Anatomy III Flashcards
V1, N.opthamlicus
Foramen: orbital fissure
Branches: N.lacrimlaes, N.frontalis
V2, N.maxillaris
Foramen: Rostral alar foramen
Branches: N.zygomaticus, N.infraorbitale,
V3, N.mandibularis
Foramen: Ovale
Branches: N.buccalis, n.auriculotemporalis, n.alveolaris inferior, nn.mentales, n.linguales
n.mandibularis —> n.alveolaris inferior —> n.mylohyoideus, found ventrally on mandible
Runs with A.lingualis, lies medially on digastricus muscle, motor nerve , foramen hypoglossus
N.alveolaris mandibularis/inferior
Passes in-between the median and lateral pterygoid muscle, gives of N.mylohyoideus. Enter through the mandibular foramen into alveolar canal, exit via mental foramen
leaves the mandibular nerve by the stylohyoid bone, then course medially on the mylohyoid muscle. Gives of N.sublinguales. Sensory nerve (2/3 of the tongue)
m.pterygoideus medialis
O: fossa pterygopalatina
I: fossa pterygoidea (medially, below for.mandibula)
A: grinding, close jaw
m.pterygoideus lateralis
O: ventral to alaris canalis, and fissura orbitales from sphenoid bone
I: fovea pterygoidea (medially, next to processus paracondylaris of mandible)
A: grinding, closes jaw
Muscles of the tongue: intrinsic
fibra longtitudinales superficiales, profunda and fibra perpendiculares
Muscles of the tongue: extrinsic
m. styloglossus, m.geniglossus, m.hyoglossus
transect m.stylopharyngeus , caudal to stylohyoid bone. CN # IX
“Vagosympathetic trunk” runs with common carotid and internal jugular vein
innervates the sternocleidomastoideus group of muscles
Vagous group
IX N.glossopharyngus
X N.vagus
XI N.accessorius
A.carotis externa
A.occipitales A. laryngea cran A.ascending laryneal ? A.lingules A.faciales A auriculare caudale A.parotidea A superficial temporal A.maxillaris
Soft palate muscles
m. palatinus
m. tensor veli palatinus
m. levator veli palatini
Larynx: extrinsic muscles
m. thyrohyoideus
m. hyoepiglotticus
m. sternothyroideus
Larynx: intrinsic muscles
m. cricothyroideus
m. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
m. cricoarytenoideus lateralis
m. thyroarytenoideus
m. arytenoideus transversus
m. vocalis
m. ventricularis
O:distal part of spina scapula
I:caudal boarder of ala atlantis
O: sternum manubri
I: m.sternomastoideus: mastoid part of temporal bone
m:sternooccipitalis: nuchal crest of occipital bone
O: distal cranial surface of humerus and crust humeri
I: clavicular intersection
O: clavicular intersection
I: m.cleidomastoideus: mastoid part of temporal bone
m.cleidocervicales: dorsal midline(raphne cervicis) over cranial half of neck
Lc. cervicale
cranial to m.suprasninatus, on lateral surface of neck, covered by skin, fascia and muscles
innervates m.sternocleidomastoideus group
m.pectoralis profundus (ascendens)
O: all sterner of sternum and costal cartilage of true ribs
I: minor tubercle of humerus
m.pectoralis superficialis (2 parts)
O: m.pectroalis desendence: sternum manibri
m. pectoralis transrversus: 1-3rd sternebra
I: crest of greater tubercle of humerus, upper part of crista humeri
nn.pectoralis craniale et caudale
cranial: ventral branch of C6,C7,C8
caudal: ventral branch C8,T1,T2
Look between superficial and deep pectoral muscles
C8(C6,C7) runs with A.thoracodorsalis, supplies the m.lattisimus dorsi
N.thoracicus longus
Runs across muscle belly of mm. serrates ventralis
N.thoracicus longus
C7, Runs across muscle belly of mm. serrates ventralis
N.thoracicus lateralis
C8, T1, T2, has some branches that intermingle with intercostal nerves. Should be seen daily simple coursing the space between m.lattisimus dorsi and m.pectroales profundus
Root of plexus brachialis
Situated cranially to the first rib. Composed of spinal nerves originating from the segment of C6-C8, T1, T2
nn. subscapulare
n. suprascapularis
n. musculocutaneous
n. axillaris
n. radialis
n. medianus
n. ulnarisn.braciocephalic?
C6-C7, supplies the supraspinatus muscle
n. musculocutaneous
C6-C8, runs next to the biceps muscle, tucked away
n. musculocutaneous
C6-C8, runs next to the biceps muscle, tucked away, supplies all cranial muscles of the brachium
C7-C8, T1,T2, thick nerve perforating the triceps, can be found on the lateral aspect of the forelimb, just above the elbow joint