Anatomy of UE Joints Flashcards
What is the primary function of the elbow joint?
Work together with the shoulder to position the hand for functional activities
What is the cubital tunnel?
When is it at it’s great and least volume?
a fibro-osseus canal that contains the ulnar nerve
volume is greatest in extension and decreases roughly 55% as elbow is brought into flexion
What are the contents of the cubital fossa?
distal biceps tendon median nerve brachial artery radial nerve median cubital or intermediate cubital cutaneous vein
What is the arcade of frohse?
an inverted arch which represents the proximal border of the superficial head of the supinator through which the posterior interosseus nerve (major branch off radial) passes
Where is the radial tunnel/supinator canal located?
Which nerve passes through this canal?
located at the anterior aspect of the radius, 5 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle
posterior interosseus nerves passes through
What spinal nerves contribute to the ulnar nerve?
What is it’s path?
passes posterior to the medial epicondyle where it enters the cubital tunnel, leaves cubital tunnel and passes between the two heads of the FCU origin
What spinal nerves contribute to the radial nerve?
What is it’s path?
- travels in the anterior distal arm between the brachialis and biceps medial and the brachioradialis, ECRL, and ECRB laterally
- branches into posterior interosseus nerve and superficial sensory nerve joint before or just after the elbow joint
- deep branch travels posterior to enter the radial/supinator tunnel, and then passes deep to the supinator at the arcade of frohse
What spinal nerves contribute to the median nerve?
What is it’s path?
- travels medially down the upper arm across the anterior aspect of the elbow
- as it passes through the cubital fossa and anterior interosseus nerve branches off as it passes through the two heads of the pronator teres
What is the role of the transverse retinacular ligament?
Where is the oblique retinacular ligament?
holds the extensor mechanism at the PIP joint
inserts on the distal phalanx along with the distal insertion of the extensor mechanism
What is the role of the pulley system for the fingers?
What ligaments make up this pulley system?
restrain the flexor tendons to prevent “bowstringing”
Annular ligaments which are straight and labeled from A1-A5 (A1 is most proximal) and cruciate ligaments which are crossed and labeled C1-C3 (C1 is most proximal)
What is the Volar Plate?
a strong capsuloligamentous ligament which protects the articular surface of the proximal PIP joint
What is the extensor hood?
a complex tendon which covers the dorsal aspect of the digits which allows the lumbricals to assisted with flexing the MCP joints and creates a cable system that extends the MCP and PIP joints
Which ligament are found in compartment 1 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
Extensor pollicis brevis
abductor pollicis longus
Which ligament are found in compartment 2 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
Extensor Carpi radial brevis
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Which ligament are found in compartment 3 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
extensor pollicis longus
Which ligament are found in compartment 4 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
extensor digitorum
extensor indicis
Which ligament are found in compartment 5 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
extensor digiti minimi
Which ligament are found in compartment 6 of the Extensor Retinaculum?
extensor carpi ulnaris
What are the attachment sites for the flexor retinaculum?
What are the roles of the flexor retinaculum?
radial: trapezium and scaphoid
Ulnar: hook of the hamate and pisiform
- maintains transverse carpal arch
- attachment site for thenar and hypothenar muscles
- acts as a restrain from bowstringing of the flexor tendons
- protects median nerve
What are the 6 components of the triangular fibrocartilage complex?
- articular disc
- dorsal radioulnar ligaments
- volar radioulnar lig.
- ulnar collateral lig.
- ECU sheath
- lunotriquetral lig
What is the role of the triangular fibrocartilage complex?
- improves joint congruency
- cushion against compressive forces
- TFCC transmits about 20% of the axial load from the hand to the forearm
What muscles flex the wrist?
flexor carpi ulnaris and radialis
palmaris longus
What muscles extend the wrist?
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
extensor carpi ulnaris
What are the volar extrinsic muscles of the UE?
flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus