Anatomy of the rectum and anal canal Flashcards
What forms the bony pelvis?
Two hip bones that are separated by the sacrum posteriorly and meets anteriorly at the symphysis pubis
- The pelvic cavity is continuous with the abdominal cavity (their is no diaphragm in between)
What are the joints of the pelvis?
1) Symphysis pubis (secondary cartilage)
2) Sacroiliac joint (synovial plane joint)
- They allow little movement of the pelvis
What is the pelvic inlet?
It is a line that passes from the upper border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory
- Above the pelvic inlet it is called as the false pelvis (part of the abdominal cavity), and below this line it is called the true pelvis
- The true pelvis has an inlet & outlet, the inlet is at the brim, while the outlet is closed by the pelvis diaphragm (pelvic diaphragm separates the pelvis from the perineum)
What is the pelvic brim?
- It marks the distention between the greater pelvis (false pelvis) and the lesser pelvis (true pelvis)
- The greater pelvis is part of the abdominal cavity
What is the pelvic outlet?
It is a line that passes from the lower border of the symphysis pubis to the tip of the coccyx
Where does the true pelvis lie?
Between the pelvic inlet and the outlet
What is the pelvic diaphragm?
- The bony pelvis is lined with muscles (laterally, posteriorly, and inferiorly)
- The inferior muscles is the pelvic diaphragm which separates he contents of the pelvis from the perineum
What happens to the abdominal pressure when the pelvic diaphragm contract?
It increases
What are the muscles that forms the pelvic diaphragm?
1) Levator ani
2) Coccygeus
- Along with their superior and inferior fascia
What are the muscles that covers the lateral wall of the pelvis?
1) Piriformis
2) Obturator internus
- Along with their fascia
What is the piriformis muscle?
- One of the small lateral rotators of the thigh
- It originates from the anterior 3 sacral pieces, passing through the greater sciatic notch to insert in the upper border of the greater trochanter
What is the obturator internus?
- It is one of the small lateral rotators of the thigh, the inner surface of the obturator membrane insert into the greater trochanter
What is the function of the pelvic diaphragm?
- It is the pelvic floor that holds in and supports the viscera
- Beneath it is the perineum
What is the origin of the perineum?
The tip of the ischial spine
Where is the coccygeus inserted?
At the side of the last piece of the sacrum and the first piece of the coccyx
What is the nerve supply of the coccygeus?
Lower sacral nerve
What is the action of the coccygeus?
It does not have a action in humans, however in animals is moves the coccyx and tail
What is the origin of the levator ani muscle?
1) The posterior surface of the body of the pubis
2) The upper thickened part of the obturator fascia
3) Ischial spine
Where is the levator ani muscle inserted into?
- It has 3 origins and thus
1) Perineal body (where two of the origins meet medially, anterior to the anal canal)
2) The side wall of the anal canal
3) The anococcygeal body (where two of the origins meets medially, posterior to the anal canal)
4) The tip of the coccyx
What are the different parts of the levator ani muscle?
1) Puborectalis
2) Pubococcygeus (sphincter vaginae in females, or levator prostate in males)
3) Ileococcygeus
What is the puborectalis?
- It is a U-shaped sling, which extends from the body of the pubic bone, past the urogenital hiatus and around the anal canal
- Its main function is to maintain fecal continence (during defecation this muscle relaxes)
What is the pubococcygeus (sphincter vaginae)?
They are from the fibers the divides and loops around the prostate in males (levator prostate) and the vagina in females (pubovaginalis)
What is the iliococcygeus?
Its a part of the levator ani muscle that starts anteriorly at the ischial spine and the posterior aspect of the tendinous arch, posteriorly they attach to the coccyx and the anococcygeal ligament
What is the nerve supply of the levator ani muscle?
1) The pelvic surface is supplied by the lower sacral and coccygeal nerve
2) The Perineal surface is supplied by the inferior rectal nerve (which is a branch of the pudendal nerve)
What is the action of the levator ani muscle?
1) It raises the intra-abdominal pressure during forces expiration and expulsive acts (like defecation, cough and vomiting)
2) The anterior fibers (levator prostate, pubovaginalis, or sphincter vag forms a sling around the prostate or the vagina which acta as a sphincter for the vagina
3) The puborectalis closes the rectal/anal junction and reinforces the external anal sphincter, and it also maintains the fecal continence
- The puborectalis muscle relaxes while squatting (and thus the squatting position helps in the full excavation of the rectum)
A damage to the pelvic floor can result in which condition?