Anatomy Flashcards
The thoracic artery supplies the _______ parts of the intercostal spaces, supplying the skin, _____, muscles, _____ and _______ pleura of the intercostal space
anterior, fascia, bone, parietal
where do the cephalic and basilic vein arise from?
the dorsal venous network
Nerve roots of posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
innervation of the lateral 2 lumbricals
median nerve
what other veins are found around the eye apart from the Central retinal vein?
superior and inferior ophthalmic veins
where does the cephalic vein drain
the axillary vein
The superior half of the oral cavity is innervated by which CN?
CN V2 - trigeminal maxillary branch
There are two nervous supplies to the GI tract - intrinsic and extrinsic - the extrinsic is the…
autonomic nervous system
13 pairs of intercostal spaces - true or false?
false - 11 pairs
Parts of the thoracic skeleton (6)
12 pairs ribsintercostal spacescostal margin12 thoracic vertebraeclavicle and scapulasternum
the submucosal plexus
epithelia and blood vessels
The phrenic nerves supply what sort of axons to the diaphragm and fibrous pericardium
somatic sensory and sympathetic
What type of joint is the elbow joint?
hinge joint
What is the philtrum?
the dip in the upper lip
Femoral nerve (ant. compartment), obturator nerve (med compartment), of the thigh
where does the lateral surface of the superior half of the auricle drain?
parotid lymph nodes
Why should adrenaline-containing local anaesthetic not be given near end arteries?
will cause vasoconstriction and thus occlusion to the only blood supply to that area.
pouch separating the uterus and the bladder
uterovesical pouch
Bone which contains the optic canal
The left kidney lies at vertebral levels
Where is the adenoid tonsil?
in the nasopharynx
Dominant nervous supply in the production of saliva?
where does the small saphenous vein drain and when?
popliteal vein posterior to the knee
A synovial joint is…
a fibrous joint
The ulnar nerve originates from which spinal roots?
C8-T1 (some C7)
Sympathetic salivary secretion is stimulated by which receptors?
a and b1-adrenoceptors
Nerve supply to the medial compartment of the thigh
Obturator nerve - L2,3,4
Function of CN V2 ?
CNs involved in the gag reflex?
CN IX and X provide motor response, sensory info initially comes from CN IX
a patient with a ureteric obstruction will experience _____ pain due to the peristalsis
nodes found along the basilic lymphatics…
cubital lymph nodes and lateral axillary lymph nodes
The muscles of mastication are supplied by which cranial nerve?
CN V3 - mandibular branch of the trigeminal
the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by which CN?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal, taste and general sensations
the femoral artery pulse is felt…
inferior to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament
4 Rotator cuff muscles
S - supraspinatous, I- infraspinatous, T - teres minor, S - subscapularis (anterior)
Deep fascia of the lower limb (3)
fascia lata (thigh), iliotibial tract, crural fascia (leg)
action of the superficial muscle group of the gluteal region
extensors, abductors and medial rotators
3 parts of small intestine
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Where does the cranial surface of the superior half of the auricle drain?
mastoid lymph nodes (deep and cervical)
the ureteric arterial supply is branches from…(5)
renal artery, abdominal aorta, the common iliac artery, the internal iliac artery, the bladder artery
the spongy urethra is transmitted through?
the corpus spongiosum
Upper respiratory tract consists of… (4)
R and L nasal cavitiesOral cavitynaso, oro, laryngopharynxlarynx
innervation of the medial 2 lumbricals
ulnar nerve
The lateral cord forms…
the musculocutaneous and median nerve
what is renal failure?
failure to adequately filter the blood to produce urine
Precipitating factor in H.pylori infection
increased salt intake
What does the ethmoid bone contribute to in the roof of the nose?
the cribiform plate and the crista galli (the anterior cranial fossa)
Lesser omentum attaches to…
the lesser curvature of the stomach, duodenum and the liver
3 pairs of salivary glands
parotids, submandibular, sublingual
Foregut includes which organs?
oesophagus to mid-duodenum, liver, gallbladder, 1/2 pancreas, spleen
where does the great saphenous vein drain into and when?
the femoral vein in the femoral triangle
2 muscles in lateral compartment of the leg
fibularis longus, fibularis brevis
Where does the facial nerve travel through the base of the skull?
the petrous temporal bone
Function of the superficial layer of the anterior compartment
flexion of the wrist and digits, PRONATION, abduction/adduction of the wrist
Insertion of the diaphragm
central tendon - aponeurosis
3 muscles in superficial posterior compartment of the leg
gastrocnemius (big fat one), soleus (under gastro), plantaris - thin one hiding behind
where does the great saphenous vein travel?
posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
causes of reduced arterial perfusion pressure
LVF, arterial bleed, arterial rupture (aneurysm), occlusion of the lumen, arterial spasm, external occlusion of the artery
sEfferent Nerves involved in swallowing
VII, IX, X and XI
Where does the end of the spinal cord occur?
where do axillary lymph nodes drain?
subclavian lymphatics
Alternative name for rectus femoris
quadriceps femoris
the gluteus medius and minimus act to…
abduct and medially rotate the thigh
The visceral pleura is the part which attaches to the…
the inferior aspect of the prostate is in contact with…
levator ani
Which divisions go on to form the posterior cord?
the posterior divisions of the superior, middle and inferior trunks
within the scrotum, what does the testicle sit within?
the tunica vaginalis
Where does the hypoglossal nerve exit the skull?
hypoglossal canal - travels alongside carotid sheath to the level of lingual artery
Which divisions go on to form the lateral cord?
the anterior divisions of superior and middle trunks
The hypothenar eminence is innervated by…
deep branch of the ulnar nerve
where does the small saphenous vein arise from?
the dorsal venous arch
4 main muscles of the tongue
Genioglossus (big one), Styloglossus (most posterior), Palatoglossus (ant. to styloglossus), Hyoglossus (attaches hyoid)
3 sites of ureteric constriction
pelviureteric junction, ureter, ureteric orifice (opening into bladder)
function of the posterior compartment of the thigh
extensors of the thigh, flexors of the leg
Which foramen does CN V3 arise?
the foramen ovale
the pudendal nerve is from spinal nerve roots?
4 layers of the digestive tract wall
mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa
The radial nerve originates from which spinal roots?
Main electrolytes in saliva
Na, K, HCO3, Cl, Ca, I, PO4
parts of the colon (6)
caecum, appendix, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
The ____ _____ is within the perineum
distal urethra
ribs 11 and 12
floating ribs with no attachment to sternum
oesophageal plexus is composed of which nerves?
CN X and sympathetic fibres.
Contents of the carpal tunnel (4)
flexor digitorum superficialis (4), flexor digitorum profundus (4), flexor pollicis longus, median nerve
Bones of the palate?
two maxillary bones, two palatine
Lacrimal gland is controlled by which cranial nerve?
The muscles of the tongue are innervated by…
CN XII - hypoglossal
Stimulation by sympathetic nervous system produces what sort of saliva?
thick mucousy, small volume
Which nerves are contained within the temporal bone?
Facial nerve, vestibulocochlear
the ureter normally travels ____ to the IVC
The false ribs are ribs 8-10 - true or false
Action of the superficial posterior compartment of the leg
plantar flexors of the ankle
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg
flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior, popliteus
accessory structures of the GI tract (4)
salivary glands, the pancreas, the liver and gall bladder
lymph nodes from small saphenous vein
popliteal nodes -> deep inguinal nodes -> external iliac nodes
electrical waves (____ _____) pass spontaneously through the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine
slow waves
Innervation of the deep gluteal region
sacral plexus
the prostate gland lies _____ to the bladder.
Where does the facial nerve sensory supply?
sphenoid sinus, nasal mucosa, soft palate
Where does the eustachian tube open?
in the nasopharynx
Inferior bone of the nasal cavity
the vomer
What direction should you pull the auricle when examining a child?
Where are floaters commonly found?
the vitreous humour in the posterior
The pharynx is innervated by CN?
the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh is from spinal nerve roots?
S1 - S3
external urethral sphincter is present in both males and female - TRUE/FALSE
where do the testes originate?
the posterior abdomen
What is a cataract?
a clouding of the lens
kidney stones are…
renal calculi
in the male, the detrusor muscle fibres also forms…
the internal urethral sphincter
3 ligaments of the hip joint
iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral
Contraction of the circular muscle causes the lumen to become…
narrower and longer
Name the bones of the hand
Scaphoid, Lunnate, Triquetrium, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hammate (with the hook) Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle
Where do the abdominosplanchnic nerves synapse
prevertebral ganglia anterior to the aorta, part of periarterial plexus
Openings in the diaphragm
caval opening (IVC)aortic hiatusoesophageal hiatus
What percentage of the humeral head is held in the glenoid fossa?
The foregut is supplied by nerves from which vertebrae?
vesical arteries supply the…
Which roots form the middle trunk of the brachial plexus?
the phrenic nerves are found in the chest descending over the ______ aspects of the heart
CN V3 sensory supplies…?(5)
the TMJ, the muscles of mastication, the teeth, parotid and submandibular gland, anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
4 activities of the digestive tract
motility, secretion, digestion, absorption
the internal pudendal artery is supplied by…
the internal iliac
torsion of the testes is…
twisting of the spermatic cord and disruption of the blood supply to the testes.
which muscle of mastication is the strongest and has the largest attachment?
masseter - attaches the angle of the mandible and the zygomatic arch
Where is the external ear?
from the auricle to tympanic membrane
Where is the anterior segment of the eye?
in front of the lens
There are two nervous supplies to the GI tract - intrinsic and extrinsic - the intrinsic is…
the enteric nervous system
The enterochromaffin cells produce which gastric secretion?
5major motility patterns within the GI tract
peristalisis, segmentation, colonic mass movement, migrating motor complex, tonic contracions
common location of prostatic cancer?
peripheral zone
Dominant salivary gland
What are the functions of the chest walls? (3)
protect the heart and lungsmake the movements of breathingbreast tissue - lactation
contents of the spermatic cord (6)
testicular artery and vein (panpiniform plexus), the vas deferens, lymphatic vessels, nerves and somatic muscle
What secondary modification occurs to saliva?
Na and Cl out, K and HCO3 down
what level do the ureters enter the posterior aspect of the bladder?
the ischial spine
What is the order of cells in the retina from posterior to anterior? (3)
the photoreceptors –> ganglion cells –> axons –> arteries and veins
Function of the anterior compartment of the arm
flexion of the arm and forearm
The phrenic nerves supply somatic sensory and sympathetic axons to the ______ and ______ ________
diaphragm and fibrous pericardium
Innervation of the anterior compartment of the arm?
musculocutaneous nerve
nerve supply to internal tympanic membrane
the myenteric plexus mediates
motility and sphincters
which muscle does the sciatic nerve exit inferior to?
serous demilunes of the acinus secrete?
What muscles are contained within the anterior compartment of the arm?
biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis
Each intercostal space carries a neurovascular bundle between the ______ and _______ muscle layers
internal and innermost
The sublingual gland is supplied by which cranial nerve?
3 types of epithelium in the nasal cavities?
keratinised stratified squamous epithelium; respiratory epithelium; olfactory mucosa
the diaphragm has a __- shaped tendon
Which pouch(es) are formed in the male at the pelvic edge of the peritoneum?
Sympathetic nerves supplying the GI Tract
Abdominosplanchnic nerves - T5 - L2
Origins of the diaphragm
deep surfaces of 1. xiphoid process2. costal cartilages and lower ribs3. L1-3 vertebrae
duodenal factors tend to increase/decrease gastric emptying
Which roots form the superior trunk of the brachial plexus?
Bone with the infraorbital foramen
Where does the lung bud originate from?
the mediastinum
Muscle(s) within the posterior compartment of the arm?
triceps brachii
migrating motor complex is…
powerful sweeping contraction from stomach to terminal ileum
Humour within the anterior chamber ?
Function of the triceps brachii
extension of the arm and forearm
origins of rectus abdominus
costal cartilagexiphoid process
peristalsis is…
a wave of relaxation, followed by contraction that normally goes in the aboral direction
Insertion of rectus abdominus
pubic bones
Innervation of levator scapulae
Dorsal scapular nerve
skin tension lines are also known as…
Langer lines
Which rotator cuff muscle(s) attach to the greater tuberosity of the humerus?
Supraspinatous, Infraspinatous, Teres minor
deep fascia of the upper limb (4)
pectoral fascia, deltoid fascia, bracial fascia, antebrachial fascia
causes of increases venous drainage pressure
RVF, DVT, external compression
nodes along the cephalic lymphatics
apical axillary lymph nodes
Where is the eventual pathway of all the auricular lymphatic drainage?
deep cervical nodes –> thoracic duct or R. lymphatic duct –> venous angle
3 layers of skeletal muscles between ribs and intercostal spaces?
The musculocutaneous nerve originates from which spinal roots?
The midgut is supplied by nerves from which vertebrae?
Which hormones may delay gastric emptying?
CCK and Secretin
The greater omentum has how many layers?
Which ribs lie posterior to the kidneys?
floating ribs, 11 and 12
4 layers of the retroperitoneum before the renal capsule
visceral peritoneum, paranephric fat, renal fascia, perinephric fat
foramen for CN IX
jugular foramen
muscles in the superficial gluteal region (4)
all gluteals, tensor fascia lata
Method for differentiating radius and ulna
Radius has a round, flat head
The ankle jerk reflex tests…
4 muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg
tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, fibularis tertius
Intraperitoneal organs
liver, stomach, almost all small intestine, transverse colon, spleen, gallbladder
Which CN supply 3 out of 4 muscles of the tongue?
CN XII - hypoglossal
Innervation of rhomboid minor and rhomboid major
Dorsal scapular nerve
Sphincters of the GI Tract (6)
upper and lower oesophageal, pyloric, ileocaecal, internal and external anal sphincters
Where do the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain?
anterior into the facial vein, posteriorly into the cavernous sinus
What is the umbo?
the most inwardly depressed part of the tympanic membrane
number of bronchopulmonary segments in each lung
What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?
plane joint
the thoracic arteries and veins course (vertically/horizontally) either side of the deep surface of the sternum
CN V3 is what type of function i.e. sensory or motor?
sensory and motor
Where does the glossopharyngeal nerve supply sensory innervation? [ENT]
middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, nasopharynx, oropharynx, tonsils
Lactoferrin in saliva provides what function?
chelates iron to limit availability to bacteria
What are the auditory ossicles?
Malleus, Incus, Stapes(Think I MISheard that)
number of lobar bronchi
the pudendal nerve travels through the greater/lesser sciatic foramen to the perineum
How are the true ribs identified?
they attach via their costal cartilage directly to the sternum
The muscular attachments of the diaphragm are…(3)
the sternum (lower body)the lower six ribs (7-12)L1-3 vertebral bodies
What additional function does biceps brachii also have in addition to flexion of the arm and forearm?
supination of the forearm
Pathway from nephrons to ureter
collecting duct–> minor calyx –> major calyx –> renal pelvis –> ureter
The foramen for CN V2
foramen rotundum
Origins of internal oblique
inferior aspect of ribsiliac crestthoracolumbar fascia
where does the great saphenous vein arise from?
dorsal venous arch
Deep to the gluteal muscles is the…
What is the pterion
the H-shaped sutures between the frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bone which is the thinnest part of the skull
How are the false ribs identified?
attach via a common cartilaginous bar
3 openings in the diaphragm to allow which three things to pass through?
aorta, IVC, oesophagus
3 layers of the eye
fibrous, uvea, retina
Which parts of the LRT are located in the lungs?
lobar bronchi –> alveoli
Origin of the thoracic artery (internal mammary)
branch off the subclavian artery
Function of Gastrin
Stimulates enterochromaffin cells to produce histamine which increases HCl secretion; stimulates CCK2 receptors on parietal cells to produce HCl
gluteus maximus attaches to which bones?
iliac crest, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx - proximal, iliotibial tract distally
What is the ala of the nose?
the side of the nostrils
deep fascia is…
tough, dense connective tissue that is usually white. divides limbs into compartments
low pressure tonic contractions are within
organs with storage function
Function of the lateral compartment of the leg
evert the foot and weakly plantarflex ankle
Deep veins of the lower limb (7)
femoral, deep femoral, popliteal, fibular, anterior tibial, posterior tibial, plantar arch
What does the ethmoid bone contribute to in the lateral wall of the nose?
the superior and middle conchae, ethmoid air cells and orbital plate of the ethmoid
the deep muscle layer acts to allow the hip to…
externally, laterally rotate the lower limb at the hip joint
where is the epididymis palpated?
the posterior aspect of the testis
Afferent Nerves involved in swallowing
CN X and IX –> Pons and medulla
Nerve supply to abdominal muscles
thoracoabdominal nerves
the vas deferens passes anteriorly/posteriorly to the bladder
What is contained in the middle ear?
the eustachian tube
the three erectile tissue cylinder are?
2 R and L corpus cavernosum, the corpus spongiosum
Function of CN IX?
sensory and motor - tongue
corpus spongiosum is…
the anterior cylinder of the erectile tissue which transmits the urethra
What kind of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
ball and socket joint
the lymph from the kidneys drains to…
the lumbar nodes (around the abdominal aorta and IVC)
the brachial artery pulse is felt
medial to the biceps tendon in the cubital fossa
During development the lung bud penetrates the pleural cavity - true or false?
falsethe lung bud pushes against but never enters the pleural cavity
The anterior blood supply to the intercostal spaces comes from…
the internal thoracic arteries and veins
the parietal cells produce which gastric secretion?
HCl and Intrinsic factor
synovial joint in the resp. area?
sternocostal joint
the ureter has ____ ___ which tries to increase peristalsis in an attempt to clear an obstruction
smooth muscle
Cholinergic activation of M3 receptors in the stomach cause?
increases proton pumps at the apical membrane –> HCl
What happens at the level of C6 vertebrae?
larynx becomes tracheapharynx becomes oesophagus
pelvic floor muscle…
levator ani
level at which a lumbar puncture is done?
What is the role of the middle ear?
amplify and conduct the sound waves to the internal ear
Where are somatic motor axons supplied to by phrenic nerves?
Deep veins of the upper limb (7)
superficial and deep palmer venous arches, radial, ulnar, brachial, axillary, subclavian
2 parts to the fibrous layer of the eye
sclera, cornea
the lymph from the ureters drains to…
the lumbar and iliac nodes)
Innervation of lateral compartment of the leg
superficial fibular nerve - L5, S1, S2
aortic hiatus
thoracic aorta, azygous vein and thoracic duct
What is the fundus?
the posterior area where light is focussed
the cephalic vein runs…
the popliteal pulse is felt…
in the popliteal fossa
The kidneys are within the _______ peritoneum
Action of the deep posterior compartment of the leg
flexors of toes and plantar flexors of the ankle
Where is the internal ear?
the oval window to the internal acoustic meatus
Innervation of the serratus anterior muscle
long thoracic nerve
the phrenic nerve originates from…
Cervical vertebra 3,4,5 anterior rami
Which salivary glands does CN VII supply?
submandibular and sublingual - chorda tympani
Origins of transversus abdominus
deep aspect of ribsiliac crestthoracolumbar fascia
What is contained within the serosa?
connective tissue
The neck of the femur is supplied by which arteries
the lateral and medial circumflex arteries
where does the cephallic vein dive deep?
the deltopectoral groove
Deep muscle group in the gluteal region produce what action?
lateral rotators of the thigh, hip stabilisers
3 types of stimuli in the GI tract determining basal electrical rhythm
neuronal, hormonal, mechanical
The _____ ureters, ______ and proximal _____ are within the pelvis
The distal ureters, bladder and proximal urethra are within the pelvis
L4-S3 is…
sciatic nerve
the phrenic nerves are found on the anterior surface of _______ _______ in the neck
scalenus muscle
where do external iliac lymph nodes drain?
common iliac nodes and lumbar lymphatics
superficial fascia is…
loose connective tissue and fat varying in depth
Innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
Ulnar nerve
Origin of external oblique
superficial aspect of ribsiliac crestpubic tubercle
Which anatomical regions are the kidneys found?
the right and left lumbar ‘flank’ regions
muscles of the anterior compartment of thigh (4)
pectineus, iliopsoas, sartorius, quadriceps femoris
Muscle in the intermediate layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm?
flexor digitorum superficialis
lymph from the scrotum and the majority of the penis (not glans) drains to…
the superficial inguinal nodes in the superficial fascia of the groin
costovertebral joints are found anteriorly - true or false?
falsethey are found posteriorly - rib articulation with vertebrae
Innervation of flexor digtorum superficialis (2)
medial half - ulnar nerve; lateral half - median nerve
The posterior blood supply to the intercostal spaces come from…
arterial - thoracic aortavenous - azygous vein
Which rotator cuff muscle(s) attach to the lesser tuberosity of the humerus?
An upper UTI involves….
may involve the kidneys
Where does the iliotibial tract run?
from ASIS to the lateral tibial condyle at the Gerdy tubercle
Muscles of the superficial layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm (6) Medial to lateral
Aconeus, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Extensor digiti minimi, Extensor digitorum, Extensor carpi radialis brevis, Extensor carpi radialis longus
Muscles within the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm (3)
pronator quadratus, flexor pollicus longus, flexor digitorum profundus
General sensory supply to the anterior tongue is from…
CN V3 - mandibular branch of trigeminal - foramen rotundum
Action of the anterior compartment of the leg
dorsiflexors of the ankle and extensors of the toes
Where does the footplate of the stapes attach
the oval window
Nerve supple of the anterior compartment of the thigh
femoral nerve
Innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
Ulnar nerve
Which bone contains the oragns of hearing and balance ?
Temporal bone
Why is the retina the blind spot?
there are no photoreceptors on the optic disc
When looking anteriorly, the renal vein/artery, sits anteriorly?
When looking anteriorly, the renal vein sits anteriorly
lypmh from the testis drains to…
the lumbar nodes around the abdominal aorta
What is the function of the dorsal interossei?
abduction of the digits from the middle finger (DAB - dorsal ABduction)
the superior gluteal nerve is supplied by…?
L5, S1, S2
Where are the lateral and medial circumflex arteries for the femoral neck from?
the femoral artery
Levator palpebrae superioris is opened by which cranial nerve
Type of cartilage around the external ear?
elastic cartilage
Name the three trunks of the brachial plexus
Superior, middle, inferior
Where does the lingual artery originate?
external carotid
Superficial/Deep veins are more anatomically predictable
deep veins
the nerve supply comes from the ______ ramus of the spinal nerve
the vesical arteries are branches of…
the internal iliac
anterolateral abdominal wall muscles (3)
external oblique, internal ooblique, transversus abdominus
What does the ethmoid bone contribute to in the nose? (3)
the roof, the lateral walls and the septum
Sciatic nerve is from
the short head of the biceps femoris is innervated by…
the common fibular division of the sciatic nerve
The hindgut is supplied by nerves from which vertebrae?
T10 - L2
the common iliac arteries are ____ to the common iliac veins
Which roots form the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus?
What is contained within the muscularis externa?
circular muscle layer, nerve network (myenteric plexus), longitudinal muscle layer
Where does the oesophagus terminate?
the cardia of the stomach
Which divisions go on to form the medial cord?
the anterior division of the inferior trunk
Salivary glands are divided into salivons. What are the parts of a salivon?
secretory acinus, intercalated duct, striated duct, interlobar ducts and excretory ducts
HCl is produced by which cells?
The hindgut includes which organs?
distal 1/3rd of transverse colon –> proximal 1/2 of anal canal
what vein in the arm do 20% of people have?
median vein of the forearm which splits to give median cephalic and median basilic vein
Where are the kidney nephrons found?
the renal pyramid (around 50,000 per pyramid)
describe hydronephrosis
urine back pressure into the calyces compresses the nephrons leading to renal failure
Where is the blood supply to the tongue from?
lingual artery
What is contained within the mucosa?
epithelial cells, exocrine cells, endocrine gland cells, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae
Where do the muscles of the pharynx insert?
into the midline raphe
4 muscles of the tongue?
palatoglossus, genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus
Where does the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh supply?
the skin over the posterior thigh, popliteal fossa, lateral perineum and medial thigh.
Innervation of pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus
Median nerve
Which receptors are stimulated in the production of saliva by the PS nervous system?
M1 and M3
Superficial/Deep veins tend to occur in NVBs
deep veins
innervation of the interossei?
ulnar nerve
high pressure tonic contractions are…
The parietal pleura is the part which attaches to the….
chest wall
The omental foramen contains…
the portal triad, the communication between the greater and lesser omental sacs
What does the eustachian tube connect?
tympanic cavity to the lateral wall of the nasopharynx
What is the iliotibial tract also known as?
fascia lata
Humour within the posterior chamber in the eye?
Swallowing centre of the brain
pons and medulla
where are interstitial cells of cajal?
between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers, also in the submucosa
Nerve supply to the auricle of the ear (4)
C2,3 spinal nerve (most of auricle); CN VII (dotted around the opening); CN X (the inferior part of the external acoustic meatus + some tympanic membrane); CN V3 (the superior part of the external acoustic meatus + most of tympanic membrane)
Mnemonic for remembering the order of the brachial plexus breakdown
Really Tired Drink Coffee Now - Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Nerves
The thenar eminence is innervateed by…
the recurrent branch of the median nerve
Where does secondary modification of the saliva occur?
the duct cells
femoral nerve - anterior compartment of the thigh, OR obturator nerve - medial compartment of the thigh
Salivary glands are Endocrine/exocrine
Innervation of pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus
Median nerve
Muscles of mastication (4)
temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
Contraction of longitudinal muscle contraction causes the lumen to become…
shorter and fatter
muscle next to the vertebrae behind the kidney
psoas major
Pyloric gland area secretes which gastric factors?
Somatostatin and Gastrin
why is the right dome of the diaphragm generally more superior?
due to the presence of liver in RUQ
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh (3)
semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris
What should appear on the tympanic membrane when examining with an otoscope?
a cone of light - anteroinferiorly
Superior bone of the nasal cavity
the ethmoid
Primary nerve supply to external tympanic membrane
What is the thin part of the tympanic membrane called?
pars flaccida
Retroperitoneal organs
kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, ascending and descending colon
How do the testes move from the posterior abdomen?
through the inguinal canal to the scrotum
Muscles of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm (5) Proximal to Distal
Supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indices
structure that prevents aspiration of food
what does the costal groove of the rib contain?
artery, nerve and vein
Mid gut includes which organs?
mid-duodenum to proximal 2/3rds of transverse colon and half the pancreas
the inferior gluteal nerve is supplied by…?
L5, S1, S2
the posterior tibial pulse is felt…
between the posterior border of the medial malleolus and the achilles tendon
nerve that controls the diaphragm
Which cords form the median nerve?
the medial and lateral cords
innervation of the posterior compartment of the forearm
radial nerve
Nerve supply of the intercostal muscles
intercostal nerves from the anterior rami of thoracic spinal nerves
the right kidney is posterior to… (4)
liver, hepatorenal recess, 2nd part of the duodenum, ascending colon right colic flexure
What nerve supplies the laryngopharynx?
The diaphragm is an example of ______ muscle
Where is the upper oesophageal sphincter found?
C6 - cricopharyngeus
What most commonly causes ascites?
cirrhosis and portal hypertension
where do most venous ulcers occur?
in the medial aspect of the distal leg, the gaiter area
Path of the tears across the eye
Angular wash from the superior temporal area to the inferior nasal area, drain into puncta, lacrimal sac and then the nasolacrimal duct
Proton pumps are stored within tubulovesicles and which are stimulated to go to the membrane by…
PKAs via M3, CCK2, H2 receptors
Three gluteal muscles
maximus, medius, minimus
What does the fundus include?
the optic disc, the macula and the fovea
function of pudendal nerve?
keeps the pelvis off the floor
Where do the gluteus medius and minimus attach?
external, posterior, gluteal aspect of the ilium and anterolateral aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur.
The medial cord forms…
the ulnar and median nerve
The median nerve originates from which spinal roots?
what pump aids venous movement back to the heart from the legs
the musculovenous pump
The chief cells produce which gastric secretion?
where does the axillary vein become the subclavian
lateral border of rib 1
nerve supply of the eustachian tube?
Innvervation of the trapezius muscle
CN XI - spinal accessory nerve
What is contained within the submucosa?
connective tissue, larger blood and lymph vessels, glands, nerve networks
Cholinergic activation of M1 receptors in the stomach cause?
activation of enterochromaffin cells to produce Histamine -> H2 receptors on parietal cells -> HCl secretion
Muscles of the deep muscle group of the thigh (4)
piriformis, gemeli, quadrator femoris, obturator internis
From which rami does the brachial plexus originate?
What produces the aqueous humour?
the ciliary body
Clinical application of the thoracic artery
can be mobilised from its attachment, sectioned inferiorly and anastomosed to a coronary artery distal to an occlusion. Coronary artery bypass grafting
The isthmus of the thyroid gland is anterior to tracheal cartilages _____
2 -4
Influences which may delay gastric emptying from the duodenum
fat, acid, hypertonicity, distension
Different parts of the alimentary canal (6)
mouth and oropharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus
Alongside the optic artery, what is also within the optic nerve?
the central retinal vein
Each bronchopulmonary segment has its own nerve and blood supply - true or false?
The parotid gland is innervated by which CN?
innervation of pronator quadratus, flexor pollicus longus and flexor digitorum profundus
median nerve
Where does the sciatic nerve supply?
the poterior thigh and all the leg and foot muscles. forms tibial and common fibular nerves
blood supply to the penis is via the ____ arteirs of the penis
the radial artery pulse is felt…
lateral to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis
Innervation of the triceps brachii
Radial nerve
The parotid gland is supplied by which cranial nerve
deep lymphatics of the upper limb drain…
into lateral axillary lymph nodes
Femoral nerve is supplied by nerve roots
What direction should you pull the auricle when examining an adult?
7 bones that make up the orbit
Frontal, zygomatic, maxilla, nasal, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal
The left kidney is posterior to…(4)
the stomach, tail of the pancreas, the hilum of the spleen, the splenic vessels
main muscle of breathing
Gastrin is produced by which cells in the pyloric gland area?
G cells
the Sciatic nerve is from spinal nerve roots?
L4 - S3
Where is the aqueous humour reabsorbed?
the canal of schlemm at the iridocorneal angle
Innervation of the triceps brachii
Radial Nerve
extensor of the leg in the anterior compartment of the thigh
quadriceps femoris
ejaculatory duct joins the ____ urethra within the _____
prostatic urethra, prostate
The oxyntic mucosa is found where in the stomach?
fundus and body of the stomach
the sciatic nerve supplies the gluteal region - TRUE/FALSE
FALSE it serves nothing in the gluteal region
The submandibular gland is supplied by which cranial nerve?
The chest cavity consists of the mediastinum and the R and L pleural cavities - true or false?
Where is the posterior chamber of the eye?
the iris and the suspensory ligaments
A lower UTI involves…
the urethra and bladder
the blood supply to the scrotum is from…
the internal pudendal and branches of the external iliac artery
Regions of the lower limb
gluteal, femoral, knee, leg, ankle, foot
Parts of the sternum (4)
manubriumbodyxiphoidsternal angle
Where is the middle ear?
the tympanic membrane to the oval window
where does the small saphenous vein travel?
posterior midline of the leg
The lower urinary tract includes (2)
the urethra and bladder
Layers of the chest wall (5)
skinfasciaskeletal musclebones/jointsparietal pleura
What side should a patient be on for a lumbar puncture?
Special sensory supply to the anterior tongue is from…
CN VII - facial
two plexus in the enteric nervous system?
myenteric plexus, submucous plexus
Supply of the vagus nerve?
supraglottic larynx, laryngeal and lingual surfaces of the larynx,
The right kidney lies at vertebral levels…
Muscles contained within the anterior compartment (superficial layer) of the forearm (4)
Pronator teres (lateral), Flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris Longus, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (medial) - PFPF
What course does the facial nerve take out of the cranial cavity?
internal acousitc meatus and stylomastoid process
the first constriction in urine drainage occurs at…
the pelvicureteric junction
What composes the ear canal?
skin, cartilage, bone
the greater omentum attaches to…
the greater curvature of the stomach
Innervation of the anterior compartment of the arm?
musculocutaneous nerve
What is intrinsic factor required for?
binds Vit B12 allowing it to be absorbed in the terminal ileum
Somatostatin is produced by which cells in the pyloric gland area?
D cells
Where is the artery to the head of femur a branch of?
it is a branch of the obturator artery
3 layers to the Uvea
Iris, ciliary body, chorodi
colonic mass movement is…
powerful sweeping contraction that forces faeces into the rectum
Sensory (general and special) supply to the posterior tongue is from…
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
Which cells drive the slow wave activity of the gut?
interstitial cells of cajal
What is properly posterior to the tympanic membrane?
tympanic cavity
segmentation is…
mixing and churning movements - rhythmic contractions of the circular muscle layer
innervation of the posterior compartment of the leg
tibial nerve L4-S3
External layer of the eyelid
Orbicularis oculi, orbital and palpebral parts
The anterior 2/3rds of the tongue is supplied by which nerves?
CN IX and CN V3.CN IX allows for taste.CN V3 allows for general sensation
What is the fovea?
the centre of the macula and area of most acute vision
What part of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the vertebrae?
the tubercle
sympathetics for the adrenal glands leave where?
T10 - L1
posterior abdominal wall muscle aka…
left quadrantus lumborum
supplies the taste buds on the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue?
chorda tympani of CN VII
What does the pleural surface tension ensure?
the lungs move with the pleural fluid and thus inflate
Function of the anterior compartment of the thigh
flexors of the thigh, extensors of the leg
Which pouch(es) are formed in the female at the pelvic edge of the peritoneum?
vesico-uterine, recto-uterine (pouch of douglas)
3 parts of large intestine
caecum, appendix, colon
Which gluteal muscle is most superficial?
Which salivary glands does CN IX supply?
Parotid gland - via the otic ganglion
incompetent venous valves result in…
varicose veins
L5, S1, S2 - posterior compartment of the thigh
tibial division of sciatic nerve
The kidneys lie _____ to quadratus lumborum and lateral to _____ _____
The kidneys lie anterior to quadratus lumborum and lateral to psoas major
What plane should be identified for lumbar puncture?
iliac crests - line between them
nerve supply to gluteus medius and minimus is…
superior gluteal nerve
Smooth muscle cells are electrically coupled by…
gap junctions
PGE2 receptors cause a(n) increase/decrease in HCl secretion
The upper urinary tract includes (2)
the kidneys, the ureters
the gluteus maximus muscle is supplied by which nerve?
inferior gluteal nerve
function of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thing?
sensory and sympathetic fibres
Adductors of the thigh (med. compartment ) (5)
gracilis (long thin one), adductor - longus, brevis, magnus; obturator externus
insertion of external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominus muscles
aponeurosis to linea albal
What connects the cephalic and basilic veins in the majority of people?
median cubital vein
What about salivary duct cells allows the diluting effect?
impermeable to H20
superficial lymphatics in the upper limb arise from…
plexuses in the fingers and hangs
Function of the medial compartment of the thigh
adduct the thigh
lymph nodes along great saphenous vein
superficial inguinal, external illiac or deep inguinal
Parasympathetic innervation of the GI Tract?
CN X, pelvic splanchnic nerves S2,3,4
Where does the rest of the auricle drain?
the superficial lymph nodes
The true ribs are ribs 1-8 - true or false?
falsethe true ribs are ribs 1-7
Lower respiratory tract consists of…(6)
tracheaR and L main bronchilobar bronchisegmental bronchibronchiolesalveoli
the dorsal pedis pulse is felt…
medial to the tendon extensor hallucis longus distal to the ankle joint
the uterus is ____ to the bladder
Where is the anterior chamber of the eye
in the anterior segment between the cornea and iris
the basilic vein drains into…where?
the brachial vein at the level of the mid-arm
What are the two parts to the temporal bone?
the squamous and petrous part
The posterior cord forms…
the radial nerve
why is a lumber puncture done at this level?
to avoid the terminal end of the spinal cord
Name the lobes and fissures of the lungs
R - superior lobe, inferior lobe, middle lobe horizontal and oblique fissureL - superior and inferior lobeoblique fissure
Functions of HCl
Pepsinogen –> Pepsin; breakdown of bacteria and enzyme
Which muscle prevents drooling?
orbicularis oris - CN VII
the gluteus maximus is an _____ muscle
What nerves also come off the anterior rami between C5-T1? (2)
dorsal scapular nerve; long thoracic nerve
the lesser omentum has how many layers?
the deep arteries of the penis is supplied by the…
internal pudendal artery
CN’s which can cause referred ear ache
V, VII, IX and X, C2/3
Mucous cells of the acinus secrete?
thick, mucus rich secretions
Which muscle of the tongue is innervated by the vagus nerve?
Skeleton of the external ear?
temporal bone and elastic cartilage
What glands produce earwax?
ceruminous glands
Serous cells of the acinus secrete?
watery saliva rich in a-amylase
Which muscle is required for opening the jaw?
lateral pterygoid
types of urethra in the male
the prostatic urethra, the spongy urethra (in the penis)
Which nerve passes through the palatine foramen?
CN V2 - maxillary branch of trigeminal - foramen ovale
Where does the rib articulate with the vertebrae?
superior vertebrae body, vertebrae body of same number, transverse process of vertebrae
structure of a nephron from glomerulus to minor calyx
glomerulus –> proximal convuluted tubule –> loop of henle –> distal convoluted tubule –> collecting duct –> minor calyx
Which Le Fort fractures can disrupt the cribiform plate?
types II and III
What nerve does the ophthalmic artery travel alongside?
the optic nerve CN II
The pleural fluid does two things, these are?
act as a lubricant create surface tension
Innervation of anterior compartment of the leg
Deep fibular nerve - L4/L5
weakness in which muscle leads to trendelenberg gait
gluteus maximus
where is the epitympanic recess?
superior to the tympanic membrane
What is the role of the lumbricals in the hand?
to attach to tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
4 types of papillae on the tongue - which has no taste buds?
Follate, Vallate, Filiform (no taste buds), Fungiform
Function of somatostatin
to inhibit gastrin
carotid pulse is felt…
anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the upper border of the thyroid cartilage
Functions of saliva (3)
lubrication, protection, digestion
What kind of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
saddle joint
the basilic vein runs…
What is the role of the interal ear?
converts special sensory info into fluid waves and APs –> the brain
electrolytes in saliva which are higher in concentration than in plasma
K and HCO3
what muscle fibres encircle the ureteric orifices?
detrusor muscles
Function of the posterior compartment of the forearm
extension of the wrist and digits, SUPINATION, abduction and adduction of the wrist
What is the helix of the ear?
the ring of cartilage around the outside of the ear
What is the function of the palmar interossei?
adduction of the digits towards the middle finger (PAD - palmar ADduction)
The submandibular glands are innervated by which CN?
what does the ophthalmic artery branch into?
the central artery of the retina and the ciliary arteries
The trachea can be palpated at the _______ notch of the ________
jugular, manubrium
Development of the lung bud into the pleural area causes the development of a ______ and _______ pleura
visceral, parietal
Which bone are the pterygoids attached?
the sphenoid and mandible
the abdominal aorta bifurcates at the level of…
the umbilicus
Innervation of the posterior compartment of the thigh
tibial division of the sciatic nerve - L5, S1, S2