Anatomy Flashcards
Describe arterial supply to each portion of the pancreas (right limb, body and left limb)
Bonus - any additional areas that receive blood from these main arterial suppliers?
Helical CT angiography of normal canine pancreas. VRU 47.3 (2006).
Left limb:
Celiac a –> splenic a. –> branches to left limb.
splenic a –> left gastroepiploic (greater curvature)
Celiac –> hepatic a. –> liver and pancreatic body
Right limb:
Celiac –> hepatic a. –> splits after the right gastric (supplies lesser curvature) –> continues as gastroduodenal a –> bifurcates into right gastroepiploic and cranial pancreaticoduodenal artery
Cranial mesenteric –> caudal pancreaticocuodenal –> anastamoses with CrPDa
Triple venous supply to pancreas
Helical CT angiography of normal canine pancreas. VRU 47.3 (2006).
Portal vein
Embryologically - how does the azygos vein form?
CT and MRI features of canine segmental caudal vena cava aplasia. JSAP 50.7
Right and left supracardinal vein –> become the azygos veins. As the embryo matures, the left regresses and becomes a hemiazygos vein, and the right remains prominent.
Where do the right/left azygos vein drain?
CT and MRI features of canine segmental caudal vena cava aplasia. JSAP 50.7
Right azygos: cranial vena cava, extrapericardially
Left azygos: coronary sinus (confluence of coronary veins into the right atrium) intrapericardially
What muscles make up the cricopharyngeal sphincter?
Normal swallowing in the dog: a cineradiographic study VRU 1979
Quantitative valuation of pharyngeal function in the dog VRU 41.5
cricopharyngeous and thyropharyngeous
List the order of the branches of the abdominal aorta and what are their major branches and suppliers?
Miller’s Anatomy
- celiac artery - left gastric (esophageal), splenic, hepatic (right gastric, gastroduodenal –> craniopancreaticoduodenal),
- Cranial mesenteric - common trunk - 1st (middle colic, right colic, ileocolic), caudal pancreaticoduodenal, jejunal, ileal
- Left/Right renal vessels
- Gonadal
- Caudal mesenteric - left colic, cranial rectal
- Deep circumflex iliac
- External iliac
- Internal iliac
List the order of the portal vessel supply, and their approximate levels
Millers anatomy
Dual phase CTA of normal canine portal and hepatic vasculature. VRU 45.2
Formation - at the confluence of caudal mesenteric and cranial mesenteric veins. Splenic vein (blood from spleen, stomach, pancreas, left gastric vein) - T13-L1 Gastroduodenal vein (drains portions of the pancreas, stomach, duodenum, omentum) - T11
List the order of the caudal vena cava supply (starting caudally)
Miller’s anatomy
Confluence of the common iliac veins form the caudal aspect.
Deep circumflex iliac veins
Right gonadal (Left empties into left renal vein)
Renal veins
Hepatic veins
Phrenic nerves - between the diaphragm and the liver
Where does the azygos vein form, and where do they drain?
Computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging features of canine segmental caudal vena cava aplasia. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 50.7 (2009)
Right azygos (predominant vein) - forms approximately at L1 - dorsal to the aorta before moving towards the right side. Drains into the cranial vena cava - extrapericardially
Left hemiazygos vein - drains at the coronary sinus (confluence of coronary veins tinto the right atrium) intrapericardially.
Describe the anatomy of the intervertebral disc.
What happens in Type 1 vs Type 2 Hansen disc disease?
Myelography vs CT in evaluation of intervertebral disc extrusion in condrodystrophic dogs. VRU 50.4 (2009)
Anatomy: Jelly donut center (nucleus pulposus), vs firmer rim, annulus fibrosis
Type 1: nucleus pulposus undergoes chondroid degeneration and minneralization, annulus fibrosus weakens, and disk material extrudes
Type 2: annulus fibrosis progressively thickens due to fibroid degeneration - progressive protrusion of the disc.