anatomy Flashcards
what are the sections of the male urethra?
prostatic (3m) membranous (2cm) and penile (15cm)
where is the voluntary sphincter muscle around the urethra?
muscles of the pelvic diaphragm around the membranous part
what is each erectile tissue compartment lined by?
tunica albuginea
where are the bartholian glands and what do they secrete?
postero-lateral border of vagina, secrete mucous to lubricate the vagina.
give the sections of the uterine tube, medially to laterally.
isthmus, ampulla (wider), infundibulum, fimbria (finger like projections that wrap themselves around the ovaries)
how long is the proliferating phase of the endometrium?
10 days
how do you find the deep inguinal ring?
midway along inguinal ligament - between ASIS and pubic tubercle.
where do the testivular veins drain into?
right into IVC, left into renal vein.
what are the layers outside the kidney and what is the clinical significance of this?
capsule, perinephric fat, fascia. limits the spread of disease
what is the order of vessels entering/leaving the kidney
name the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall.
psoas major and minor. iliacus. quadrates lumborum
what are the names of the arcuate ligaments? what is their function?
median, medial, lateral. link left and right crura of diaphragm.
describe the anatomy of the kidneys.
renal capsule, renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pyramid, renal pelvis, renal sinuses, major calyx, minor calyx.
what are the shapes of each adrenal gland? which one is lower and why?
right = tetrahedral = lower because of right lobe of liver, left = crescent
what is the blood supply of the adrenals?
inf phrenic, ab aorta, renal artery
what is the venous drainage ?
right adrenal vein drains into IVC, left into renal vein.
give the descending branches of the abdominal aorta in order?
celiac trunk (T12), superior mesenteric (L1) and middle suprarenal, renal (L2), gonadal, inferior mesenteric(L3), right and left common iliac (L4).
describe the venous drainage of the gonadal arteries?
right into IVC, left into renal.
how is the diaphragm attached to the vertebrae?
crura of the diaphragm. right arise from L1-L3 and fibres wrap around the oesophagus to create the lower oesophageal sphincter. left arises from L1-2
what does the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh innervate?
lateral thing from L2-3. runs over iliacus
which nerves innervate the sections of the thigh?
anterior = femoral. medial = obturator apart from hamstring part of the adductor magnus. posterior = sciatic.
name the bones that make up the pelvis bone?
ilium, ischium, pubis and sacrum. obturator foramen and sciatic foramen (made by ligament and bone)
what are the pelvic contents?
bladder, female repro organs, rectum.
describe the structure of the bladder.
two uretal opening. posterior, two anterior and superior. trigone lies on posterior surface. rugae of mucosa, single external urethral opening with smooth muscle surrounding. external urethral opening surrounded by skeletal muscle sphincter. periosteum overlies bladder.
what joins the two uretal openings?
interureteric bar. muscle.
describe the course of the vas deferens.
ascend away from the testes and in the spermatic cord, enter the inguinal ring, exit the inguinal ring and loop over ureters to descend towards seminal vesicles. embryologically, the testes travelled through the inguinal canal which is why the 30cm cord is looped over the ureters.
what are the branches of L1?
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal.
what are the boundaries of the diamond perineal area?
anteriorly = pubic symphsis. laterally = ischial tuberosities, posterior = tip of coccyx