Anatomy Of Cardio Vascular Flashcards
What is considered the base of the heart? Apex?
- base is formed by the atria
- apex is formed by the ventricles
What surrounds the heart and protects it?
What are the two parts to the pericardium?
- Fibrous pericardium- tough, inelastic and outer connective tissue
- serous pericardium- thinner delicate double layer around the heart.
What are the parts that make up the serous pericardium?
- parietal layer- fused to fibrous pericardium
- pericardial cavity- fluid filled space between parietal and visceral
- visceral layer (epicardium) - adheres tightly to the heart
The Heart is made up of how many layers? What are they called?
- Three layers
- Epicardium, Myocardium, endocardium
How many chambers in the heart?
The right and left sides of the heart are separated by what?
- inter-atrial septum
- inter-ventricular septum
What are the valves of the heart meant to do?
Prevent back flow
Name the major blood vessels of the heart?
- Superior/inferior vena cava
- coronary sinus
- pulmonary trunk and pulmonary artery
- pulmonary veins
- Aorta
- coronary artery
What vessels supply blood to the heart?
Left and right Coronary arteries
Describe the electrical structure of the heart in order
- SA node
- right atria (Bachmans bundle)
- AV node
- AV bundle branches (bundle of his)
- L/R bundle branches
- Purkinje fibers
What does the “P wave” represent?
Atrial depolarization
What represents the repolarization of the atria in EKG?
- can’t see it, it’s hidden in the QRS complex
“ T wave” represents what?
Ventricular repolarization
What are the three phases of cardiac cycle?
- Relaxation period
- Atrial Systole (contraction of atria)
- ventricular Systole (contraction of ventricles)
What is happening in the heart during relaxation period?
- ventricles are relaxing and repolarizing.
- All four chambers dilate (diastole) and ventricles fill up 75% with blood.
What is happening during atrial systole?
- contraction of both atria.
- ventricle’s fill up the remaining 25%
What’s happening in the ventricular systole phase (contraction)?
- ventricles depolarize ejecting blood into pulmonary trunk or in the aorta
Approximately how much blood is ejected into circulation with each ventricular contraction?
- 70 ml
What is Cardiac output and how is it measured?
- it’s the total volume of blood exiting the left atria every minute
- calculation: 70ml X BPM= CO
Name the 5 types of blood vessels
- Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
How is capillary filling controlled?
- By auto-regulation- small arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters.
Where does the slowest rate of blood flow take place? And why?
- Capillaries
- Allows time for exchange through cell walls
How is blood pressure and osmosis determined?
- By the amount of fluid in circulation