Anatomy And Physiology Of Clinical Research Flashcards
The written plan of the study
Research Question
Is the objective of the study; the uncertainty the investigator wants to solve
Define: FINER
Feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant
Background and significance
The section of a protocol that sets the proposed study in context and gives its rationale
Observational Study
Observing the events taking place in the study subjects
Clinical trial
Apply an intervention and examine its effects on these events
Cohort Studies
A type of observational study in which observations are made in a group of subjects that is followed over time
Cross-sectional Study
Observations are made on a single occasion
Prospective Study
A cohort study that begins in the present and follow subjects into the future
Retrospective Study
Cohort study that examines information and specimens that have been collected in the past
Case-control Design
Cohort study that compares a group of people who have a condition with another group who do not
Randomized Blinded Trial
Clinical trial where subjects are chosen at random and both investigator and subjects do not know who receives the treatment
Descriptive Study
Observational study that explores the lay of the land; might describe distributions
Analytic Studies
Evaluate associations to permit inferences about cause-and-effect relationships
Inclusion/exclusion Criteria
Define the target population in a study