Anatomy of trachea, pleura, lungs Flashcards
What is the extent of the trachea?
From C6-T4-T5 (carina)
How long and wide is the trachea?
It is 10-15cm (5 inches) long and 2.5cm (1 inch) wide
When does the trachea stretch and recoil?
Stretches during inspiration and recoils during expiration`
What is the trachea’s relationship with the neck anteriorly?
thyroid isthmus, sternohyoid/sternothyroid muscles, inferior thyroid veins
What is the trachea’s relationship with the neck laterally?
common carotid arteries, thyroid lobes, recurrent laryngeal nerves (groove), inferior thyroid arteries
What is the trachea’s relationship with the neck posteriorly?
What is the trachea’s relationship with the thorax anteriorly?
manubrium sterni, thymus remnant, left brachiocephalic vein, brachiocephalic trunk, arch of aorta, left common carotid artery, cardiac plexus
What is the trachea’s relationship with the thorax right laterally?
pleura, right vagus, brachiocephalic trunk,
What is the trachea’s relationship with the thorax left laterally?
left recurrent laryngeal nerve, arch of aorta, left common carotid, subclavian arteries
What is another name for the trachea?
What does the trachea first branch into?
the primary/main left and right bronchi
What surrounds the trachea?
Fibrocartilaginous horse shoe/ U shaped rings
What do the primary bronchi branch into?
Left: 2 lobar/ secondary bronchus
Right: 3 lobar/ secondary bronchus
What connects the cartilages around the trachea?
Annular ligaments
List the differences between the right and left main/primary bronchus
Right: wider, shorter (2.5 cm), more straight with the trachea (so foreign objects more easily goes down it-lower lobe due to gravity), has 3 lobar branches
Left: narrower, longer (5cm), has a curve (makes it difficult if foreign objects were to go down it), has 2 lobar branches