Anatomy Flashcards
Skeletal system
Composed of fibrous tissue bound together consisting 1/3 animal matter and 2/3 mineral matter
- support soft parts of body
- protect organs
- attachment to muscles
- provide levers for body movement
Cranium-8 bones
Face-14 bones
Frontal bone Ethmoid bone Temporal bones Parietal bones Occipital bone Sphenoid bone
Frontal bone
Forehead and upper part of orbits
Ethmoid bone
Spongy bone found between the eye sockets that form part of the nasal cavity
Temporal bone
Ear region form the sides of the head
Parietal bones
Top crown and sides of cranium
Occipital bone
Back region of cranium
Sphenoid bone
Base of cranium with wings on either side forming temples
Bones of the face
Zygomatic or malar Maxillae Palatine Lacrimal Nasal Turbinate Vomer Mandible
Zygomatic or malar
Upper jaw, most of sidewalks of nose, front part of hard palate
Form rest of hard plate, and part of the sides of nose
Small fragile bones located in each of the eye sockets
Nasal bones
Bridge of nose
Inside nose
Part of nasal septum
Lower jawbone
Striated muscle
Voluntary muscle
Involuntary muscle or visceral
Muscle that Covers back part of cranium
Muscle that Covers front part of cranium
Connects Occipitalis and Frontalis
Moves scalp, raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Orbicullaris oculi
Surrounds eye socket and closes lid
Small and narrow muscle beneath Frontalis and orbicularis-oculi
Procerus muscle
Covers bridge of nose
Quadratus labia superioris muscle
Surrounds upper and lower part of lip
Quadratus labia inferioris muscle
Surrounds lower lip
Buccinator muscle
Between jaws and side of face
Canius muscle
Beneath quadratus labia superioris
Mentalis muscle
Tip of chin
Orbicularis oris muscle
Spinster muscle around the mouth
Risorius muscle
Extends from masseter to angle of mouth
Zygomaticus major muscle
Extends from zygomatic bone to angle of mouth
Zygomaticus minor muscle
Also extends from zygo bone to angle of mouth
Triangularis muscle
Along side of chin
Masseter and temporal is muscle
Allow action of raising lower jaw and retracting
Striated muscle
Voluntary muscle
Involuntary muscle or visceral
Muscle that Covers back part of cranium
Muscle that Covers front part of cranium
Connects Occipitalis and Frontalis
Moves scalp, raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Orbicullaris oculi
Surrounds eye socket and closes lid
Small and narrow muscle beneath Frontalis and orbicularis-oculi
Procerus muscle
Covers bridge of nose
Quadratus labia superioris muscle
Surrounds upper and lower part of lip
Quadratus labia inferioris muscle
Surrounds lower lip
Buccinator muscle
Between jaws and side of face
Canius muscle
Beneath quadratus labia superioris
Mentalis muscle
Tip of chin
Orbicularis oris muscle
Spinster muscle around the mouth
Risorius muscle
Extends from masseter to angle of mouth
Zygomaticus major muscle
Extends from zygomatic bone to angle of mouth
Zygomaticus minor muscle
Also extends from zygo bone to angle of mouth
Triangularis muscle
Along side of chin
Masseter and temporal is muscle
Allow action of raising lower jaw and retracting
Supra-orbital nerve
Skin of forehead, scalp, eyebrow and upper eyelid
Sympathetic nervous system
Related to cerebrospinal-spinal system controlling unconscious actions
Supra-trochlear at nerve
Skin between eyes and upper side of nose
Infra-trochlear nerve
Membrane and skin of nose
Nasal nerve
Tip and lower side
Zygomatic nerve
Skin of temple, side of forehead and upper part of cheek
Infra-orbital nerve
Skin of lower eyelid, side of nose, upper lip and mouth
Auriculo-temporal nerve
External ear and skin above temple up to skull
Mental nerve
Skin of lower lip and chin
Post auricular nerve
Muscles behind ear at base of skull
Temporal nerve
Muscles of temple, side of the forehead, eyebrow, eyelid, upper cheek
Zygomatic nerve
Muscles of upper part of cheek
Buccal nerve
Muscles of the mouth
Mandibular nerve
Muscles of chin and lower lip
Cervical nerve
Branch of facial nerve and affects side of neck and plaits a muscle
Greater occipital nerve
Back of head and affects scalp as far as the top of the head
Smaller occipital nerve
At base of skull and affects scalp and muscles
Greater auricular nerve
Side of neck affecting external ear and area in front and back of ear
Cutaneous colli nerve
Side of neck and affects front and side of neck as far as breastbone
Blood vascular system
Heart and blood vessels
Lymph vascular system
Lymph glands and vessels
Thick walled muscular and elastic vessels. Carry oxygenated blood from heart to capillaries
Thin walled vessels forming networks in tissues connecting smaller arteries to veins
Thin walled vessels less elastic then arteries, prevent fluid back flow and carry deoxygenated blood back to heart
Functions of blood
Transport water, oxygen, food, remove carbon dioxide and waste, equalize body temp, protect from bacteria and infection, clot blood
Composition of blood
45% red, white and blood platelets / 55% plasma
Red blood cells
Carry oxygen from lungs to cells of body
White blood cells
Destroy disease and foreign bodies
Disintegrate rapidly when blood is shed to liberate substances that aid in clotting process
Fluid in which blood cells flow/ slightly alkaline yellow and 90% water and carries food, salt, proteins, waste, gases, enzymes, hormones, antibodies and antitoxins to and from body
Facial artery
Lower face, mouth and nose Sub branches: Sub-mental Inferior labial Angular Superior labial
Sub mental artery
Chin and lower lip
Inferior labial artery
Lower lib
Angular artery
Side of nose
Superior labial artery
Upper lip, septum and wing of nose
Superficial temporal artery
Muscles, skin, and scalp to front and top of head Branches: Frontal Parietal Transverse facial Middle temporal Anterior auricular
Frontal artery
Parietal artery
Crown and side of head
Transverse artery
Supplies masseter
Middle temporal artery
Anterior auricular artery
Anterior part of ear
Supra-orbital artery
Branch of internal carotid artery, supplies forehead, eye socket, eyelid and upper eye muscles
Infra-orbital artery
Muscles of eye
Occipital artery
Back of head up to crown
Posterior auricular artery
Scalp, back and above ear and skin behind ear
motor nerve fibres
attached ti the hair follicles and create goose bumps and part of sympathetic nervous system
sensory nerve fibres
sweat and oil glands of the skin
pain receptors
free nerve ensigns located in the dermis
meissner’s corpuscles
bundles of egg shaped receptors between the dermis and epidermis and inform the brain when skin is touched
merkel’s disks
bundles of oval shaped receptors located on the epidermis and register continuous touch
pacinian corpuscles
fast conducting bulb shaped receptors located in the dermis providing information on how and where we move
ruffini cylinder corpuscles
bulb shaped receptors located in the epidermis protected by connective tissue and contain interlaces networks of fires, directing cold, heat and pressure
sudoriferous glands
sweat glands
sebaceous glands
oil glands
eccrine sweat glands
coiled base and tube duct that terminates at the skin surface to form sweat pore, located all over the body
apocrine sweat gland
develops at puberty and found in axilla and genital areas
sebaceous gland
little sacs whose ducts open into the hair follicles and create a fatty oil on the surface of the skin; lubricates skin and preserves the softness of hair
functions of the skin
protection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion, secretion, absorption
stages of tissue repair
coagulation, inflammation, reconstruction, maturation
platelets gather to form clots, which then dehydrates and forms a crust to protect the wound from infection
destroys bacteria, swelling, redness, pain and lymph buildup
generation of new tissue from the basal cell layer
the injured tissue strengthens several times over years