Anatomy Of The Voice Flashcards
Which muscles lift the larynx?
The Suprahyoids.
- Diagastric
- Stylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
- Mylohyoid
- Pharyngeal Constrictors - superior, middle and inferior.
Which muscles lower the larynx?
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
Which muscles open the true vocal folds?
Posterior croicoaryteniods.
Which muscles close the true vocal folds?
- Thyroarytenoid
- Transverse interarytenoid
- Oblique interaryenoids
- Lateral crucoaeytenoids
Name the muscles of the velum.
- Tensor Veli Palatini
- Locator Veil Palatini
- Superior Pharygeal Constrictor
- Palatoglossus
- Palatopharyngeus
What are the muscles of the jaw?
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Pterygoids
What are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
- Palatoglossus
- Styloglossus
- Hyoglossus
- Genioossus
What are the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
- Longitudinal
- Transverse
- Vertical
What are the parts of the tongue?
Body, tip, blade, dorsum and root.
What are the muscles of the Lips?
- Obicularis Oris
- Risorius
- Zygomaticus minor and major.
Name the muscles needed for torso anchoring.
Pectoralis Major
Latissimis Dorsi
Quadratics Lumborum
Describe the structural make up of the true vocal folds.
Made up of five different layers.
1. Epithelium - most outer layer. The skin.
2. Superficia Lamina Propria - A gel
Like substance. Allows for flexibility.
3. Intermediate & Deep Lamina Propria - part of the vocal ligament. Elastic in quality.
4. Vocalis portion of the Thyroarytenoid. The bulk of the vocal folds. Muscle.
Name the cartilages of the larynx.
- Thyroid
- Cricoid
- Epiglottis
- Arytenoids
- Corniculate
- Cuneiform
Which muscles are responsible for tilting the thyroid cartilage?
The Cricothyroids
What is the glottis?
The space between the vocal folds.
What is the Cricothyroid Space?
The space between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages that closes when the thyroid or cricoid tilts.