Anatomy of the Abdomen Flashcards
Identify the structure.
Bulbar part of the urethra
Identify the structure.
Transverse colon
Identify the structure.
Left lobe of the liver
Identify the structure.
Middle rectal artery
Identify the structure.
Body of the uterus
Identify the structure.
Pubic crest
Identify the structure.
Lesser curve
Identify the structure.
Hypogastric nerve
Identify the structure.
Sympathetic trunk
Identify the structure.
Internal oblique muscle
Identify the structure.
Inferior gluteal artery
Identify the structure.
Ductus deference
Identify the structure.
Renal cortex
Identify the structure.
Costal margin
Identify the structure.
Ischiopubic ramus
Identify the structure.
Hepatic artery
Identify the structure.
Vaginal opening
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Seminal vesicle
Identify the structure.
Tendinous arch
Identify the structure.
Transverse mesocolon
Identify the structure.
Pyloric antrum
Identify the structure.
Ischiocavernosus muscle
Identify the structure.
Pelvic brim
Identify the structure.
Obturator nerve
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Pudendal artery
Identify the structure.
Ejaculatory duct
Identify the structure.
Vermiform appendix
Identify the structure.
Sciatic notch
Identify the structure.
Psoas major
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Ends of the vesicle vessels
Identify the structure.
Anterior rectus sheath
Identify the structure.
Fundus of the uterus
Identify the structure.
Subcostal nerve
Identify the structure.
Right colic artery
Identify the structure.
Port hepatis
Identify the structure.
Genitofemoral nerve
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Femoral nerve
Identify the structure.
Caudate lobe of the liver
Identify the structure.
Obturator artery
Identify the structure.
Portal vein
Identify the structure.
Ascending colon
Identify the structure.
Internal urethral meatus
Identify the structure.
Haustra of the colon
Identify the structure.
Branches to the jejunoileum
Identify the structure.
Cystic duct
Identify the structure.
Tail of pancreas
Identify the structure.
Common iliac artery
Identify the structure.
Sacrotuberous ligament
Identify the structure.
Transversus abdominis
Identify the structure.
Internal iliac artery
Identify the structure.
Sacrospinous ligament
Identify the structure.
Hip bone
Identify the structure.
Body of the ilium
Identify the structure.
Superior gluteal artery
Identify the structure.
Deep circumflex artery
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Inguinal ligament
Identify the structure.
Head of pancreas
Identify the structure.
Lumbosacral trunk
Identify the structure.
Ileocolic artery
Identify the structure.
Gastrosplenic ligament
Identify the structure.
Obturator foramen
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Superior pubic ramus
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Internal urethral meatus
Identify the structure.
Lesser sciatic foramen
Identify the structure.
Pelvic plexus
Identify the structure.
Greater sciatic foramen
Identify the structure.
Corpus spongiosum
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Oesophagogastric junction
Identify the structure.
Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
Identify the structure.
Pelvic splanchnic nerve
Identify the structure.
Abdominal aorta
Identify the structure.
Perineal membrane
Identify the structure.
Anterior superior iliac spine
Identify the structure.
Ischiopubic ramus
Identify the structure.
Gonad arteries
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Superior mesenteric vein
Identify the structure.
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Identify the structure.
Lesser omentum
Identify the structure.
Ischial spine
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Pudendal artery
Identify the structure.
Gastroduodenal artery
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Median sacral artery
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Tendinous intersections
Identify the structure.
Right gastroepiploic artery