ratio of the glenohumeral movement to the scapulothoracic movement during arm elevation. This is most often calculated by dividing the total amount of shoulder elevation (humerothoracic) by the scapular upward rotation (scapulothoracic).
arm beyond 90?
serratus anterior
Q re if mastectomy, what nerve damages?
intercostobrachial nerve,
Lateral winging?
Lateral winging, from trapezius paralysis with injury to the spinal accessory nerve, is most likely iatrogenic from procedures involving the posterior cervical triangle.
where does ulnar nerve run? behind medial condyle w superior ulnar collateral
elbow anastamoses
radial art?
ulnar art?
radial nerve -
deep branch, superficial -
deep (new name)
superficila - goes with radial artery - sensory nerve
radial - goes to snuff box
triangular spaces?
3 Ts - triceps longhead, tiris major, minor
in space? posterior circumflex scapular artert
Quad space
same 3 ts, and surgical neck of humerus
what’s in it?
inferior triangle space?
radial n - thickest nerve - supplies triceps and all m back of arm and foremart
only muscle inserted into
latisimus dorsi? NOT THE ANSWER
where is it inserted into?
Anterior Interosseous Syndrome? ???
Can’t do OK sign, can’t flex thumb or index - ??
median nerve lesions near elbo
1 and a half muscle in foremar supplied by??
small saphenous vein runs with what n?
Great saphenous vein (from big toe) drains into? comes up medially
femoral mid thight
dermatomes? L 4, L5
on front
on back of leg? S1, S2, and S3
tribial n?
back of leg
back of thigh n?
S3, dorsal rami supplies what part of butt?
direct- gluteaus max?
footballer’s m and N?
rectus femoris - femoral N
femoral triangle
vein artery nerve
medially to all is ring
medially to all all - lacunar lig - w possible problem of werid artery
nerve supply of piriformis?
Nerve to piriformis - directly
S1 and s2
Psoas - supplied by roots directly - which ones?
n supply of biceps femoris
sciatic - posterior comparment
root value of sciatic nerve
L4 to S3
and tibial nerve
common fibular ends where?
at lateral knee - divides deep and superficial to foot
deep peroneal and othe rone?
tibial nerve
tibial vs. fibular, anterior, posterior part of leg???
so confused ???
ligaments in thigh?
infeofemoral lib - hardly ever torn
obturator art branch of?
internal iliac
superficial vs deep m in posterior leg?
achilles tendon
deep posterior leg m?
is fibular artery in what compartment?
posterior compartment - sends branches into anterior compartment
anterior tibial
in anterior compartment
posterior tibial
posterior compartment
arcuate artery?
in foot - how work??
arches of foot
medial longitudinal