Anatomy And Shit Flashcards
Explain posterior drawer sign
Patient supines bend knee 90° – >
Increased posterior gliding of tibia = PCL injury
Explain the anterior drawer sign
Patient supine bend knee 90° – >
Increased anterior gliding of tibia = ACL injury
Explain abnormal passive abduction
Patient supines -> knee extended/30° –>
Lateral/valgus force – >
MCL injury = medial space of tibia WIDENING
Explain abnormal passive adduction
Patient supines – >knee extend/30° – >
Medial/varus force – >
LCL injury = Lateral space widening of tibia
Explain the McMurray test
Patient supine – >knee internally rotated ->
pain/popping = lateral meniscal tear
Patient supine – >knee externally rotated ->
pain/popping = medial meniscal tear
Explain the unhappy triad
ACL + MCL + medial meniscus DAMAGE
Sports injury = lateral force applied to planted leg
Knee pain
Which one is more common lateral meniscus injury or medium meniscus injury
Lateral meniscus injury
Explain carpal tunnel syndrome
Entrapment of median nerve in transverse carpal ligament of wrist
– >nerve compression – >
Parasthesia pain numbness in distribution of median
Fun, index finger, middle finger, Ringfinger (radial side)