Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
A muscle that separates the fingers and toes
Abductor digiti minimi
A muscle of the foot that separates the toes
Abductor hallucis
Muscle of the foot that moves the big toe and helps maintain balance while walking or standing
Muscle at the base of each finger that draws fingers together
Adenosine triphosphate
Chemical energy used for metabolism
Adipose tissue
Fat; gives smoothness and contour to the body
Adrenal glands
Glands that control metabolic processes of the body, including fight or flight response
Constructive metabolism , combining smaller molecules to build larger and more complex molecules
Study of human body structures, as well as what the body is made up of, science of structure of organisms or of their parts
Anterior tibial artery
Supplies blood to lower leg muscles and to muscles and skin on the top of the foot and sides of first and second toes, goes to the foot and becomes dorsalis pedis artery
Largest artery in the body, carries oxygenated blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries throughout the body
Thick walled muscular and flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood from heart to capillaries
One of the two upper chambers of the heart, through which blood is pumped to the ventricles
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the nervous system that controls involuntary muscles and regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels and heart
Muscle producing contour of the front and inner side of upper arm, it lifts the forearm and flexes the elbow
Nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system(heart, veins, arteries and capillaries) to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste from them
Blood vascular system
Group of structures ( heart, arteries, veins, capillaries) that distribute blood throughout the body
Body system
11 major systems, group of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions
Part of central nervous system contained in cranium, largest and most complex nerve tissue, controls sensation, muscles, gland activity and the power to think and feel emotions
Tiny thin walled blood vessel that connects the smaller arteries to the veins
Cardiac muscle
Involuntary muscle that is the heart, only found in the heart
The wrist, a flexible joint composed of a group of 8 small irregular bones held together by ligaments
Phase of metabolism in which larger, more complex molecules are broken down to create simpler molecules
Cell membrane
Cell part that encloses and holds the protoplasm while still allowing soluble substances (nutrients or waste by products) to enter or leave the cell
Basic unit of all living things from bacterial to plants and animals and including human beings, a minute mass of protoplasm capable of performing all the fundamental functions of life
Central nervous system
Consists of the brain, spinal cord spinal nerves and cranial nerves
Circulatory system
Also known as the cardiovascular or vascular system, system that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels
Common peroneal nerve
Division of the sciatic nerve that extends behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg where it divides into two branches
Connective tissue
Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects, and supports the various parts of the body ( ex: bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and fat)
The part of the protoplasm that exists outside the nucleus and inside the cell wall, the protoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is needed for growth, reproduction and self-repair
Deep peroneal nerve
Also known as the anterior tibial nerve, extends down the front of the leg, behind the muscles, supplies impulses to these muscles and also to the muscles and skin on the top of the foot and adjacent sides of first and second toes
A large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint the allows the arm to extend outward and to the side of the body
Treelike branches of nerve fibers extending from a nerve cell , short nerve fibers that carry impulses toward the cell and receive impulses from other neurons
An acid that determines our genetic makeup
The muscular wall that separates the thorax from the abdominal region and helps control breathing
Digestive enzyme
Chemical that changes certain types of foods into a form that can be used by the body
Digestive system
Mouth, stomach, intestines, and salivary and gastric glands that change food into nutrients and wastes,
Digital nerve
A nerve that with its branches supplies the fingers and toes
Dorsal nerve
Nerve that extends up from the toes and foot just under the skin, supplying impulses to the toes and foot as well as the muscles and skin of the leg
Dorsalis pedis artery
Supplies the foot with blood
Endocrine glands
Organs such as thyroid or pituitary glands also known as ductless glands that release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream
Endocrine system
Group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activities and health of the entire body
Epithelial tissue
Protective covering on body surfaces such as the skin, mucous membranes, tissue inside the mouth, the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs and glands
Excretory system
Group of organs including the kidneys, liver, skin, large intestine, and lungs which purify the body by eliminating waste matter
The act of breathing outward, expelling carbon dioxide from the lungs
Exocrine glands
Also known as duct glands, organs that produce a substance that travel through small tubelike ducts such as the sweat and oil glands
A muscle that straightens the wrist, hand and fingers to form a straight line
Extensor digitorum longus
A muscle that bends the foot up and extends the toes
Heavy long bone that forms the leg above the knee
Smaller of the two bones that form the leg below the knee, bump on little toe side of the ankle
An extensor muscle of the wrist involved in flexing the wrist
Flexor digiti minimi
A muscle of the foot that moves the little toe
Flexor digitorum brevis
A muscle of the foot that moves the lesser toes and helps maintain balance
Muscle that is attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot down
Specialized organ that removes certain constituents from the blood to convert them into new substances
Muscular cone shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system
Coloring matter of the blood, iron containing protein that temporarily binds with oxygen
Also known as microscopic anatomy, the study of tiny structures found in tissues
Secretion such as insulin, adrenaline and estrogen produced by one of the endocrine glands and carried by the bloodstream or body fluid to another part of the body to stimulate a specific activity
Uppermost and largest bone in the arm, extending from elbow to shoulder
The breathing in of air