Anatomy Flashcards
How many bones are in the cranium?
How many of the cranium bones are paired? Which ones?
2- Rt and Lt Parietal
Rt and Lt Temporal
What are all 8 cranium bones?
Frontal, 2 parietal, 2 temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid, occipital
What are the 4 bones that make up the skull cap?
What is another name for the skullcap?
Cal aria
Which bones make up the floor of the cranium?
Frontal Ethmoid Sphenoid Parietal Temporal Occipital
The slight depression above the eyebrows is known as what? Which bone is this a part of?
The supra orbital groove (SOG), Frontal
The superior rim of each orbit is known as what? Which bone is this a part of?
The supra orbital margin (SOM), Frontal
A small hole or opening within the supra orbital margin slightly medial to the midpoint is what? Which bone is this a part of?
Supra orbital notch/foramen, Frontal
What is the large rounded prominence of the frontal bone?
Frontal tuberosity
What is the superciliary ridge? Which bone is this a part of?
The interior arch of the top of the orbit, Frontal
Which bones articulate with the frontal bone?
Rt and Lt Parietal
The widest portion of the skull lies between what?
The parietal tubercles/eminences
What bones articulate with the parietal bones?
Frontal Occipital A temporal on each side Sphenoid Opposite parietal
Which portion of the occipital bone articulates with the atlas?
The occipital condyles