Anatomy And Physiology Flashcards
Myogenic definition
The capacity of the heart to generate its own impulses
what is the SAN (Sino Atrial Node)
Hearts pacemaker which generates the heartbeat
What is the AVN (AtrioVentricular Node)
Relays the impulses between atriums and ventricular chambers of the heart
What is the Bundle of HIS
They transmit electrical impulses from the AVN to the ventricles
What are purkinje fibres
muscle fibres that conduct impulses in the walls of the ventricles
What is ventricular systole
When the ventricles of the heart contract
How does the heart beat (6 steps)
Bundle of HIS
Purkinje Fibres
Ventricular systole
What is cardiac hypertrophy
The thickening of the muscular wall of the heart so it becomes bigger and stronger in order to increase stroke volume
What does the CNS (central nervous system) consist of
Brain and spinal cord
What does the sympathetic nervous system do
speeds up the heart rate via the release of the stress hormone adrenaline
what does the parasympathetic nervous system do
Slows down the heart rate via Vegas nerve and the release of the hormone acetylcholine
what is the medulla oblongata
part of the brain that regulates processes
what do chemoreceptors do
detect change in carbon dioxide levels or change in pH (blood acidity)
what do proprioceptors do
detect changes in muscle movement
what do baroreceptors do
detect change in blood pressure
what is adrenaline
it is a stress hormone that is released before and during exercise to increase/speed up heart rate
what is Anticipatory Rise
Increase in heart rate before exercise due to the release of adrenaline
How to increase the heart rate during exercise (7 steps)
-increase in CO2
-detected by chemoreceptors
message to the medulla (C.C.C)
-Increase impulses to Sympathetic nervous system- adrenaline
-Decrease impulses to Parasympathetic nervous system- Vagus nerve
-Increase in Heart rate
Definition of stroke volume
The amount of blood pumped out each beat through the heart
Definition of Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute
Cardiac output (Q) = Stroke Volume (SV) x Heart Rate (HR)
Definition of Heart rate
Beats per minute (BPM)
How to work maximum heart rate
220 - Age
What is heart rate range
resting heart rate to max heart rate
Definition of ejection fraction
Percentage of blood ejected out of the left ventricle per beat
Definition of Bradycardia
Decrease in heart rate back to below 60 bpm
What is heart disease
Refers to as coronary heart disease as it occurs when a build up of fatty deposits occurs and block the coronary arteries, therefore stopping oxygen from being supplied to the heart
What is the impact of heart disease
This can cause a blood clot which blocks the oxygen from being transported, which will result in a heart attack and in some cases death
what is high blood pressure
Is the force exerted by the blood against the blood vessel walls, this pressure comes from the heart pumping blood arounf=d the body
What is the impact of high blood pressure
High blood pressure puts extra strain on the heart and arteries. If untreated it could lead to a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, a stroke or dementia
what are Cholesterol levels
HDL- transports excess cholesterol in the blood back to the liver where it is broken down. Classed as ‘Good’ cholesterol since it lowers the risk of developing heart disease
LDL- transports cholesterol in the blood to the tissues and is classed as ‘bad’ cholesterol
What is the impact of high LDL cholesterol levels
Increase the chances of having heart disease
What is a stroke
The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen. A stroke occurs when the oxygenated blood supply is cut off
What is the impact of a stroke
If the brain doesn’t get a constant supply of oxygen it causes damage to the brain cells so they start to die, this can lead to brain injuries, disabilities and sometimes death
How to prevent high blood blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, strokes and heart disease
Regular aerobic exercise
healthy balanced diet
no smoking or heavy drinking
How to prevent high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, strokes and heart disease
Regular aerobic exercise
healthy balanced diet
no smoking or heavy drinking
What are the causes of smoking regularly on a persons health
Irritates the trachea and bronchi
Reduces Lung function
Increases breathlessness
Swelling of the airways
Cilia cells get damaged so mucus builds up
Smokers cough
Damages Alveoli- effects gaseous exchange
Inefficient gaseous exchange
What is Starlings law
The greater venous return the greater force of contraction
What is the process of starling’s law (7 steps)
increased venous return
diastolic filling
cardiac muscle stretched
greater force of contraction
increase ejection fraction
increase in stroke volume
what is cardiovascular drift
when we reach a steady state we assume our heart rate levels out but it raises slightly
Cardiovascular drift flow chart (11 steps)
Exercise (10+ mins)
decreased in blood plasma
decrease in venous return
decrease diastolic filling
decrease stretching of the cardiac walls
Less force of contraction
Decreased stroke volume
Increased heart rate to maintain cardiac output
Increase in stroke volume
Definition of venous return
The return of blood to the the heart via the vena cava
what does the skeletal muscle pump do
When the muscles contract/relax they change shape which presses on the nearby veins and causes a pumping action, squeezing the blood back towards the heart
what does the respiratory pump do
When the chest cavity contracts/relaxes during inhalation and exhalation it cayuses pressure on the nearby veins and assists blood return
What does the heart suction pump
As the heart carries out its systole and diastole phase it pumps the blood quicker to the heart
What do pocket valves do
Prevents backflow to ensure that blood goes in one direction
How does gravity aid venous return
Helps the blood return to the heart from the body
How does smooth muscles aid in venous return
A very thin smooth muscle in the walls of the veins. This helps squeeze blood back towards the heart
Definition of hemoglobin
Found in red blood cells that attach with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin
Definition of Myoglobin
Protein that is stored in the muscle and it dissociates/takes oxygen from hemoglobin as it has a higher affiliation for oxygen
Definition of mitochondria
Protein which provides energy for respiration
What is the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation
Is a ‘s’ shape curve that shifts to the right
What happens to the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve at the lungs
The percentage saturation of haemoglobin is always 100% (4 molecules) and will not change rest to exercise
What happens to the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve at the muscle during exercise
At the muscle, oxygen is released from oxyhaemoglobin due to the lower pressure of oxygen in the muscle. The oxygen dissociates from oxyhaemoglobin as myoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen, which is taken to the mitochondria
What is the Bohr shift
During exercise the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (‘s’ shape), shifts to the right as muscles demand more oxygen from haemoglobin occurs more readily
What are the three factors that affect Bohr shift
- Increase in blood temperature
- PCO2 increases
- pH lowers due to CO2
What is the vascular shunt mechanism
During exercise the skeletal muscles need more oxygen so blood is redistributed there to meet the increase demand for respiration
Where does the blood go during vascular shunt
Skin- more blood to the skin to cool body down as radiation occurs because heat radiates away from the body (cheeks go red)
Brain- oxygenated blood supply stays the same as the brain needs a constant supply of oxygen exercise or rest
Heart- heart is a working muscle so if its working harder it needs more oxygen to beat faster
What is the vascular shunt process (9 steps)
Increase in CO2
Detected by chemoreceptors
Vasomotor Centre
Sympathetic nervous system
Pre capillary sphincters
Vasoconstriction- non essential organs
Definition of Vasoconstriction
Gets narrower to restrict blood flow to the non essential organs during exercise
Definition of Vasodilation
Gets wider to increase the amount of blood flow to the working muscles and essential organs during exercise
Definition of Arterio-Venous difference (AVO2-diff)
The difference in oxygen content between the arterial blood and venous blood
What is the AVO2-diff at rest
What is AVO2-diff during exercise
What is the pathway of air
Definition of gaseous exchange
Oxygen to the lungs so it can diffuse into the blood to be transported to the cells and the removal of carbon dioxide from the capillary to the alveoli
Definition of Diffusion
Movement of gas (CO2 and O2) from a area of a high concentration to a low concentration
What are the characteristics of capillaries (5)
One cell thick- Slow (max diffusion)
Semi permeable membrane
Large surface area
vast amounts of capillaries
What happens during gaseous exchange at the alveoli
The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than the PO2 in the blood capillary so the oxygen moves from the alveoli to the capillary due to a high concentration gradient. The PCO2 in the alveoli is low and the PCO2 in the capillary is high. Due to the movement from an area of high concentration to a low concentration carbon dioxide moves from the blood capillary to the alveoli.
What happens during gaseous exchange at the muscle
The oxygen will diffuse to the muscle as oxygen goes from a high concentration to a low concentration (muscle). In the muscle there is a higher PCO2 than in the capillary meaning the carbon dioxide moves from a high concentration (muscles) to a low concentration (capillary)
Definition of Tidal Volume and what happens to TV during exercise
Volume of air breathed in or out per breath
Increases during exercise
Define Inspiratory Reserve Volume and what happens to IRV during exercise
Volume of air that can be forcibly inspired after a normal breath
During exercise it Decreases
Define Expiratory Reserve Volume and what happens to ERV during exercise
Volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a normal breath
During exercise it decreases
Define Reserve Volume and what happens to residual during exercise
Volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximum expiration
During exercise it stays the same
Define Vital Capacity and what happens to VC during exercise
The greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath
During exercise there is no change
Define Minute Ventilation and what happens to MV during exercise
Volume of air breathed in or out per minute
Minute Ventilation (MV) = Tidal Volume (TV) x Frequency (F)
During exercise it Increases
What are three factors involved in regulation of pulmonary ventilation
Neural control
Hormonal control
Chemical control
What is the respiratory control centre
Located in the medulla and controls breathing rate
What are the three muscles involved in pulmonary ventilation
Pectorals minor
What is the Pulmonary Ventilation process (8 steps)
Increase in carbon dioxide
Detected Chemoreceptors
Respiratory control centre
Sympathetic Nervous system- Phrenic Nerve
Skeletal muscles to lift ribs up and out
Increase rate and depth of breathing
what are the three muscle fibre types
slow oxidative
fast oxidative glycolytic
fast glycolytic
What are the structural characteristics of Type 1 muscle fibre type (Slow oxidative) (7)
High density of capillaries
Small and red muscle fibre
High myoglobin quantity
Small Glycogen storage space
Small phosphate storage
Large Triglyceride storage space
High mitochondrial density
what are the functional characteristics of the Type 1 muscle fibre type (Slow Oxidative)
Slow contractile speed
Low contractile force
High fatigue resistance
Low anaerobic capabilities
High aerobic capabilities
what are the structural characteristics of the Type 2a muscle fibre type (Fast Oxidative Glycolytic)
Medium density of capillaries
Large and red muscle fibre
Medium myoglobin quantity
Large Glycogen storage space
Large phosphate storage
Medium Triglyceride storage space
Medium mitochondrial density
what are the functional characteristics of the Type 2a muscle fibre type (Fast Oxidative Glycolytic)
Fast contractile speed
Medium contractile force
Medium fatigue resistance
High anaerobic capabilities
Medium aerobic capabilities
what are the structural characteristics of the Type 2b muscle fibre type (Fast Glycolytic)
Low density of capillaries
Large and white muscle fibre
Low myoglobin quantity
Large Glycogen storage space
Large phosphate storage
Small Triglyceride storage space
Low mitochondrial density
what are the functional characteristics of the Type 2b muscle fibre type (Fast Glycolytic)
Fast contractile speed
High contractile force
Low fatigue resistance
High anaerobic capabilities
Low aerobic capabilities
What is the All or None Law
The muscle fibre can only be contracting or not
Definition of Motor unit
The Motor neurone and the fibres it intervenes
Neural control of muscular contraction
- CNS sends impulses to muscles (action potential)
- The strength and frequency determines the quantity of muscle that contracts, and the speed in which it contracts
- When the AP threshold of a muscle is reached by Impulses, chemical processes occur at the neuromuscular junction and muscle fibres contract
- When the CNS reduces/ stops frequency and strength of impulses, the action potential will drop below the required threshold, and the fibres will cease contracting
Neuromuscular system
- Nervous system and the muscles work together to allow movement
- Changes prepare the body for exercise and allows for the changing demands of different intensities of exercise
- Autonomic nervous system- SNS (fight & flight) and PNS (rest & relax)
Definition of Wave Summation
Where there is a repeated nerve impulses with no time to relax, so a smooth, sustained contraction occurs, rather than twitches
Definition of Spatial Summation
When the strength of a contraction changes by altering the number and size of the muscles motor unit
How to increase the strength of contraction
Wave Summation
Spatial Summation
PNF stretching
- Passive stretch
- Muscle spindle- leg is stretched to max
- Activated stretch reflex (contract)
- Isometric- 10sec hold
- Activating GTO- Release tension
- This overrides stretch reflex- Autogenic inhibition
- Passive stretch- Increases range of movement
(Contract Relax Antagonist Contract)
Muscle Spindles
Provides information to CNS about how fast and how far a muscle is being stretched
Golgi Tendon Organs
Detect levels of tension in a muscle
Definition Autogenic Inhibition
Where there is a sudden relaxation of the muscle in response to high tension. The receptors involved in this process are Golgi tendon organs
Definition of a Motor neurone
nerve cells that transmit the brains instructions as electrical impulse to the muscles
What is a neuromuscular junction
Where the motor neurone and the muscle fibre meet
Give examples of isotonic muscular contractions
Definition of a eccentric muscular contraction
where muscles lengthen under tension. Acts as a brake helping control the movement during negative work
Definition of a concentric muscular contraction
Where muscles shorten under tension
Define a isometric muscle contraction
Muscles contract without lengthening or shortening, and as a result no movement occurs. (fixator/acting against a resistance)
Name all the muscles in the body
Hip flexors
Wrist Flexors
Quadricep groups
Tibialis anterior
Latissimus Dorsi
Wrist extensors
Hamstring group
Name all the bones in the body
Meta Tarsals
Rib cage
Meta Carpals
What movements happen at the hip and what type of joint is it
Ball and Socket joint
Hyper extension
Horizontal adduction
Horizontal abduction
What movements happen at the knee and what type of joint is it
Hinge joint
What movements happen at the elbow and what type of joint is it
Hinge joint
What movements happen at the ankle and what type of joint is it
Hinge joint
Plantar Flexion
Dorsi Flexion
What movements happen at the shoulder and what type of joint is it
Ball and socket joint
Horizontal adduction
Horizontal abduction
Define agonist muscle
The muscle that is contracting is called the agonist
Define antagonist muscle
The muscle that is relaxing or lengthening is called the antagonist.
Define antagonistic muscle pairs
In an antagonistic muscle pair as one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes or lengthens.
Movement analysis at the hip, knee, ankle of jumping upwards
Extension at the Hip
Plantar flexion at the Ankle
Extension at the Knee
Movement analysis at the hip, knee, ankle of kicking a ball in the preparation phase
Hyper extension at the Hip
Flexion at the Knee
Plantar flexion at the Ankle
Movement analysis at the hip, knee, ankle of kicking a ball in the striking phase
Flexion at the Hip
Extension at the Knee
Plantar flexion at the Ankle
Movement analysis at the shoulder and elbow of hitting/striking preparation phase eg. tennis serve
Horizontal hyper extension at the Shoulder
Extension at the Elbow
Movement analysis at the shoulder and elbow of hitting striking phase eg. tennis serve
Horizontal flexion at the Shoulder
Flexion at the Elbow
Movement analysis at the Hip, Knee and Ankle of the upwards phase of a squat
Concentric contractions
Extension at the Hip
Extension at the Knee
Plantar Flexion at the Ankle
Movement analysis at the Hip, Knee and Ankle of the downwards phase of a squat
Eccentric contractions
Flexion at the Hip
Flexion at the the Knee
Dorsi flexion at the Ankle
What is the rule for agonist muscles during upwards and downwards phases of muscle actions
The agonist on the downwards phaser is the same agonist for the upwards phase for each joint
Movement analysis at the Elbow and Shoulder of the upwards phase of a press up
Concentric contraction
Extension at the Elbow
Horizontal Flexion at the Shoulder
Movement analysis at the Elbow and Shoulder of the downwards phase of a press up
Eccentric contractions
Flexion at the Elbow
Horizontal extension at the Shoulder
What are the 3 plane and axis pairings
- Frontal plane and Sagittal axis
- Sagittal plane and Transverse axis
- Transverse plane and Longitudinal axis
What movements happen at Frontal plane and Sagittal axis
- Adduction
- Abduction
Eg. Cartwheel
What movements happen at Sagittal plane and Transverse axis
- Flexion
- Extension
Eg. Kicking a ball or Diving
What movements happen at Transverse plane and Longitudinal axis
- Rotation
- Horizontal adduction/ abduction
Eg. Arm swing (tennis)
ATP splitting
- Adenosine triphosphate
- Enzyme ATPase breaks 3rd bond which produces energy to move
- Left with Adenosine diphosphate and a free phosphate
- Re-synthesise ATP
ATP-PC system
- Creatine kinase detects high levels of ATP
- Breaks down PC- releasing energy
- The energy is then used to convert ADP to ATP in a coupled reaction (1:1)
- No fatiguing by products but runs out quickly
- If want to work at high intensity for longer need to use anaerobic glycolysis as another course of energy to resynthesises ATP
What is the intensity of the ATP-PC
What is the duration of the ATP-PC system
Short duration- (2-10 seconds)
What is the activity that the ATP-PC uses its energy for
What are the enzymes involved in the ATP-PC system
Creatine kinase
What is the fuel for the ATP-PC system
What is the net gain of ATP in the ATP- PC system
What is the site of the ATP-PC system in the body
Advantages of the ATP-PC system
+ ATP can be resynthesised rapidly
+ No fatiguing by products
+ PC stores can be replenished quickly (50% in 30 seconds)
Disadvantages of the ATP-PC system
- Limited supply of PC- 10 seconds
- 1:1
- PC re-synthesise only tackle place with O2- Exercise intensity is reduced
Anaerobic glycolysis energy system
| Glycogen phosphorylase
| Phospofructokinase
Pyruvic acid
| Lactate dehydrogenase
Lactic acid
What intensity of anaerobic glycolysis
What is the duration of anaerobic glycolysis
10 sec - 3 min - Peaks at 1 min
What activity does the Aerobic glycolysis predominately use its energy
What enzymes are involved in anaerobic glycolysis
Glycogen phosphorylase
Lactate dehydrogenase
What fuel does the anaerobic glycolysis system use
Glycogen stored in muscles and liver
What is the net gain of ATP in the anaerobic glycolysis system
What is the sit of the anaerobic glycolysis system
Advantages of the anaerobic glycolysis energy system
+ ATP resynthesised quickly- few reactions, lasts longer than ATP-PC
+ Presence of oxygen lactic acid can be converted back to liver glycogen or used as fuel
+ Used for sprint finish- burst of energy
Disadvantages of the anaerobic glycolysis energy system
- Lactic acid as the by product denatured enzymes and prevents chemical reactions taking place
- Only a small amount of energy can be released from glycogen under anaerobic conditions 5% (95%)
Aerobic glycolysis energy system
- Glycogen is converted into glucose by the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase
- Glucose is converted to pyruvic acid by phosphofructokinase (net gain of 2ATP)
- Pryuvic acid is carried in Aectylcoenzyme A which is combined with Oxaloacetic acid
- Oxaloacetic acid makes citric acid which is then oxidised into the kerb cycle where lots of reactions take place
- The kerb cycle releases carbon dioxide and water
- H+ is carried by Hydrogen carriers down the electron transport chain
- E- split from H+
- This produces enough energy to resynthesise 34 ATP
What is the intensity of aerobic glycolysis system
What is the duration of the aerobic glycolysis energy system
3 mins +
What is the activity that the aerobic glycolysis system predominantly uses
What are the enzymes involved
Glycogen phosphorylase
Aectylcoenzyme A
What is the fuel for the aerobic glycolysis system
Glycogen and Fats (triglycerides)
What is the net gain of ATP of aerobic glycolysis
38 ATP
2ATP- Glycolysis
2ATP- Kreb cycle
34ATP- Electron transport chain
What is the site of the aerobic glycolysis in the body
Mitochondria (matrix and cristol) and Sarcoplasm
Advantages of aerobic glycolysis
+ More ATP can be produced- 38ATP
+ There are no fatiguing by products (CO2 and H2O)
+ Lots of glycogen and triglycerides store so exercise can last for a crime
Disadvantages of aerobic glycolysis
- Complicated system so can’t be used straight away. Takes a while for oxygen to become available to meet the demands of the activity and breakdown than glycogen
- Fatty acid transportation to muscles is low and also requires 15% more oxygen to be broken down than glycogen
The energy continuum
Type of respiration used by an activity. Anaerobic and Aerobic dependant on the intensity and duration of exercise
Differences in ATP generation in slow twitch type 1 muscle fibres
- Main pathway is aerobic
- Produces the maximum amount of ATP = 38 ATP
- Production is slow but fibres are more endurance based so less likely to fatigue
Differences in ATP generation in fast twitch type 2x muscle fibre
- Main pathway
- ATP production in the absence of O2 isn’t efficient- only 2ATP
- Production of ATP is fast but will not last for long as fibres have least resistance to muscle fatigue
EPOC (Excess Post exercise Oxygen Consumption) definition
Volume of oxygen consumed above normal following exercise (during recovery)
VO2 Max definition
Maximal volume of oxygen that can be taken up and used by the muscles per minute
At rest what is the oxygen consumption
0.3-0.4 litres per minute
What happens to the O2 consumption at the start of exercise
At the start of exercise we use more oxygen to provide ATP.
O2 consumption INCREASES
What happens to the oxygen consumption as the intensity of exercise increases
As intensity increases so does oxygen consumption until we reach maximal O2 consumption (3-6 litres per min)
What is the maximal O2 consumption (litres)
3 - 6 litres per min (L/min)
Oxygen deficit
Occurs when there is not enough oxygen present at the start of exercise to supply enough ATP aerobically/ volume of oxygen needed to complete activity aerobically
Oxygen Debt
- Recovery involves returning the body to its pre exercise state
- After performer completes exercise, O2 consumption remains quite high, due to extra oxygen needed to be taken in to help the performer recover
What are the two components of EPOC
- Fast component- Alactacid
- Slow component- Lactacid
What is Alactacid (Fast component of EPOC) used for
Extra oxygen taken is used to;
- Restore ATP
- Restore PC
- Re saturate myoglobin with oxygen
Alactacid (Fast component of EPOC)
- 50% of PC stores in 30 seconds
- 3 litres of oxygen
- 2-3 mins
What is Lactacid (Slow component of EPOC)
- Removal of lactic acid (one hour or longer).
- Pyruvate, converted to glycogen, converted to protein, removed in sweat and urine
- Maintenance of breathing and heart rates
- Helps all the processes repair quicker
- Increases in body temp remains high then respiratory rates remain high which will help the performer take in more oxygen
Lactacid (slow) role in Glycogen replenishment
- Depends on the intensity
Lactic acid is converted back - Converted to Glycogen via Cori cycle to liver and muscles
The Cori cycle
The process where lactic acid is transported in the blood to the liver where it is converted to blood glucose and glycogen
Altitude training definition
Usually done at 2500m + above sea level where the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) is lower
Altitude training advantages for a elite performer
Elite performer has to do altitude training for several weeks for it to be effective
+ Increase in the number of red blood cells and the conc of haemoglobin
+ Increase in capillarisation and EPO
+ Increases lactate tolerance
Altitude training disadvantages
First time it is difficult to train at the same intensity due to the reduction in partial pressure of oxygen
- Loss of fitness or detraining
- Altitude sickness
- Benefits of this training can be lost very quickly on return to sea level
- Body can only produce a limited amount of EPO
- Homesickness (psychological problems- living away from home)
High intensity interval training (HITT) definition
Involves short intervals of maximum intensity exercise followed by a recovery interval of low to moderate intensity exercise
Eg. 4 mins of intensity of intense exercise followed by 10 second rest intervals
What are the 4 main variables used to make High intensity interval training (HITT) specific
- The duration of the work interval
- The intensity or speed of the work interval
- The duration of the recovery interval
- The number of work intervals and recovery intervals
What are possible variations of High intensity interval training (HITT)
- Different numbers of high intensity work intervals and low intensity recovery intervals
- Different lengths of time for the work and recovery intervals
- Different exercise intensity for the recovery interval (low or medium intensity)
Benefits of HITT training
+ Pushing body to max during the work intervals increases the amount of calories you burn
+ Improves fat burning potential
+ Improves glucose metabolism
+ Improves both aerobic and anaerobic endurance
Plyometric training definition
Involves repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles to increase muscle power
Plyometric training process
What does SAQ training stand for
Speed, Agility and Quickness
SAQ (Speed, agility and Quickness) training