Anatomy Muscles - Exam1 Flashcards
Upper Trapezius
Proximal: external occipital protuberance, medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, spinous process C7
Distal: lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Innervation: accessory nerve (CN XI)
Action: elevation of scapula, capital extension, cervical extension, rotation of head to opposite side, (with lower trap) upward rotation of the scapula
Middle Trapezius
P: spinous process T1-T5
D: medial margin of acromion, spine of scapula
N: accessory nerve (CN XI)
A: scapular adduction
Lower Trapezious
P: spinous process T6-T12
D: spine of scapula tubercle
N: C3, C4 with contributions from accessory nerve
A: scapular adduction, scapular upper rotation, scapular depression
Rhomboid Minor
P: ligamentum nuchae, sp of C7 and T1
D: root of scapular spine
N: dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
A: scapular adduction, scapular downward rotation, scapular elevation
Rhomboid Major
P: sp of T2-T5
D: medial border of scapula from spine to inferior angle
N: dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
A: scapular adduction, downward rotation, scapular elevation
Levator Scapulae
P: posterior tubercles of transverse precesses if C1-C4
D: medial border of scapula superior to spine of scapula
N: dorsal scapular nerve (C5), C3, C4
A: Scapular elevation, adduction, and downward rotation; Cervical rotation to same side, cervical bending to same side; assists in cervical extension (bilateral)
Deltoid Anterior
P: later 1/3 of clavicle
D: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
N: axillary nerve (C5, C6)
A: flexes & medially rotates arm, horizontal adduction, abduction of arm
Deltoid Middle
P: acromion
D: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
N: axillary nerve (C5, C6)
A: abducts arm
Deltoid Posterior
P: scapular spine
D: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
N: axillary nerve (C5, C6)
A: extends & laterally rotates arm, horizontal abduction, abduction of arm
P: supraspinous fossa of scapula
D: superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
N: suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
A: maintains humeral head in glenoid fossa, abduction of shoulder (initiates abduction)
P: infraspinous fossa of scapula
D: middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
N: suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
A: maintains humeral head in glenoid fossa, laterally rotates arm
Teres Minor
P: middle part of later border of scapula
D: inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
N: axillary nerve (C5, C6)
A: maintains humeral head in glenoid fossa, laterally rotates arm, assists in adduction
Pectoralis Major
P: clavicular head: anterior surface of medial half of claviclesternocostal head: sternum (anterior surface to rib 6), Ribs 2-7 (costal cartilage), aponeurosis of external oblique
D: lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus (crest of greater tubercle)
I: upper (clavicular) head: lateral pectoral nerve (C5-C7); lower (sternocostal) head: medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C6-T1)
A: whole muscle: adducts and medially rotates humerus, elevation of sternum in forced inspiration (with UE fixed); clavicular (upper) head: horizontal shoulder adduction, flexion and medial rotation; sternocostal (lower) head: horizontal shoulder adduction (obliquely toward opposite hip), shoulder extension
Pectoralis Minor
P: 3rd-5th ribs near their costal cartilages
D: medial border and superior surface of coracoid process
I: medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C5-T1)
A: scapular protraction/abduction (“anterior tilt”), elevation of ribs in forced inspiration with scapula fixed by levator scapulae
P: junction of 1st rib and its costal cartilage
D: inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle
I: nerve to subclavius (C5-C6)
A: depresses and moves clavicle forward (provides protection for nerves, veins, and arteries); Assists shoulder depression
P: subscapular fossa
D: lesser tubercle of humerus
I: upper & lower subscapular nerve (C5, 6)
A: medially rotates arm, maintains humeral head in glenoid fossa
Latissimus Dorsi
P: Thoracolumbar fascia (sp of T6-T12, sp of lumbar and sacral), ribs 9-12, iliac crest
D: floor of inter-tubercular groove
I: thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
A: extends, adducts, medially rotates humerus; with insertion fixed, will hyperextend spine and anteriorly tilt pelvis
Teres Major
P: posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula
D: medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
I: lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
A: medially rotates arm, adducts arm, extends arm from a flexed position
Biceps Brachii
P: short head: tip of coracoid process; long head: supraglendoid tubercle of scapula, through capsule of glenohumeral joint and labrum
D: tuberosity of radius and fascia of forearm via bicipital aponeurosis
I: musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)
A: shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, forearm supination, stabilization of GH joint
P: distal 1/2 anterior surface of humerus
D: ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process
I: musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)
A: elbow flexion
P: tip of coracoid process
D: middle 1/3 of medial surface of humerus
I: musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7)
A: flexion and adduction of arm
Triceps Brachii (long head)
P: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
D: proximal end of olecranon of ulna, capsule of elbow joint & antebrachial fascia
I: radial nerve (C6-C8)
A: extension of elbow, assist extension and adduction of shoulder
Triceps Brachii (lateral head)
P: posterior surface of humerus, superior to radial groove and lateral intermuscular septum
D: proximal end of olecranon of ulna, capsule of elbow joint & antebrachial fascia
I: radial nerve (C6-C8)
A: extension of elbow
Triceps Brachii (medial head)
P: posterior surface of humerus inferior to radial groove, medial and lateral intermuscular septa
D: proximal end of olecranon of ulna, capsule of elbow joint & antebrachial fascia
I: radial nerve (C6-C8)
A: extension of elbow
P: proximal 2/3 of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus & lateral intermuscular septum
D: lateral surface of distal end of radius proximal to styloid process
I: radial nerve (C5, C6)
A: elbow flexion - strongest in the midprone position
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus and capsule of elbow joint
D: lateral surface of olecranon and superior part of posterior surface of ulna
I: radial nerve (C6-C8)
A: elbow extension (weak)
Pronator Teres
P: humeral head: shaft proximal to medial epicondyle and common flexor tendon; ulnar head: coronoid process
D: lateral surface of middle shaft of radius
I: median nerve (C6-C7)
A: pronation of forearm, assists with elbow flexion
Pronator Quadratus
P: distal 1/4 of anterior surface of ulna
D: distal 1/4 of anterior surface of radius
I: median nerve (anterior interosseous n.) (C7-C8)
A: pronation of forearm
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral & annular ligament, supinator crest of ulna
D: lateral surface of proximal 1/3 of radius, tuberosity & oblique line of radius
I: radial nerve (C6, C7)
A: supination of forearm
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
P: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, common extensor tendon, lateral intermuscular septum
D: dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal on radial side
I: radial nerve (C6, C7)
A: wrist extension, radial (abduction) deviation, assist elbow flexion
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus via common extensor tendon, radial collateral ligament of elbow joint
D: dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal on radial side - some slips sent to 2nd metacarpal bone
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch) (C7, C8)
A: extend wrist & assist with radial deviation
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus via common extensor tendon, posterior border of ulna by an aponeurosis shared by FCU & FDP
D: tubercle on dorsal aspect of base of 5th metacarpal
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: extend & ulnar (adduction) deviation of wrist
Flexor Carpi Radialis
P: medial epicondyle of humerus by common flexor tendon
D: bases of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals
I: median nerve (C6-C7)
A: flexion and radial deviation (abduction) of wrist, assists elbow flexion and forearm pronation
Palmaris Longus
P: medial epicondyle of humerus by common flexor tendon
D: flexor retinaculum & palmar aponeurosis
I: median nerve (C7-C8)
A: tenses palmar fascia, wrist flexion
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
P: humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus by common flexor tendon; ulnar head: olecranon and posterior border of ulna via aponeurosis
D: pisiform, hook of hamat & 5th metacarpal
I: ulnar nerve (C7-T1)
A: flexion and ulnar deviation (adduction) of wrist, assists elbow flexion
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
P: humeral-ulnar head: medial epicondyle of humerus by common flexor tendon, ulnar collateral ligament, medial side of coronoid process; radial head: oblique line on anterior surface of radial shaft
D: shafts (bodies) of middle phalanges of medial four fingers
I: median nerve (C8, T1)
A: flexion of PIP joints of digits 2-5, assists with flexion of MCP joints of digits 2-5 and wrist flexion
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
P: upper 3/4 of anterior and medial surfaces of ulnar, coronoid process via aponeurosis
D: bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
I: digits 2-3: median nerve (anterior interosseous n.) (C8-T1); digits 4-5: ulnar nerve (C8-T1)
A: flexion of DIP joints of digits 2-5 and assists with flexion of MCP and PIP joints of digits 2-5 and wrist flexion
Palmaris Brevis
P: felxor retinaculum & palmar aponeurosi
sD: skin on hypothenar eminence
I: ulnar nerve (superficial branch) (C8, T1)
A: corrugates skin on ulnar side of hand
Abductor Digiti Minimi
P: pisiform bone, tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, pisohamate ligament
D: medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit, dorsal expansion of extensor digiti minimi
I: ulnar nerve (C8-T1)
A: abduction of 5th digit, assists opposition of 5th digit, may assist MCP flexion and IP extension of 5th digit
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
P: hook of hamate & flexor retinaculum
D: medial side of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
I: ulnar nerve (deep branch) (C8-T1)
A: MP flexion of 5th digit, assists opposition 5th digit
Opponens Digiti Minimi
P: hook of hamate & flexor retinaculum
D: medial border of 5th metacarpal
I: ulnar nerve (deep branch) (C8-T1)
A: opposition of little finger to thumb
Lumbricals (4)
Attach to tendons of flexor digitorumP: 1 & 2 are unipenate (radial side), 3 & 4 are bipenate
D: lateral side of extensor expansion
I: 1-2: median nerve, 3-4: ulnar nerve
A: flex MP joints & simultaneously extend PIP and DIP joints of digits 2-5; 4th lumbrical assist opposition of 5th digit
Dorsal: MP abduction at index, middle, and ring fingers; assit MP flexion and assist IP extension; 1st assits thumb adduction
N: ulnar (deep branch) (C8, T1)
Palmar: MP adduction at the index, ring and little fingers; assist MP flexion; assist IP extension; assist opposition of 5th digit (3rd interosseus)
N: ulnar (deep branch) (C8, T1)
Extensor Indicis
P: posterior surface of distal 1/3 of ulnar below the origin of extensor pollicis longus, interosseous membrane
D: extensor expansion of 2nd digit
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: extension of 2nd finger at MCP, IP extension in conjunction with hand intrinsics of index finger, assists with wrist extension
Abductor Pollicis Longus
P: posterior surface of shaft of ulna, middle 1/3 of posterior shaft of radius & interosseous membrane
D: radial side of base of 1st metacarpal & trapezium
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch) (C7, C8)
A: extension & abduction of thumb at CMC joint, radial deviation, assists wrist flexion (weak)
Extensor Pollicis Longus
P: posterolateral surface of middle shaft of ulna, interosseous membrane
D: dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: extension of thumb at IP joint, assists with CMC & MP extensions, assists with radial deviation
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
P: posterior surface of distal 1/3 of radius & interosseous membrane
D: dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: extends MP joint of thumb & extension & abduction of CMC joint of thumb, assists with radial deviation & wrist extension
Extensor Digitorum
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus via common extensor tendon
D: divides into 4 tendons that insert into the extensor expansion of digits 2-5 - intermediate slips to middle phalanges and lateral slips to distal phalanges
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: MP extension, IP extension in conjunction with hand intrinsics (2-5 digits); without the intrinsic produces MP hyperextension; assists wrist extension
Extensor Digiti Minimi
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus via common extensor tendon
D: extension expansion of 5th digit on radial side
I: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
A: exntension of 5th digit at MP, IP extension in conjunction with the hand intrinsicts in little finger, assists wrist extension
Flexor Pollicis Longus
P: anterior surface of middle of shaft of radius, interosseous membrane
D: base of distal phalanx of thumb
I: median nerve (anterior interosseous n.) (C7-C8)
A: flexion of IP joint of thumb, assists with flexion of MP and CMC joints of thumb, assists with wrist flexion
Opponens Pollicis
P: tubercle of trapezium & flexor retinaculum
D: lateral side of 1st metacarpal
I: median nerve (C8-T1) & ulnar (terminal branch) nerve (C8-T1)
A: opposition of thumb (flexion of CMC joint medially across the palm, abduction of CMC joint & medial rotation of CMC joint)
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
P: tubercle of sacphoid & trapezium, flexor reticulum
D: lateral side of proximal phalanx of thumb & extensor retinaculum
I: median nerve (C8-T1)
A: abduction at CMC & MCP joints of thumb; assists thumb opposition & IP extension
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
P: superficial head: tubercle of trapezium & flexor retinaculum; deep head: trapezoid & capitate
D: lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
I: superficial head: median (lateral branch) (C8-T1); deep head: ulnar (deep branch) nerve (C8-T1)
A: flexion of MP & CMC joints of thumb; assists thumb opposition
Adductor pollicis
P: oblique head: capitate, bases of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals; transverse head: anterior surface of shaft of 3rd metacarpal
D: medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb, extensor retinaculum
I: ulnar (deep branch) nerve (C8, T1)
A: adduction of CMC joint of thumb; assist thumb MP adduction and flexion
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major (/)
O: spinous process C2
I: inferior to inferior nuchael line
N: dorsal rami of C1 (suboccipital n.)
A: capital extension, rotation of head to same side, lateral bending of head to same side
Splenius Capitus
O: ligamentum nuchae at C3-C7, sp C7-T4
I: mastoid process, occipital bone inferior to the later 1/3 of the superior nuchal line
N: dorsal rami C1 (suboccipital n.), C2 (greater occipital n.), C3-C6
A: capital extension, rotation of head to same side, lateral bending of head to same side
Splenius Cervicis
O: sp T3-T6
I: transverse process p C1-C3
N: dorsal rami C4-C8
A: Cervical extension (bilateral), lateral bending of cervical spine to same side (unilateral), rotation of cervical spine to same side (unilateral)
Iliocostalis Cervicis
O: angles of ribs 3-6
I: transverse processes of C4-C6
N: dorsal rami C4-T3
A: cervical extension (bilateral action, lateral bending of cervical spine to same side (unilateral action), assist depression of ribs
Longissimus Cervicis
O: transverse processes of T1-T5
I: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C2-C6
N: dorsal rami C3-T3
A: cervical extension (bilateral action), lateral bending of cervical spine to same side (unilateral)
Longissimus Capitis
O: transverse processes of upper 4-5 thoracic vertebrae and articular processes of lower 3-4 cervical vertebraeI: posterior margin of mastoid process
I: dorsal rami C3-C8
A: capital extension, lateral bending and rotation of head to same side
Spinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitis)
O: sp of thoracicI: sp of cervicalI: dorsal rami
N: Capitis: C3-T1 spinal nerves (dorsal rami); Cervicis: C3-C8 spinal nerves (dorsal rami)
A: Capitis: capital extension; Cervisis: C3-C8 spinal nerves (dorsal rami)
Semispinalis (thoracis, cervis, capitis)
O: transverse process (C4-T12)
I: spinous process up 4-6, cervis attach C2, capitis attach to head, occiput inferior nuchal line
N: Capitis: C2-T1 spinal nerves (dorsal rami, greater occipital nerve; Cervicis: C2-T5 spinal nerves (dorsal rami)
A: Capitis: capital extension, rotation of head to opposite side, lateral bending of head to same side; Cervicis: cervical extension (bilateral action), lateral bending of cervical spine to same side (unilateral action), rotation of cervical spine to opposite side (unilateral action)
Interspinales & Intertransversari & Rotatores
Interspinalis Cervicis: A: extension of cervical spine; N: C3-C8 dorsal rami
Intertransversii Cervicis: A: cervical extension (bilateral), lateral bending of cervical spine to same side (unilateral); N: C3-C8 vental rami to anterior cervicis, C3-C8 dorsal rami to poster cervicis
Rotatores Cervicis: A: rotation of cervical spine to opposite side, assist cervical extension; N: C3-C8 dorsal rami
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
O: posterior tubercle on posterior arch C1
I: inferior to inferior nuchael line
N: dorsal rami of C1
A: postural, rotate head to same side (unilaterally), extend head (bilaterally)
Obliquus Capitis Inferior [_] (inferior oblique)
O: spinous process C2
I: transverse process C1
N: dorsal rami of C1 (suboccipital n.)
A: rotation of head to same side, lateral bending of head to same side
Obliquus Capitis Superior (superior oblique) []
O: transverse process C1
I: between superior and inferior nuchael line
I: dorsal rami of C1 (suboccipital n.)
A: capital extension, lateral bending of head to same side
O: mylohyoid line of mandible
I: body of hyoid bone and mylohyoid raphe
N: trigeminal (V) nerve
A: raises hyoid bone and tongue for swallowing; depresses the mandible when the hyoid bone is fixed, assist capital flexion (weak)
O: inferior mental spine of mandible and symphysis menti
I: body of hyoid bone
N: C1 via the hypoglossal nerve
A: elevation and protraction of hyoid bone; assists in capital flexion (weak) & depressing mandible
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: body of hyoid bone
N: facial nerve (CN VII)
A: pulls hyoid bone up and back (in swallowing), capital flexion (weak), assists in depression of the mandible, participates in mastication and speech
O: posterior belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone; anterior belly: digastric fossa of mandible
I: intermediate tendon and from there to hyoid bone via a fibrous sling
N: anterior belly: trigeminal (V); posterior belly: facial nerve (CN VII)
A: mandibular depression, elevation of hyoid bone in swallowing; anterior belly draws hyoid forward; posterior belly draws hyoid backward, assist capital flexion (weak synergist)
Longus Capitis
O: TP C3-C6
I: inferior surface of basilar part of occipital bone
N: ventral rami C1-C3
A: capital flexion; rotation of head to same side
Rectus Capitis Anterior
Inferior: anterior surface of atlas
Superior: inferior surface of baislar part of occipital bone
I: ventral rami C1-C2
A: capital flexion, stabilization of AO (OA) joint
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
Inferior: TP C1
Superior: inferior surface jugular process on occipital bone
I: ventral rami C1-C2
A: lateral bending head to same side; capital flexion, stabilze AO (OA) joint, assist with head rotation
Longus Colli (Longus Cervicis) - superior oblique portion
O: AT of TP C3-C5
I: tubercle on anterior arch of atlas
N: vental rami C2-C6
A: cervical flexion (weak), cervical rotation to opposite, may laterally flex
Longus Colli (Longus Cervicis) - inferior oblique portion
O: Anterior surface of bodies of C2-C3
I: AT of TP C5-C6
N: vental rami C2-C6
A: cervical flexion (weak), cervical rotation to opposite, may laterally flex
Longus Colli (Longus Cervicis) - vertical portion
O: anterior surface of bodies of C4-C7 and T1-T3
I: anterior surface of bodies C2-C4
N: vental rami C2-C6
A: cervical flexion (weak), cervical rotation to opposite, may laterally flex
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
I: sternal head - anterior surface of sternum; clavicular head - superior surface of medial 1/2 of clavicle
S: mastoid process, lateral 1/2 superior nuchal line
N: spinal accessory nerve (XI) and branches of C2 & C3
A: cervical flexion (bilateral), capital extension (bilateral), cervical lateral bending to same side (unilateral), rotation of head to opposite side (unilateral), raises sternum in forced inspiration
O: manubrium of sternum and medial end of clavicle; sternoclavicular ligament
I: body of hyoid bone
N: C1-C3 cervical nerves, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
A: cervical flexion (weak), depresses hyoid bone
O: posterior border of manubrium of sternum; costal cartilage of rib 1
I: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
N: C1-C3 via branches of ansa cervicalis
A: depression of hyoid, mandible and tongue (after elevation); draws larynx down after swallowing vocalization
O: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
I: inferior border of greater horn of hyoid bone
N: branches of C1 and hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
A: cervical flexion, draws hyoid bone downward and elevates the larynx and thyroid cartilage
Inferior Belly of Omohyoid
O: superior border of scapula near supra scapular notch and superior transverse ligament
I: intermediate tendon of omohyoid under sternoclydomastoid and clavicle by fibrous expansion
N: hypoglossal (XII) and C2-C3 cervical nerves
A: depression of hyoid after elevation; cervical flexion
Superior Belly of Omohyoid
O: intermediate tendon of omohyoid
I: inferior border of body of hyoid bone
N: hypoglossal (XII) and C2-C3 cervical nerves
A: depression of hyoid after elevation; cervical flexion
Serratus Anterior
P: external surfaces of lateral parts of 1st-8th ribs
D: anterior surface of medial border of scapula
N: long thoracic (C5-C7)
A: scapular abduction, scapular upward rotation, keeps medial border of scapula drawn anteriorly close to thoracic wall; prevents winging
Scalenus Anterior
N: C4-C6 ventral rami
A: cervical flexion, elevates first rib in inspiration, cervical rotation to opposite side, cervical lateral bending to same side
Scalenus Medius
N: C3-C8 ventral rami
A: cervical flexion (weak), cervical lateral bending to same side, elevates first rib in inspiration, cervical rotation to opposite side
Scalenus Posterior
N: C6-C8 ventral rami
A: cevical lateral bending to same side, elevates second rib in inspiration, cervical rotation to opposite side