Anatomy Of External Ear :- Flashcards


Anatomy of external ear :-
Pinna :-
Parts :-

Cymba concha :-
Macewens triangle :-

Superiorly :-
Separates :-
MC abscess after middle ear infection :-

Posteriorly :-
Separates :-

Inferiorly :-

Citellis Angle :-
Aka :- sinodural angle :-
Angle between :-

Mcewens triangle :-

Skin :- lateral side:-
Medial side :-

Approach to middle ear
EAC not used :- reason :-

Endaural approach :- incision is made on :-

Darwin’s tubercle :-
Prominence at junction of :-

Anatomy of external auditory canal :- 
Total length :- 
Cartilage :- 
Bony :- 
Cartilaginous vs bony 
1. Length 
2. Direction :- 
3. Lining :- 
4. Furuncle of ear & foreign body 
5. Foramen 

Foramen of Santorni :-
Foramen of huschke :-

Anatomy of Tympani Membrane :- 
Layers :- 
Derived from :- 
Colour :- 
makes angle with horizontal 
Border ( anteriorly :- posteriorly :- ) 
More medially :- 
More accessible :- 

Divided into :-
Upper 1/3 :-
Lower 2/3 :-

Paras flacida aka sharpnells membran

Image of TM :-

  1. Cone of light :-
  2. Shadow of round window :-
  3. Pars tensa:-
  4. Lateral process of malleus :-
  5. Pars flaccida :-

MC site of retraction pocket :-
Center of pars tensa is dented by :-

Come of light emerges from :-
Due to :-

Most mobile part :-

Come of light present in :-

Identification of ear from tympanic membrane :-

Right ear TM :-
Left ear TM :-
Perforated TM :-

Surface area :-
Effective vibrating surface are :-


21 -25

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