Anatomy Flashcards
What nerve in the parotid area is affected in Frey’s syndrome?
Auriculotemporal branch of cranial nerve V
What occurs w/ injury to the buccal nerve?
Decreased sensation of the skin over the cheeks (not to be confused with buccal branch of the facial nerve)
What happens with injury to the mental nerve?
Decreased sensation to the front of the chin and lower lip
What is the function of the zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal nerves?
Sensory nerves that supply sensation to the zygomatic arch and upper cheek
In what direction do lymphatics tend to drain?
Medial to lateral, and cephalad to caudad
What areas do the postauricular lymph nodes drain?
Posterior ear, parietal and mastoid scalp
What lymph node basin would the pre-auricular or anterior ear drain to?
Parotid or preauricular basin
Where does the occipital scalp drain to (lymph node basin)?
The occipital basin
Where does the nasal sidewall drain to (lymph node basin)?
Submental basin
What nerves innervate the orbicularis oculi muscle?
Temporal and superior zygomatic (upper portion) and the inferior zygomatic and buccal branches of the facial nerve (inferior portion)
What nerve innervates the frontalis muscle?
Temporal branch of the facial nerve
What muscles does the buccal branch of the facial nerve innervate?
Risorius, buccinator, levator muscles of the mouth, nasalis, orbicularis oris, and procerus
What muscles does the marginal mandibular branch innervate?
Depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, and mentalis
What muscles does the zygomatic branch innervate?
Obicularis oculi
What is the innervation of the conchal bowl?
Cranial nerves VII, IX, and X (ring blocks wont get this area)
What sensory nerve innervates the majority of the posterior ear?
Greater auricular nerve